Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volume 8 (1984) Pages: 93-99

Análisis de la distribución geográfica y cromosómica en algunas especies de Ortopteros de alta montaña

López-Fernández, C., Gosálvez, J., Torre, J. d. l., Morales Agacino, E.




Analysis of the geographic and chromosomic distribution in some species of Orthoptera from mountain habitats
Some aspects of the chromosome system and the geographic distribution of six species of Iberian grasshoppers (Gomphocerus sibiricus, Arcyptera fisco, A. tornosi, Podisma pedestris, Melanoplus frigdus y Chorthippus jucundus), some of them characterized by a close relationship with mountain habitats, are commented in order to interpret the role that both could have played in the process of specific differentiation. The existence of a conection between the Pyrenees and the Sistema Central and the existence of isolated populations widespread within these areas, afford the means to make general comments about the evolutionary relationship between populations within determined species.


López-Fernández, C., Gosálvez, J., Torre, J. d. l., Morales Agacino, E., 1984. Análisis de la distribución geográfica y cromosómica en algunas especies de Ortopteros de alta montaña. Miscel·lània Zoològica, 8: 93-99



