Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. Volume 37.1 (2014) Pages: 23-33
A spatially explicit approach for estimating space use and density of common genets
Sarmento, P., Cruz, J., Eira, C., Fonseca, C.
Many species that occur at low densities are not accurately estimated using capture–recapture methods as such techniques assume that populations are well–defined in space. To solve this bias, spatially explicit capture–recapture (SECR) models have recently been developed. These models incorporate movement and can identify areas where it is more likely for individuals to concentrate their activity. In this study, we used data from camera–trap surveys of common genets (Genetta genetta) in Serra da Malcata (Portugal), designed to compare abundance estimates produced by SECR models with traditional closed–capture models. Using the SECR models, we observed spatial heterogeneity in genet distribution and density estimates were approximately two times lower than those obtained from the closed population models. The non–spatial model estimates were constrained to sampling grid size and likely underestimated movements, thereby overestimating density. Future research should consider the incorporation of cost–weighed models that can include explicit hypothesis on how environmental variables influence the distance metric.
Sarmento, P., Cruz, J., Eira, C., Fonseca, C., 2014. A spatially explicit approach for estimating space use and density of common genets. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 37: 23-33, DOI:
Reception date:
- 27/08/2013
Acceptation date:
- 12/03/2014
Publication date:
- 24/06/2014
- 2270
- 906