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Arxius de Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volumen 19 (2021) Páginas: 53-64

GBIF Dataset

New records of Crabronidae fauna (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) of Tunisia

Ben Khedher, H., Yıldırım, E., Braham, M.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32800/amz.2021.19.0053



Palabras clave

Avispas de la arena, Distribución, Nuevos registros, Túnez


Ben Khedher, H., Yıldırım, E., Braham, M., 2021. New records of Crabronidae fauna (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) of Tunisia. Arxius de Miscel·lània Zoològica, 19: 53-64, DOI: https://doi.org/10.32800/amz.2021.19.0053

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New records of Crabronidae fauna (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) of Tunisia

This study contributes to the knowledge of Crabronidae fauna in Tunisia based on specimens collected between 2017 and 2019. Thirty–three species and subspecies belonging to 14 genera representing three subfamilies, Astatinae, Crabroninae and Pemphredoninae, are identified. Fifteen species are new records for Tunisian insect fauna: Astata apostata Mercet, 1910; A. gallica de Beaumont, 1942; Dryudella pulawskii Schmid–Egger, 2014; Prosopigastra nuda (Nurse, 1903); P. punctatissima africana de Beaumont, 1955; Tachytes niloticus R. Turner, 1918; Liris agilis (F. Smith, 1856); L. cleopatra de Beaumont, 1961; Miscophus papyrus de Andrade, 1954; Solierella andradei de Beaumont, 1957; S. insidiosa de Beaumont, 1964; Palarus parvulus de Beaumont, 1949; Trypoxylon deceptorium Antropov, 1991; Diodontus insidiosus Spooner 1938; and Mimumesa unicolor (Vander Linden, 1829). Except for Ectemnius confinis (Walker, 1871), all the identified species have new provincial records. Geographical distribution in Tunisia and the world is given.

Data published through GBIF (Doi: 10.15470/u8hlo0)

Key words: Digger wasps, Distribution, New records, Tunisia


Nuevos registros de fauna de Crabronidae (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) de Túnez

El objetivo de este trabajo es contribuir al conocimiento de la fauna de Crabronidae presente en Túnez a partir de especímenes recolectados entre los años 2017–2019. Se identificaron 33 especies y subespecies pertenecientes a 14 géneros de tres subfamilias: Astatinae, Crabroninae y Pemphredoninae. Quince especies son nuevos registros para la fauna de insectos de Túnez: Astata apostata Mercet, 1910; A. gallica de Beaumont, 1942; Dryudella pulawskii Schmid–Egger, 2014; Prosopigastra nuda (Nurse, 1903); P. punctatissima africana de Beaumont, 1955; Tachytes niloticus R. Turner, 1918; Liris agilis (F. Smith, 1856); L. cleopatra de Beaumont, 1961; Miscophus papyrus de Andrade, 1954; Solierella andradei de Beaumont, 1957; S. insidiosa de Beaumont, 1964; Palarus parvulus de Beaumont, 1949; Trypoxylon deceptorium Antropov, 1991; Diodontus insidiosus Spooner 1938; y Mimumesa unicolor (Vander Linden, 1829). Excepto Ectemnius confinis (Walker, 1871), todas las especies identificadas son nuevos registros provinciales. Se establece la distribución geográfica de cada una de las especies en Túnez y en el mundo.

Datos publicados en GBIF (Doi: 10.15470/u8hlo0)

Palabras clave: Avispas de la arena, Distribución, Nuevos registros, Túnez


Nous registres de fauna de Crabronidae (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) de Tunísia

L’objectiu d’aquest treball és contribuir al coneixement de la fauna de Crabronidae present a Tunísia a partir d’espècimens recol·lectats entre els anys 2017–2019. Es van identificar 33 espècies i subespècies pertanyents a 14 gèneres de tres subfamílies: Astatinae, Crabroninae i Pemphredoninae. Quinze espècies són nous registres per a la fauna d’insectes de Tunísia: Astata apostata Mercet, 1910; A. gallica de Beaumont, 1942; Dryudella pulawskii Schmid–Egger, 2014; Prosopigastra nuda (Nurse, 1903); P. punctatissima africana de Beaumont, 1955; Tachytes niloticus R. Turner, 1918; Liris agilis (F. Smith, 1856); L. cleopatra de Beaumont, 1961; Miscophus papyrus de Andrade, 1954; Solierella andradei de Beaumont, 1957; S. insidiosa de Beaumont, 1964; Palarus parvulus de Beaumont, 1949; Trypoxylon deceptorium Antropov, 1991; Diodontus insidiosus Spooner 1938; i Mimumesa unicolor (Vander Linden, 1829). Excepte Ectemnius confinis (Walker, 1871), totes les espècies identificades són nous registres provincials. S’estableix la distribució geogràfica de cadascuna de les espècies a Tunísia i al món.

Dades publicades a GBIF (Doi: 10.15470/u8hlo0)

Paraules clau: Vespes de la sorra, Distribució, Nous registres, Tunísia


Faunal and systematic studies are necessary for adequate measures to be taken to protect biodiversity and maintain the equilibrium of the ecosystem (Renner and Ricklefs, 1994). However, studies on insects from Tunisia, including Spheciforms wasps, are scarce. According to Brothers (1999) and Melo (1999), the systematic and taxonomic position of this group of insects includes four families: Ampulicidae, Crabronidae, Heterogynaidae and Sphecidae. Several studies from around the world have focused on Crabronidae and studies dealing with Spheciformes in Tunisia were recently performed by Ben Khedher et al. (2019, 2020a, 2020b, 2020c, 2020d, 2020e, 2020f) and Mokrousov and Ben Khedher (2020). These contributions have considerably improved the knowledge of Tunisian fauna. Ben Khedher et al. (2020a) identified 22 species of the family Crabronidae Latreille, 1802 from Tunisia. A completed checklists for the family Sphecidae Latreille, 1802 and for the genera Cerceris Latreile, 1802 and Tachysphex Kohl, 1883 and for tribes Philanthini Latreille, 1802 and Pseudoscoliini Menke, 1967 have been established, listing 143 species and subspcies and reporting 11 new records for the country (Ben Khedher et al., 2020b, 2020c, 2020d, 2020e). The present study is a continuation of these publications and further contributes to knowledge of the Crabronidae fauna in Tunisia.

Material and methods

The present study is based on specimens collected from Tunisia using entomological nets between 2017 and 2019. Diverse identification keys, such as Pulawski (1959, 1962,
1979), Pulawski and Prentice (2008) and Schmid–Egger (2014), were used to identify specimens. Records published in Tunisia and distribution in the world are given for each species. Classification and general distribution mainly follow Pulawski (2020). Identified species are deposited in the collection Ben Khedher in the Regional Research Centre on Horticulture and Organic Agriculture at Chott Meriem (CRRHAB Chott Meriem, Sousse, Tunisia).


Subfamily: Astatinae Lepeletier de Saint Fargeau, 1845
Tribe: Astatini Lepeletier de Saint Fargeau, 1845

Astata Latreille, 1796

Astata apostata Mercet, 1910
Material examined: Mahdia: Sidi Alouane, Saada, 35º 22′ 0.2” N, 10º 49′ 52.1” E, 74 m, 18/06/2019, ♀.
Comment: this species is new for the Tunisian fauna.
General distribution: North Africa, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, Western Europe, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey (Antropov et al., 2017).

Astata boops (Schrank, 1781)
Material examined: Mahdia: Sidi Alouane, Ghlalba, 35° 22′ 49.6” N, 10° 49′ 50.6” E, 48 m, 19/06/2019, ♀.
Distribution in Tunisia: Tunis (Costa, 1893; Graeffe, 1906); Kairouan, Tunis (von Schulthess, 1926).
General distribution: Russia, Europe, North Africa, Abkhazia, Turkey, Israel, Yemen, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekitsan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, Korean Peninsula, India (Antropov et al., 2017), Kuwait, Saudi Arabia (Gadallah, 2020).

Astata gallica de Beaumont, 1942
Material examined: Mahdia: Sidi Alouane, Oued Beja, Khdhara, 35° 19′ 52.2” N, 10° 53′ 16.9” E, 54 m, 12/06/2017, ♀.
Comment: this species is new for the Tunisian fauna.
General distribution: Czech Republic, France, Italy, Morocco, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey (Pulawski, 2020).

Dryudella Spinola, 1843

Dryudella beaumonti (Pulawski, 1959)
Material examined: Mahdia: Sidi Alouane, Ghlalba, 35° 22′ 49.6” N, 10° 49′ 50.6” E, 48 m, 19/06/2019, 2 ♂♂; Sousse: Akouda, Chott Meriem, 35° 55′ 4.2” N, 10° 33′ 57.9” E, 17 m, 12/06/2018, 5 ♂♂.
Distribution in Tunisia: Kairouan (Pulawski, 1959).
General distribution: North Africa (Pulawski, 2020).

Dryudella bifasciata (von Schulthess, 1926)
Material examined: Kebili: South Kebili, Errahmat, 33° 39′ 1.8” N, 08° 58′ 27.4” E, 30 m, 17/05/2018, ♂; Tataouine: Ghomrasen, Ghordhab, 33° 05′ 6.4” N, 10° 29′ 46.2” E, 159 m, 08/05/2018, 7 ♂♂, ♀.
Distribution in Tunisia: Kairouan (von Schulthess, 1926).
General distribution: Arabian Peninsula (Kuwait, United Arab Emirates), Canary Islands, Israel, Jordan, North Africa, Spain (Gadallah, 2020).

Dryudella pulawskii Schmid–Egger, 2014
Material examined: Mahdia: Sidi Alouane, Chammar, 35° 18′ 34.3” N, 10° 53′ 31.6” E, 65 m, 05/05/2018, 2 ♀♀.
Comment: this species is new for the Tunisian fauna.
General distribution: United Arab Emirates (Schmid–Egger, 2014).

Subfamily: Crabroninae Latreille, 1802
Tribe: Crabronini Latreille, 1802
Subtribe: Crabronina Latreille, 1802

Ectemnius Dahlbom, 1845

Ectemnius confinis (Walker, 1871)
Material examined: Kebili: Douz, West Douz, 33° 27′ 4.1” N, 9° 1′ 4.5” E, 63 m, 19/05/2018, ♀.
Distribution in Tunisia: Kebili (Dollfuss, 2004); Tunis (Gribodo, 1896).
General distribution: Afghanistan, China, Europe, India, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Korean Peninsula, North Africa, Middle Asia, Pakistan, Palestine, Russia, Turkey (Pulawski, 2020).

Ectemnius continuus (Fabricius, 1804)
Material examined: Monastir: Bakalta, Hamedet Younes, 35° 37′ 39.5” N, 11° 0 0′ 11.2” E, 13 m, 27/07/2017, ♂.
Distribution in Tunisia: Tunis (Graeffe, 1906; Leclercq, 1993); Tunisia: ‘no specific locality’ (Costa, 1893).
General distribution: Russia, Europe, North Africa, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Iran, Iraq, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, Korean Peninsula, Japan, North America, Cuba, Guatemala, Venuzuela (Antropov et al., 2017).

Tribe: Larrini Latreille, 1810
Subtribe: Gastrosericina André, 1886

Gastrosericus Spinola, 1839

Gastrosericus moricei E. Saunders, 191
Material examined: Kasserine: Sbeitla, Athar, Oued Nakhil, 35° 14′ 41.6” N, 9° 5′ 40.5”E, 562 m, 04/09/2018, ♀; Tozeur: Dguech, Elmanechi, 33° 58′ 41.5” N, 8° 12′ 33.1” E, 63 m, 29/06/2018, 3 ♂♂, ♀, Nefta, Nefta Corbeille, 33° 51′ 0.0” N, 7° 51′ 52.4” E, 25 m, 28/06/2018, ♀.
Distribution in Tunisia: Jendouba, Medenine, Tozeur (Pulawski, 1995).
General distribution: Arabian Peninsula (Oman, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen), Burkina Faso, Gambia, India, Israel, Kazakhstan, Mali, Niger, North Africa, Pakistan, Senegal, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Togo (Gadallah, 2020), Iran (Ghaderipour et al., 2020).

Gastrosericus waltlii Spinola, 1839
Material examined: Kairouan: South Kairouan, Ragada, 35° 34′ 46.2” N, 10° 3′ 6.1”E, 92 m, 27/08/2018, ♂, ♀; Kasserine: Sbeitla, Athar, CFPA, 35° 13′ 18.7” N, 9° 5′ 26.8” E, 560 m, 03/09/2018, ♂; Kebili: South Kebili, Errahmat, 33° 39′ 1.8” N, 8° 58′ 27.4” E, 30 m, 18/05/2018, 2 ♂♂; Mahdia: Eljem, Achaba, 35° 18′ 53.3” N, 10° 47′ 31.1” E, 101 m, 02/07/2019, ♀, Aouled Lahmar, 35° 19′ 59” N, 10° 47′ 18.9” E, 99 m, 27/08/2019, ♀, Athamnia, 35° 20′ 20.5” N, 10° 46′ 54.3” E, 70 m, 22/07/2019 ♂, ♀, Ksour Essef, Alya, 35° 19′ 26.5” N, 11° 2′ 32.6” E, 1 m, 3/08/2018, 2 ♀♀, Route Ksour Essef – Sidi Alouane, 35° 23′ 54.9” N, 10° 58′ 23.5” E, 33 m, 01/07/2019, ♂, Rejich, 35° 26′ 35.8” N, 11° 0′ 51.4” E, 3 m, 18/09/2018, ♂, Sidi Alouane, Sidi Alouane, Zelba, 35° 13′ 48.8” N, 10° 51′ 30.1” E, 49 m, 11/08/2018, ♂; Sidi Bouzid: Aouled Hafouz centre, 35° 5′ 7.4” N, 9° 53′ 55.2” E, 207 m, 26/07/2018, ♂, East Sidi Bouzid, Elhachria, 34° 53′ 56.2” N, 9° 26′ 11.6” E, 326 m, 24/07/2018, ♀, West Sidi Bouzid, Elnouamer, 35° 1′ 27.1” N, 9° 29′ 39.9” E, 333 m, 23/07/2018, 5 ♂♂, Zaafria, 35° 1′ 39.8” N, 9° 17′ 18.3” E, 394 m, 25/07/2018, 6 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, Rgueb, Aouled Ayouni, 34° 49′ 14.5” N, 9° 51′ 7.7” E, 142 m, 18/08/2017, ♂; Tozeur: Dguech, Elmanechi, 33° 58′ 41.5” N, 8° 12′ 33.1” E, 63 m, 29/06/2018, ♀, Tozeur centre, Elberka oasis, 33° 55′ 1.0” N, 8° 8′ 23.3” E, 45 m, 26/06/2018, ♀.
Distribution in Tunisia: Gafsa, Kairouan, Kebili, Medenine, Sousse, Tunis, Tozeur (Pulawski, 1995).
General distribution: Angola, Arabian Peninsula (Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen), Armenia, Chad, China, Cyprus, Eritrea, Ghana, Greece, India, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Mongolia, Namibia, Pakistan, Russia, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Zimbabwe (Gadallah, 2020).

Prosopigastra A. Costa, 1867

Prosopigastra nuda (Nurse, 1903)
Material examined: Kebili: Douz, Douz centre, 33° 27′ 19.1” N, 9° 1′ 27.3” E, 70 m, 19/05/2018, ♂.
Comment: this species is new for the Tunisian fauna.
General distribution: Egypt, India, Oman (Gadallah, 2020).

Prosopigastra punctatissima africana de Beaumont, 1955
Material examined: Mahdia: Sidi Alouane, Zelba, 35° 13′ 48.8” N, 10° 51′ 30.1” E, 49 m, 17/06/2019, ♀, 23/07/2019, ♀, Saguiet Khadem, 35° 22′ 36.2” N, 10° 52′ 30.9” E, 53 m, 24/07/2019, ♂.
Comment: this subspecies is new for the Tunisian fauna.
General distribution: North Africa (Pulawski, 2020).

Prosopigastra zalinda de Beaumont, 1955
Material examined: Tataouine: North Tataouine, Oued Tlelet, 33° 2′ 41.8” N, 10° 28′ 24.0” E, 170 m, 12/05/2018, ♀, Route Tataouine – Medenine km 33, 33° 4′ 12.2” N, 10° 29′ 6.0” E, 163 m, 11/05/2018, ♂.
Distribution in Tunisia: Tunisia: ‘no specific locality’ (Pulawski, 1979).
General distribution: Russia, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Southern Europe, North Africa, Turkey, Israel, Kazakhstan, Mongolia (Antropov et al., 2017).

Tachytes Panzer, 1806

Tachytes freygessneri Kohl, 1881

Material examined: Beja: Mjedz Elbeb, South Mjez Elbeb, 36° 38′ 14.7” N, 9o 35′ 54.3” E, 53 m, 15/08/2018, ♂; Kairouan: South Kairouan, Ragada, 35° 34′ 46.2” N, 10° 3′ 6.1” E, 92 m, 27/08/2018, ♂; Mahdia: Eljem, Athamnia, 35° 20′ 20.5” N, 10° 46′ 54.3” E, 70 m, 22/07/2019, ♂, Ksour Essef, Alya, 35° 19′ 26.5” N, 11° 2′ 32.6” E, 1 m, 03/08/2018, ♂, Rejich, 35° 26′ 35.8” N, 11° 0′ 51.4” E, 3 m, 18/09/2018, 4 ♂♂, ♀, Sidi Alouane, Zelba, 35° 13′ 48.8” N, 10° 51′ 30.1” E, 49 m, 17/07/2019, 4 ♂♂; Tataouine: North Tataouine, Oued Tlelet, 33° 2′ 41.8” N, 10° 28′ 24.0” E, 170 m, 12/05/2018, 2 ♀♀, Route Tataouine-Medenine km 33, 33° 4′ 12.2” N, 10° 29′ 6.0” E, 163 m, 10/05/2018, ♀; Tozeur: Chbika, centre, 34° 19′ 23.8” N, 7° 56′ 20.7” E, 175 m, 27/06/2018, ♀, Dguech, Elmanechi, 33° 58′ 41.5” N, 8° 12′ 33.1” E, 63 m, 29/06/2018, ♀.
Distribution in Tunisia: Gafsa, Sfax, Tozeur (von Schulthess, 1926); Tunisia: “no specific locality (Costa, 1893).
General distribution: Europe, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, North Africa, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan (Pulawski, 2020).

Tachytes maculicornis E. Saunders, 1910
Material examined: Mahdia: Sidi Alouane, Saada, 35° 22′ 0.2” N, 10° 49′ 52.1” E, 74 m, 04/09/2019, ♀; Tozeur: Nefta, Nefta oasis, 33° 52′ 39.1” N, 7° 52′ 34.9” E, 56 m, 28/06/2018, ♂, ♀.
Distribution in Tunisia: Kairouan von Schulthess, 1926; Pulawski, 1962).
General distribution: Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia (Pulawski, 2020).

Tachytes niloticus R. Turner, 1918
Material examined: Mahdia: Rejich, 35° 26′ 35.8” N, 11° 0′ 51.4” E, 3 m, 18/09/2018, ♀; Tozeur: Tozeur centre, Elberka oasis, 33° 55′ 1.0” N, 8° 8′ 23.3” E, 45 m, 26/06/2018, ♀.
Comment: this species is new to the Tunisian fauna.
General distribution: Arabian Peninsula (Oman, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates), Israel, North Africa, Tajikistan (Gadallah, 2020).

Tachytes simillimus von Schulthess, 1926
Material examined: Tataouine: North Tataouine, Oued Tlelet, 33° 2′ 41.8” N, 10° 28′ 24.0” E, 170 m, 12/05/2018, ♂.
Distribution in Tunisia: Gafsa, Tunis (von Schulthess, 1926).
General distribution: North Africa, Saudi Arabia (Gadallah, 2020).

Subtribe: Larrina Latreille, 1810

Liris Fabricius, 1804

Liris agilis (F. Smith, 1856)
Material examined: Kebili: South Kebili, Errahmat, 33° 39′ 1.8” N, 8° 58′ 27.4” E, 30 m, 17/05/2018, ♀.
Comment: this species is new for the Tunisian fauna.
General distribution: Arabian Peninsula (Kuwait, Oman, United Arab Emirates), Canary Islands, Cape Verde Islands, China, Gambia, Israel, Jordan, Malta, North Africa, Sudan (Gadallah, 2020).

Liris atratus (Spinola, 1805)
Material examined: Mahdia: Eljem, Athamnia, 35° 20′ 20.5” N, 10° 46′ 54.3” E, 70 m, 28/08/2019, ♀, Sidi Alouane, Sidi Alouane 1, 35° 22′ 37.5” N, 10° 56′ 17.94” E, 60 m, 17/07/2018, 2 ♀♀.
Distribution in Tunisia: Gafsa (Schulz, 1905); Gabes, Gafsa, Kairouan (von Schulthess, 1926); Tunis (Graeffe, 1906); Tunisia: ‘no specific locality’ (Smits van Bürgst, 1913a, 1913b; Coulon, 1925).
General distribution: Arabian Peninsula (Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab Emirates), Mediterranean region to Iran and Central Asia (Gadallah, 2020).

Liris cleopatra de Beaumont, 1961
Material examined: Mahdia: Eljem, Zghabna, 35° 20′ 57.6”” N, 10° 49′ 9” E, 74 m, 12/08/2019, 3 ♂♂, Sidi Alouane, Oued Beja 1, 35° 20′ 1.3” N, 10° 53′ 32.6” E, 51 m, 29/04/2018, ♂, Sidi Alouane 1, 35° 22′ 37.5” N, 10° 56′ 17.94” E, 60 m, 17/07/2018, ♂.
Comment: this species is new for the Tunisian fauna.
General distribution: Egypt, Israel, Sudan, United Arab Emirates (Gadallah, 2020).

Liris festinans praetermissus (Richards, 1928)
Material examined: Monastir: Bakalta, Zbed, 35° 37′ 31.1” N, 11° 1′ 38” E, 14 m, 27/07/2017, ♀.
Distribution in Tunisia: Tunisia: ‘no specific locality’ (de Beaumont, 1961).
General distribution: Afghanistan, Arabian Peninsula (Oman, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates), Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Greece, Iran, Israel, Italy, Malta, North Africa, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sudan, Syria (Gadallah, 2020).

Liris niger (Fabricius, 1775)
Material examined: Sidi Bouzid: East Sidi Bouzid, Elhachria, 34° 53′ 56.2” N, 9° 26′ 11.6” E, 326 m, 24/07/2018, ♂; Siliana: Kisra, centre, 35° 47′ 46.9” N, 9° 21′ 10” E, 809 m, 27/04/2018, ♀.
Distribution in Tunisia: Kairouan (von Schulthess, 1926); Tunis (Graeffe, 1906; von Schulthess, 1926); Tunisia: ‘no specific locality’ (Costa, 1893; Smits van Bürgst, 1913a, 1913bb).
General distribution: Afghanistan, Arabian Peninsula (United Arab Emirates, Yemen), Austria, Bulgaria, Canary Islands, Central Asia, China, Croatia; Cyprus, Czech Republic, Eritrea, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, ?India, Iran, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Malta, Mongolia, North Africa, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, ?Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine (Gadallah, 2020).

Liris nigricans (Walker, 1871)
Material examined: Kairouan: South Kairouan, Ragada, 35° 34′ 46.2” N, 10° 3′ 6.1” E, 92 m, 27/08/2018, ♀; Sidi Bouzid: East Sidi Bouzid, Elhachria, 34° 53′ 56.2” N, 9° 26′ 11.6” E, 326 m, 24/07/2018, 2 ♂♂.
Distribution in Tunisia: Tunis (Gribodo, 1894; Graeffe, 1906).
General distribution: Afghanistan, Arabian Peninsula (Oman, United Arab EmiratesYemen), Cameroun, Canary Islands, Cape Verde Islands, Chad, Central African Republic, China, Cyprus, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Greece, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Kazakhstan, Madagascar, North Africa, Russia, Spain, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Turkey, Uzbekistan (Gadallah, 2020).

Tribe: Miscophini W. Fox, 1894

Miscophus Jurine, 1807

Miscophus papyrus de Andrade, 1954
Material examined: Kebili: Janouara, Rass Elain, 33° 42′ 2.3” N, 8° 59′ 26. 4” E, 56 m, 16/05/2018, ♀.
Comment: this species is new to the Tunisian fauna.
General distribution: Algeria, Arabian Peninsula (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates), Egypt, Iran, Libya (Gadallah, 2020).

Solierella Spinola, 1851

Solierella andradei de Beaumont, 1957
Material examined: Mahdia: Sidi Alouane, Saada, 35° 22′ 0.2” N, 10° 49′ 52.1” E, 74 m, 18/06/2019, ♀.
Comment: this species is new for the Tunisian fauna.
General distribution: Morocco (Pulawski, 2020).

Solierella insidiosa de Beaumont, 1964
Material examined: Tataouine: Ghomrasen, Ghordhab, 33° 5′ 6.4” N, 10° 29′ 46.2” E, 159 m, 07/05/2018, ♂.
Comment: this species is new for the Tunisian fauna.
General distribution: Spain, Syria, United Arab Emirates (Gadallah, 2020).

Tribe: Oxybelini Leach, 1815

Oxybelus Latreille, 1796

Oxybelus spectabilis Gerstaecker, 1867
Material examined: Mahdia: Sidi Alouane, Lemsanaa, 35° 19′ 44.5” N, 10° 54′ 51.3” E, 41 m, 01/06/2018, ♀, Oued Beja, Aouled Bouzid, 35° 20′ 34” N, 10° 53′ 34.6” E, 59 m, 06/05/2017, ♀.
Distribution in Tunisia: Tunisia: ‘no specific locality’ (Bitsch and Leclercq, 2009).
General distribution: Iberian Peninsula, North West Africa (Pulawski, 2020).

Tribe: Palarini Schrottky, 1909

Palarus Latreille, 1802

Palarus fulviventris Latreille, 1812

Material examined: Kebili: South Kebili, Errahmat, 33° 39′ 1.8” N, 8° 58′ 27.4” E, 30 m, 17/05/2018, ♂.
Distribution in Tunisia: Tozeur (Pulawski and Prentice, 2008).
General distribution: Arabian Peninsula (Oman, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates), Iran, Israel, Kazakhstan, North Africa, Russia, Pakistan, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan (Gadallah, 2020).

Palarus parvulus de Beaumont, 1949
Material examined: Tataouine: Ghomrasen, Ghordhab, 33° 5′ 6.4” N, 10° 29′ 46.2” E, 159 m, 07/05/2018, ♂.
Comment: this species is new for the Tunisian fauna.
General distribution: Arabian Peninsula (Oman, United Arab Emirates), North Africa south to Mauritania, Israel, Jordan (Gadallah, 2020).

Tribe: Trypoxylini Lepeletier de Saint Fargeau, 1845

Trypoxylon Latreille, 1796

Trypoxylon deceptorium Antropov, 1991
Material examined: Kebili: Douz, West Douz, 33° 27′ 4.1” N, 9° 1′ 4.5” E, 63 m, 19/05/2018, ♀; Monastir: Bakalta, Ras Dimes, 35° 37′ 43.1” N, 11° 0′ 40.4′ E, 2 m, 27/07/2017, ♂; Sousse: Bouficha, Salloum, 36° 18′ 12.3” N, 10° 28′ 29.1” E, 5 m, 14/07/2017, ♀, Bir Elhaj Ammar, 36° 18′ 34.8” N, 10° 25′ 4.4” E, 17 m, 28/07/2017, ♂, Akouda, Chott Meriem, Oued Braham, 35° 54′ 48.28” N, 10° 33′ 35.24” E, 35 m, 12/04/2017, ♀; Zaghouan: Bir Halima, 36° 23′ 30.9” N, 10° 2′ 5.5” E, 190 m, 20/04/2018, ♂.
Comment: this species is new for the Tunisian fauna.
General distribution: Europe, Iran, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Middle Asia, North Africa, Palestine, Syria, Turkey (Pulawski, 2020).

Trypoxylon scutatum Chevrier, 1867
Material examined: Kebili: Douz, West Douz, 33° 27′ 4.1” N, 9° 1′ 4.5” E, 63 m, 19/05/2018, ♀; Sidi Bouzid: West Sidi Bouzid, Zaafria, 35° 1′ 39.8” N, 9° 17′ 18.3” E, 394 m, 25/07/2018, ♀.
Distribution in Tunisia: Tozeur (Ben Khedher et al., 2019).
General distribution: Afghanistan, Albania, Arabian Peninsula (Oman, United Arab Emirates), Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, North Africa, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan (Gadallah, 2020).

Subfamily: Pemphredoninae Dahlbom, 1835
Tribe: Pemphredonini Dahlbom, 1835

Diodontus Curtis, 1834

Diodontus insidiosus Spooner, 1938
Material examined: Beja: Mjez Elbeb, South Mjez Elbeb, 36° 38′ 14.7” N, 9o 35′ 54.3” E, 53 m, 17/08/2018, ♂, Kebili: Janouara, Rass Elain, 33° 42′ 2.3” N, 8° 59′ 26. 4” E, 56 m, 16/05/2018, ♂; Mahdia: Sidi Alouane, Aouled Kloula, 35° 22′ 9.4” N, 10° 51′ 22.6” E, 64 m, 06/04/2018, 16 ♂♂, Oued Beja, 35° 20′ 34.4” N, 10° 52′ 54.7” E, 68 m, 29/04/2017, 14 ♂♂, Oued Beja 1, 35° 20′ 1.3” N, 10° 53′ 32.6” E, 51 m, 30/03/2018, ♂; Sousse: Chott Meriem, Oued Braham, 35° 54′ 48.28” N, 10° 33′ 35.24” E, 35 m, 12/04/2017, 2 ♂♂ ; Nabeul: Haouaria, Gharnem, 37° 2′ 16.6” N, 11° 0′ 19.7” E, 18 m, 14/09/2017, ♂; Tozeur: Temeghza, Cascade 1, 34° 22′ 54.2” N, 7° 55′ 58.4” E, 270 m, 27/06/2018, ♂.
Comment: this species is new for the Tunisian fauna.
General distribution: Europe, Russia (Pulawski, 2020).

Tribe: Psenini A. Costa, 1858

Mimumesa Malloch, 1933

Mimumesa unicolor (Vander Linden, 1829)
Material examined: Beja: Mjez Elbeb, South Mjez Elbeb, 36° 38′ 14.7” N, 9o 35′ 54.3” E, 53 m, 15/08/2018, ♂.
Comment: this species is new for the Tunisian fauna.
General distribution: Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, China, Europe, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Middle Asia, Pakistan, Palestine, Russia, Turkey (Pulawski, 2020).


In this study, 33 species from 14 genera and three subfamilies: Astatinae (two genera, six species), Crabroninae (10 genera, 25 species) and Pemphredoninae (two genera, two species), are identified and include 15 newly recorded taxa for Tunisia. To date, Solierella andradei has only been reported from Morocco (de Beaumont, 1957) and Dryudella pulawskii from the United Arab Emirates (Schmid–Egger, 2014). This study therefore adds Tunisia as a second repartition area for these two taxa worldwide.

Some of the species and subspecies from Tunisia have been recorded previously (de Beaumont, 1961; Pulawski, 1979; Bitsch and Leclercq, 2009) but the authors did not specify locality. These taxa are: Prosopigastra zalinda, Liris festinans praetermissus and Oxybelus spectabilis. In the present study, the presence of these taxa in Tunisia is confirmed by new provincial records. Also, Dryudella beaumonti, Prosopigastra punctatissima africana and Solierella andradei are three species known as North African species that occur only in this region.

Species identified in this study were collected from 13 provinces and most of them have new local and provincial records. Mahdia province is the richest with 15 species and subspecies, followed by Kebili (10 species and subspecies), Tataouine, and Tozeur (six species and subspecies). Despite the attention and contributions given to Crabronidae in Tunisia, knowledge of this fauna has yet to be extended, especially in the provinces of Kasserine, Siliana and Zaghouan where records are limited.


We would like to thank Dr. Toshko Ljubomirov (Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) for identifying a part of the material. We also thank the directors of the Agriculture Vocational Training centres (CFPA) of Sbeitla–Kasserine, Testour–Beja and Ghordhab–Tataouine and the directors of: Regional Research Centre on Horticulture and Organic Agriculture at Chott Meriem (CRRHAB)–Sousse, Institute of Arid Regions (IRA)–Regional Direction of Kebili and Regional Centre for Research in Oasian Agriculture (CRRAO) Deguache–Tozeur (Tunisia) for their significant collaboration and help in the collection of specimens from various regions of Tunisia.


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