Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volume 7 (1981 (1983)) Pages: 25-33
Proctoeces maculatus (Loos, 1901; Odher, 1911) (Trematoda, Digenea): origen y desarrollo de una estructura sensorial de la cercaria
Ferrer, J.
The present study is based on the sensory structures of the cercaria of Proctoeces maculatus (Trematoda, Digenea), and in order to observer them under the electron microscope we proceeded to carry a double fiing of the material with glutaradehyde and OsO4 and to a subsequent inclusion in araldite. The sensory structure under study consists in a cavity in the skin of the cercaria inside which there is a cilium that lengthens basally in a neme end.
This structure is formed in virtue of a bulbous formation appearing immediately below the skin cytoplasm, and is related with uniciliated organs describeb in other trematode larvae and with their possible mecanoreceiver functions.
Ferrer, J., 1981 (1983). Proctoeces maculatus (Loos, 1901; Odher, 1911) (Trematoda, Digenea): origen y desarrollo de una estructura sensorial de la cercaria. Miscel·lània Zoològica, 7: 25-33-
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