Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volume 7 (1981 (1983)) Pages: 171-192

Sobre la variabilidad fenética y morfométrica de Mus spretus Lataste, 1883 en la Península Ibérica

Palomo, L. J., España, M., López-Fuster, M. J., Gosàlbez, J., Sans-Coma, V.




Data on intraspecific, phenetic and morphometric variability of M. spretus in the Iberian Peninsula are represented and discussed. Somatometrie, coloration and skull characteristics – craneometrie, zygomatic coeficient, zygomatic plate profile, groove of the 11 and palatal folds have been analyzed.
Iberian M. spretus do not present noteworthy features of phenic or morphometric diversification. In Northwestern populations certain characteristics wich differenciate this species whithin its genus are accentuated: shorter tails (absolute and relative length), higher zygomatic coeficient, lighter colour (tawny). Northern populations generally show smaller skull measures. Interdata differences cm be interpreted as an expression of the interpopulation variability which sometimes is shown in an indiscriminated way and others foliowing a determinated geographical pattem. These results agree with the genetical (bibliographical data) and cariological (authors’ unpublished data) stability shown by this species, and from them it can be concluded that there is no taxonomincal diversification (subspecific) in Iberican M. spretus.


Palomo, L. J., España, M., López-Fuster, M. J., Gosàlbez, J., Sans-Coma, V., 1981 (1983). Sobre la variabilidad fenética y morfométrica de Mus spretus Lataste, 1883 en la Península Ibérica. Miscel·lània Zoològica, 7: 171-192



