Arxius de Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volumen 19 (2021) Páginas: 249-259
New records for crown wasps in Europe (Hymenoptera, Stephanidae)
Ceccolini, F., 2021. New records for crown wasps in Europe (Hymenoptera, Stephanidae). Arxius de Miscel·lània Zoològica, 19: 249-259, DOI:
Fecha de recepción:
- 24/08/2021
Fecha de aceptación:
- 30/12/2021
Fecha de publicación:
- 30/12/2021
- 3523
- 1131
New records for crown wasps in Europe (Hymenoptera, Stephanidae)
New occurrence records for two species of Hymenoptera Stephanidae are provided from several states of Europe. Stephanus serrator (Fabricius, 1798) is recorded for the first time for Portugal and with precise locality for Switzerland. Moreover, it is recorded for the first time in the following regions: Navarre (Spain), Wallonia (Belgium), Hesse, Berlin and Bavaria (Germany), Aosta Valley, Lombardy, Veneto, Abruzzo, Campania and Calabria (Italy), and Attica (Greece). Megischus anomalipes (Foerster, 1855) is recorded for the first time in mainland Portugal and Campania (Italy).
Checklist dataset published through GBIF (Doi: 10.15470/baost7)
Key words: Faunistics, New records, Megischus anomalipes, Stephanus serrator
Nuevos registros de avispas de corona en Europa (Hymenoptera, Stephanidae)
Nuevos registros de presencia de dos especies de Hymenoptera Stephanidae en varios estados de Europa. Stephanus serrator (Fabricius, 1798) se registra por primera vez en Portugal y con localización precisa en Suiza; por otra parte, se registra por primera vez en las siguientes regiones: Navarra (España), Valonia (Bélgica), Hesse, Berlín y Baviera (Alemania), Valle de Aosta, Lombardía, Véneto, Abruzos, Campania y Calabria (Italia) y Ática (Grecia). Megischus anomalipes (Foerster, 1855) se registra por primera vez en Portugal continental y Campania (Italia).
Lista de datos publicados en GBIF (Doi: 10.15470/baost7)
Palabras clave: Faunística, Nuevos registros, Megischus anomalipes, Stephanus serrator
Nous registres de vespes de corona a Europa (Hymenoptera, Stephanidae)
Nous registres de presència de dues espècies d’Hymenoptera Stephanidae en diversos estats d’Europa. Stephanus serrator (Fabricius, 1798) es registra per primera vegada a Portugal i amb localització precisa a Suïssa; d’altra banda, es registra per primera vegada a les regions següents: Navarra (Espanya), Valònia (Bèlgica), Hesse, Berlín i Baviera (Alemanya), la Vall d’Aosta, la Llombardia, el Vènet, els Abruços, la Campània i Calàbria (Italia) i l’Àtica (Grècia). Megischus anomalipes (Foerster, 1855) es registra per primera vegada a Portugal continental i la Campània (Itàlia).
Llista de dades publicades a GBIF (Doi: 10.15470/baost7)
Paraules clau: Faunística, Nous registres, Megischus anomalipes, Stephanus serrator
Stephanidae Leach, 1815 is rather small family of Hymenoptera that includes more than 360 extant species (Aguiar, 2004, 2006; van Achterberg and Yang, 2004; Aguiar and Jenning, 2005; van Achterberg and Quicke, 2006; Aguiar et al., 2010; Hong et al., 2010, 2011; Watanabe and van Achterberg, 2014; Tan et al., 2015; Hua-yan et al., 2016; Chen et al., 2016; Moghaddam et al., 2018; Binoy et al., 2020; Gupta and Gawas, 2020; Ge et al., 2021). Although the biology of many species is unknown, stephanids seem to be solitary idiobiont ectoparasitoids of wood boring insect larvae, mainly of Buprestidae and Cerambycidae, but also of Curculionidae, Siricidae, and solitary Apoidea (Aguiar, 2004).
Most such species are in subtropical and tropical areas (Benoit, 1984a, 1984b; Vilhelmsen, 1997; van Achterberg, 2002). Only four species occur in Europe (Hilszczański, 2011): of these, Foenatopus turcomanorum (Semenov, 1891) and Afromegischus gigas (Schletterer, 1889) are known in Europe only on the island of Crete (Hilszczański, 2011). Stephanus serrator (Fabricius, 1798) and Megischus anomalipes (Foerster, 1855) are more widespread on the continent (Madl, 2013) but records are scarce. These latter species can be well-differentiated by photograph because S. serrator has a ventral margin of hind femur with 3 tooth-like processes, while M. anomalipes has two tooth-like processes (Dal Pos and Turrisi, 2017). This note provides several new records of these two species in Europe, increasing faunistic knowledge of this little investigated group of insects.
Material and methods
The examined material originated from photographed specimens retrieved on the web (see the checklist dataset published through GBIF (Doi: 10.15470/baost7). For each site, the following information is given: locality, geographical coordinates, date, number and sex of specimens, and author of the photo. For each locality, geographical coordinates are in decimal degrees (datum WGS84). The number of decimals varies according to the accuracy of the data. Uncertainty of the data (in metres or kilometres) was indicated according to the point-radius method (Wieczorek et al., 2004). Each record was identified or confirmed by the author.
The abbreviations used in the material examined are:
BOLD, the Barcode of Life Data System (
FEI, Forum Entomologi Italiani (
FNM, Forum Natura Mediterraneo (
IN, Inaturalist (
IBER, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Sofia, Bulgaria
GMI, Galerie du Monde des insectes (
OB, (
SBSN, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen, Munich, Germany
WN, (
un., uncertainty
Results are published through GBIF (Doi: 10.15470/baost7).
Stephanus serrator (Fabricius, 1798)
Porto: Marco de Canaveses, 41.185373° N -8.149853° E (un. not recorded), 28.VIII.2021, 1♀, photo by ‘ratogijo007’ (IN).
Navarre: Larraun, 42.9349° N -1.8808° E (un. = 10 m), 20.VII.2019, 1♀, photo by Ana Andueza (OB). Catalonia: near Girona, 41.983781° N 2.667047° E (un. = 27.72 km), X.2018, 1♀, photo by Orlando Ferguson (IN).
Île-de-France: Frépillon, 49.051213° N 2.205767° E (un. = 4.21 km), 5.VII.2020, 1♀, photo by ‘ftvienne’ (IN); Cergy, 49.0364° 2.0761° E, 18.V.2019, 1♂, photo by ‘Bobabar’ (GMI); Montreuil, 48.8562093° N 2.4566782° E, 7.V.2011, 1♂, photo by ‘Raphael’ (GMI). Nouvelle-Aquitaine: Sainte-Soulle, 46.1833° N -1.0167° E, 28.VI.2007, 1♂, photo by ‘bobgaia’ (GMI); Courbiac, 44.3760000° N 1.0185062° E, 2.IX.2016, 1♀, photo by Brigitte Ulmer (GMI). Centre-Val de Loire: Sainte-Gemme, 46.8524° N 1.34° E, 8.VI.2008, 1♂, photo by Pierre Duhem (GMI). Occitanie: Marsillargues, 43.637557° N 4.136526° E (un. = 15 m), 3.VIII.2021, 1♀, photo by Bastien Louboutin (IN); Jonquières-Saint-Vincent, 43.8333° N 4.5667° E, 27.IV.2012, 1♀, photo by Christophe Germain (GMI); Avignonet-Lauragais, 43.3647500° N 1.7915480° E, 23.VII.2017, 1♂, photo by Catherine Reymonet (GMI); Saint-Julien-de-Peyrolas, 44.2833° N 4.5833° E, 17.VIII.2016, 2♀♀, photo by Françoise Vaselli (GMI); Sieuras, 43.1927° N 1.3515° E (un. = 10 m), 7.VI.2018, 1♂, photo by Hein Nouwens (OB). Grand Est: Lérouville, 48.7833° N 5.55° E, 26.VII.2006, 1♀, photo by Jean-Claude Henrion (GMI); Favières, 48.4667° N 5.95° E, 28.VI.2014, 1♀, photo by Sylvie Serrière (GMI); idem, 2.VII.2014, 1♀, photo by Sylvie Serrière (GMI); Ungersheim, 47.8785° N 7.308° E, 3.VI.2014, 1♂, photo by Andre Astric (GMI). Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes: Saint-Pierre-de-Chartreuse, 45.3333° N 5.8167° E, 18.VII.2019, 1♀, photo by Bernard Mallet (GMI); Sauvat, 45.30209° N 2.457359° E (un. = 104 m), 27.VI.2021, 1♀, photo by Benoît Segerer (IN). Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur: Solliès-Toucas, 43.194066° N 6.009239° E (un. = 2 m), 13.VIII.2020, 1♀, photo by ‘berzou’ (IN); Bouc-Bel-Air, 43.45° N 5.4167° E, 13.VIII.2012, 1♀, photo by ‘Fabricius’ (GMI); Cagnes-sur-Mer, 43.6639470° N 7.1371475° E, 15.V.2016, 1♂, photo by Pierre Gros (GMI); idem, 17.VII.2019, 1♂, photo by Pierre Gros (GMI); Claviers, 43.6046° N 6.5625° E (un. = 1000 m), 19.VI.2010, 1♀, at light, photo by Harm Alberts (OB).
Limburg: De Hamert – Stalberg, 51.5101° N 6.1661° E (un. = 25 m), 24.V.2019, 1♂, photo by Henny Martens (WN); idem, 51.5107° N 6.1653° E (un. = 5 m), 31.V.2019, 1♀, photo by Henny Martens (WN); idem, 51.5108° N 6.1653° E (un. = 15 m), 20.VI.2019, 1♀, photo by Henny Martens (WN); Nationaal Park de Meinweg, 51.1703° N 6.1337° E (un. = 10 m), 22.VI.2019, 1♀, photo by Willem Vergoossen (WN); Mount Saint Peter, 50.8159° N 5.6815° E (un. = 10 m), 11.V.2018, 1♂, photo by Gerwin van de Maat (WN); idem, 50.8160° N 5.6818° E (un. = 10 m), 1♂, photo by Jan Ligtenberg (WN); Stalberg, 51.5135° N 6.1613° E (un. = 100 m), 18.VII.2015, 1♀, photo by Lo Troisfontaine (WN); idem, 51.5082° N 6.1683° E (un. = 100 m), 5.VI.2016, 1♂, photo by Lo Troisfontaine (WN).
Wallonia: Namur province, Namur, 50.433181° N 4.866647° E (un. not recorded), 26.VI.2020, 1♀, photo by Gilles San Martin (IN) (fig. 1); Hainaut, surroundings Amougies, 50.740803° N 3.513859° E (un. = 4.15 km), 17.VI.2021, 1♀, photo by Valerie Van Herck (IN); Hainaut, Seneffe, 50.556448° N 4.253135° E (un. not recorded), 12.VII.2021, 1♀, photo by ‘gregsphotographie’ (IN).
Baden-Württemberg: Friesenheim, 48.393136° N 7.91604° E (un. = 296 m), 16.VI.2019, 1♂, photo by Corinna Herr (IN); idem, 48.392111° N 7.923784° E (un. = 8 m), 22.V.2020, 1♂, photo by Corinna Herr (IN); idem, 48.390541° N 7.92195° E (un = 35 m), 27.VI.2020, 1♂, photo by Corinna Herr (IN); idem, 48.390313° N 7.921003° E (un = 42 m), 27.VI.2020, 1♂, photo by Corinna Herr (IN); Oppenau, 48.457028° N 8.175081° E (un. = 31 m), 21.VI.2021, 1♂, photo by Corinna Herr (IN); Hartheim am Rhein, 47.93083° N 7.60543° E (un. not recorded), 8.V.2020, 1♂, photo by Ralph Martin (IN); Bahlingen am Kaiserstuhl, 48.107907° N 7.700798° E (un. = 750 m), 21.V.2020, 1 ♀, photo by Ralph Martin (IN); Welzheim, 48.876857° N 9.640583° E (un. = 20 m), 27.VI.2020, 1♂, photo by Micha Baum (IN); Neuenburg am Rhein, 47.875804° N 7.568298° E (un. = 124 m), 3.VII.2021, 1 ♀, photo by Joachim Wimmer (IN); Blumberg, 47.800395° N 8.496491° E (un. = 31 m), 26.VIII.2020, 1♀, photo by Gabriele Uhl (IN); Vogtsburg im Kaiserstuhl, 48.096676° N 7.683123° E (un. 533 m), 20.VII.2020, 1♀, photo by Joachim Wimmer (IN). Saxony: Haselberg-Straßenteich, 51.29615° N 12.650835° E (un. not recorded), 12.VI.2020, 1♀, photo by Martin Grimm (IN). Hesse: Stockstadt am Rhein, 49.805542° N 8.468787° E (un. = 32 m), 21.VI.2021, 1♂, photo by ‘mi_wa’ (IN). Brandenburg: Stahnsdorf, Güterfelde, 52.368976° N 13.184098° E (un. = 296 m), 2 specimens (1♂), 15.VI.2021, photo by ‘anduxi’ (IN). Berlin state: Treptow-Köpenick, 52.409612° N 13.528825° E (un. = 61 m), 15.VI.2021, 1♂, photo by ‘glandarius’ (IN). Bavaria: Jochenstein, 48.517° N 13.717° E, 15.VII.2008, 1♀, leg. G. Merkel-Wallner, SBSN, photo on BOLD; Wenzenbach, 49.093° N 12.157° E, 1.VII.2012, 1♀, D. Doczkal and A. Segerer leg., SBSN, photo on BOLD.
Aosta Valley: Aosta, Verrayes, 45.748302° N 7.529074° E (un. = 35 m), 6.VI.2020, 1♂, photo by Thomas Auffray (IN). Piedmont: Alessandria, Gavi, 44.709742° N 8.833328° E (un. = 5 m), 27.IV.2019, 1♂, photo by Sara Viale (IN); Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Albagnano, 45.966531° N, 8.58792° E (un. = 17 m), 21.IV.2019, 1♀, photo by Mattia Buratti (IN). Lombardy: Milano, Peschiera Borromeo, San Bovio, 45.46009° N 9.31562° E (un. = 3 m), 20.V.2017, 1♀, photo by ‘sanbovio1g_2017’ (IN); Bergamo, Endine Gaiano, 45.789264° N 9.9809° E (un. = 40 m), 20.II.2021, 1♀, photo by ‘mikymaf’ (IN); Brescia, Caino, 45.606114° N 10.314558° E (un. = 357 m), 17.VII.2020, 1♀, photo by Giuliano Parpaglioni (IN); Varese, Cardano al Campo, 45.637997° N 8.771329° E (un. not recorded), 26.VII.2020, 1♂, photo by Mattia Falaschi (IN). Trentino-Alto Adige: Bolzano, Marlengo, 46.662693° N 11.134248° E (un. = 6 m), 22.VII.2020, 1♀, photo by Felix Ladurner (IN); Trento, Mattarello, 46.00625° N 11.136673° E (un. = 1.4 km), 28.V.2018, 1♂, photo by Cristiano Marcolla, posted on IN by Karol Tabarelli de Fatis. Veneto: Treviso, Villorba, Lancenigo, 45.712738° N 12.277205° E (un. not recorded), 22.IV.2017, 1 ♀, photo by Marcello Consolo (IN); Vicenza, Castelgomberto, 45.565449° N 11.421553° E (un. not recorded), 22.VI.2019, 1♀, photo by Marco Vicariotto (IN). Friuli-Venezia Giulia: Gorizia, Ronchi dei Legionari, 1.X.2017, 1♀, photo by Lucio Morin (FEI). Emilia-Romagna: Piacenza, Bobbio, San Cristoforo, 44.74814° N 9.345253° E (un. = 4 m), 24.III.2019, 1♂, photo by Luciano Arcorace (IN); Ferrara, Terre del Reno, Mirabello, 44.833475° N 11.461499° E (un. = 4 m), 19.VI.2020, 1♂, photo by Andrea Grossi (IN); idem, 44.833578° N 11.461734° E (un. = 2 m), 21.VI.2020, 1♀, photo by Andrea Grossi (IN); idem, 44.833333° N 11.461944° E (un. not recorded), 26.VI.2021, 1♀, photo by Andrea Grossi (IN); Reggio Emilia, Cavriago, 44.715267° N 10.569526° E (un. not recorded), 23.VII.2020, 1♀, photo by ‘fre_nk’ (IN); Bologna, Castel d’Aiano, Monte Spe, 800 a.s.l., 21.V.2016, 1♂, photo by Loris Colacurcio (FEI); Ravenna, surroudings Alfonsine, 44.493273° N 12.064128° E (un. not recorded), 21.VII.2020, 1♀, photo by Enrico Gabrielli (IN). Tuscany: Firenze, Firenzuola, near Cascate di Moraduccio, 44.171753° N 11.482047° E (un. = 349 m), 10.VI.2018, 1♀, photo by Lorenzo ‘lorenzoco’ (IN); Prato, 43.865744° N 11.037564° E (un. = 177 m), 30.VIII.2020, 1♀, photo by Marco Huang (IN); Livorno, Campiglia Marittima, 43.082006° N 10.587528° E (un. not recorded), 30.VI.2021, 1♂, photo by Yannic Talarico (IN). Marche: Ancona, 22.V.2021, 1♀, photo by Giacomo Giovagnoli (FEI); Macerata, Camerino, 25.VII.2018, 1♀, photo by ‘mbondini’ (FNM). Latium: Roma, Nettuno, 41.470689° N 12.700879° E (un. = 5 m), 11.IX.2018, photo by Valerio Moretti (IN). Abruzzo: Barrea, 41.7611° N 13.9604° E, 20.VI.2011, 1♀, leg. T. Ljubomirov, IBER, photo on BOLD. Campania: Benevento, Sant’Agata de’ Goti, 41.080654° N 14.470882° E (un. = 65 m), 25.VII.2020, 1♀, photo by Gianluca De Rosa (IN); Caserta, Teano, 41.246611° N 14.069329° E (un. = 96 m), 6.VIII.2019, 1♂, photo by Ugo Raimondi (IN). Apulia: Foggia, San Marco in Lamis, Bosco San Matteo Gargano, 800 m a.s.l., 8.VII.2017, 1 ♀, photo by ‘michele21’ (FNM). Calabria: Catanzaro, Sant’Elia, 38.959118° N 16.580706° E (un. = 1.4 km), 30.VII.2020, 1♀, photo by Stefano Lazzaretti (IN).
Vaud: St-Cergue, 46.446617° N 6.120783° E (un. = 357 m), 6.VI.2020, 1 ♂, photo by Olivier Richardet (IN) (fig. 2).
Wien: Wien, Gregor-Mendel-Straße, 48.234503° N 16.337268° E (un. = 132 m), 26.VI.2020, 1♀, photo by ‘Joplo’ (IN); Wien, Währing, 48.232617° N 16.334421° E (un. = 7 m), 17.VI.2021, 1♂, photo by Lorin Timaeus (IN). Lower Austria: Hollabrunn, 48.716923° N 16.094379° E (un. not recorded), 4.VII.2020, 1♀, photo by Norbert Böck (IN). Styria: Straß in Steiermark, 46.727714° N 15.620664° E (un. = 133 m), 16.V.2021, photo by Karim Strohriegl (IN). Carinthia: Reißeck, 46.9133° N 13.268962° E (un. = 7 m), 11.VIII.2021, 1♀, photo by ‘ktafke’ (IN).
Czech Republic
South Moravian Region: Morkůvky, 48.961666° N 16.861053° E (un. not recorded), 6.VI.2020, 1♀, photo by Sarka Masova (IN).
Bratislava Region: Bratislava IV, Devín, 48.18258° N 16.989907° E (un. = 15 m), 3.VII.2021, 1♀, photo by Valerii Darmostuk (IN).
Pest: Gödöllő, 47.553174° N 19.243762° E (un. not recorded), 23.V.2021, 2♂♂, 6♀♀, photo by Gábor Keresztes (IN).
Sofia City Province: Stolichna, Sofia, 42.662542° N 23.304109° E (un. = 4 m), 4.VII.2021, 1♀, photo Kalin Radkov (IN).
Attica: Salamis Island, near Selinia, 37.929079° N 23.513327° E (un. = 10.07 km), 31.X.2013, 1♀, photo by Vaggelis Koutsoukos (IN).
Polyphagous, its biology is better known than that of other stephanids and it is one of only two species of which more than one host is known with certainty (van Achterberg, 2002; Aguiar, 2004); it attacks coleopterous hosts in both coniferous and angiospermous trees (van Achterberg, 2002). The following cerambycid beetles are listed as its host species: Callimus abdominalis (Olivier, 1795) (Grandi, 1951), Xylotrechus antilope (Schönherr, 1817) (Hausl-Hofstätter and Bojar, 2016), X. arvicola (Olivier, 1795) (Blüthgen, 1953; Lukáš, 19899; Heyrovský, 1995; Selfa et al., 2014), X. capricornis (Gebler, 1830) (Šedivý, 1967), Pogonocherus eugeniae Ganglbauer, 1891 (Pagliano, 1986), Ropalopus femoratus (Linnaeus, 1758), R. macropus (Germar, 1824) (Lukáš, 1989), Clytus arietis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Hausl-Hofstätter and Bojar, 2016), C. lama Mulsant, 1847 (Čapek et al., 1982; Lukáš, 1989), Pseudosphegesthes cinerea (Castelnau and Gory, 1835) (Turrisi, 2002), Saperda similis Laicharting, 1784 (Georgiev et al., 2004), and, to be confirmed, Cerambyx scopolii Fuessly, 1775 (Blüthgen, 1953) and Stictoleptura rubra (Linnaeus, 1758) (Hausl-Hofstätter, 2003). Another host is the Curculionidae Scolytinae Scolytus carpini (Ratzeburg, 1837) (Belokobylskij, 2019).
General distribution
Known in Austria, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Belgium, Corfu, Corsica, Crete, Croatia, Czech Republic, mainland France, Germany, mainland Greece, Hungary, mainland Italy, Iran, Lebanon, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Romania, Russia, Sardinia, Serbia, Sicily, Slovakia, Slovenia, mainland Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine (Pagliano, 1986; Turrisi, 2002; van Achterberg, 2002; Hilszczański, 2011; Madl, 2013; Lakatos and László, 2015; Ceccolini, 2016; Belokobylskij, 2019); and Portugal (present work).
Although S. serrator is reported from many countries in Europe, in some states precise localities seem to be lacking and faunistic knowledges of this species seem to be satisfying only for a few countries, e.g. Austria (Madl and Schwarz, 2014).
The species was first recorded in Portugal with the specimen from Marco de Canaveses. Many studies have recorded the occurrence of the species in Switzerland (Nees von Esenbeck, 1834; Sichel, 1865; Schletterer, 1889; Kieffer, 1902, 1908; Schmiedeknecht, 1930; van Achterberg, 2002; Aguiar, 2004; Madl, 2013) but localities have not been precise. The aforementioned specimens from St-Cergue is the first precise record for this country.
The species seems to be widespread in Spain, but avalaible data are scattered.It is known from the following regions: Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, Extremadura, Andalusia, Valencian Community, and Catalonia (Ceballos, 1926; Dusmet, 1935, 1944; Pujade-Villar et al., 2009; Selfa et al., 2014). The specimen from Larraun is the first record for Navarre.
In Belgium the species has been generically recorded by Madl (2013) and Madl and Schwarz (2014), but the only precise locality is provided by Creutzburg and Müller (2019) who reported the species in Beringen. Data from the present note are first records of S. serrator for the Wallonia region.
In Germany, where to date S. serrator was known in Rhineland-Palatinate, Baden-Württemberg, Thuringia, Brandenburg, and Saxony-Anhalt (Fabricius, 1798; Schmiedeknecht, 1895; Oehlke, 1984; Bathon, 1994; Völlger, 1994; Jansen et al., 1988; Burger, 2006; Jansen, 2009; Stark, 2010; Reder, 2011; Creutzburg and Müller, 2019), records for Hesse, Berlin, and Bavaria regions are quoted.
Many data from Italy are added to the scattered data known in the literature (Biegeleben, 1929; Pagliano, 1986; Madl, 1991; Turrisi, 2002; Contarini, 2010; Ceccolini, 2016): in particular, first records for Aosta Valley, Lombardy, Veneto, Abruzzo, Campania, and Calabria are provided. In Greece, where S. serrator was recorded by Hilszczański (2011), the specimen from Salamina island is the first record for the Attica region.
Megischus anomalipes (Foerster, 1855)
Alentejo: Beja, Mértola, 37.677387° N -7.837528° E (un. not recorded), 22.VIII.2020, 1♀, photo by ‘crpalma’ (IN) (fig. 3).
Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur: Cagnes-sur-Mer, 43.6633392° N 7.1363068° E, 13.VIII.2011, 1♀, photo by Pierre Gros (GMI); idem, 43.6639470° N 7.1371475° E, 22.VI.2016, 1♂, photo by Pierre Gros (GMI).
Tuscany: Firenze, 43.823903° N 11.2334° E (un. = 12 m), 23.V.2020, 1♀, photo by Francesca Graziani (IN). Campania: Salerno, Castellabate, ante 1980, 1♀, photo by Giuseppe Pace (FEI).
Attica: Saronikos, Palaia Fokaia, 37.698343° N 23.962509° E (un. = 2.56 km), 11.VI.2021, ♂, photo by Myrto Pollali (IN).
Its biology is almost unknown; it is probably a parasitoid of some species of Cerambycidae and Buprestidae (Turrisi, 2002; Hilszczański, 2011; Dal Pos and Turrisi, 2017).
General distribution
Known in the Czech Republic, mainland France, Greece, mainland Italy, Lebanon, Madeira, Romania, Sardinia, Serbia, Sicily, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, Hungary (Schmiedeknecht, 1930; Lukáš, 1989; Madl, 1991; Turrisi, 2002; van Achterberg, 2002; Aguiar, 2004; Hilszczański, 2011; Reder, 2011; Madl, 2013; Dal Pos and Turrisi, 2017).
The distribution of M. anomalipes is scattered and poorly known . The specimen from Alentejo is the first record for mainland Portugal: to date the only datum for Portugal was the occurrence from Madeira island (Schmiedeknecht, 1930; Madl, 1991, 2013).
In Italy, where the species is known from Trentino-Alto Adige, Veneto, Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna, Basilicata, Sardinia, and Sicily (Sichel, 1860; Biegeleben, 1929; Turrisi, 2002; Dal Pos and Turrisi, 2017), the first record for Campania is reported.
Finally, the specimens from Cagnes-sur-Mer confirm the occurrence of the species in France, where the only known precise locality (also in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region) was reported by van Achterberg (2002), while the record from Attica is added to the few records for Greece (Hilszczański, 2011; Reder, 2011; Dal Pos and Turrisi, 2017).
I would like to thank all the photographers who uploaded observations on the web. In particular, I am very grateful to Thomas Auffray, Mattia Falaschi, Felix Ladurner, Lorenzo ‘lorenzoco’, Stefano Lazzaretti, Valerio Moretti, Myrto Pollali, Ugo Raimondi, and Yannic Talarico (IN) for allowing me to use their data.