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Arxius de Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volumen 21 (2023) Páginas: 151-252

The collection of type specimens belonging to the families Archeocrypticidae, Pythidae and Tenebrionidae III (Coleoptera) deposited in the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona, Spain

Viñolas, A., Caballero-López, B., Masó, G.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32800/amz.2023.21.0151



Palabras clave

Colección de tipos, Coleoptera, Familias Archeocrypticidae, Phythidae y Tenebrionidae III, Revisión taxonómica


Viñolas, A., Caballero-López, B., Masó, G., 2023. The collection of type specimens belonging to the families Archeocrypticidae, Pythidae and Tenebrionidae III (Coleoptera) deposited in the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona, Spain. Arxius de Miscel·lània Zoològica, 21: 151-252, DOI: https://doi.org/10.32800/amz.2023.21.0151

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The collection of type specimens belonging to the families Archeocrypticidae, Pythidae and Tenebrionidae III (Coleoptera) hosted in the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona, Spain

The type collection of the families Archeocrypticidae, Pythidae and Tenebrionidae III (Coleoptera) deposited in the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona, Spain, was organised, revised and documented. The collection contains 1,216 type specimens representing 238 different taxa. Of note, is a considerable number of species belonging to families described by Francesc Español, Maurice Antoine, Pierre Ardoin, Carlo Koch and Zoltán Kaszab. In this paper we provide all the available information relating to these type specimens. For all taxa (species or subspecies) we give the following information: original and current taxonomic status, original citation of type material, the exact transcription of the original label, and the preservation condition of the specimen. We also discuss the differences between the original descriptions and labels. If a taxonomic change has occurred, the references describing those changes are included at the end of the description.

Key words: Collection type, Coleoptera, Families Archeocrypticidae, Phythidae and Tenebrionidae III, Taxonomic revision


Colección de ejemplares tipo de las familias Archeocrypticidae, Pythidae y Tenebrionidae III (Coleoptera) depositados en el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona, España

Se ha organizado, revisado y documentado la colección de especímenes tipo de las familias Archeocrypticidae, Pythidae y Tenebrionidae (Coleoptera) depositados en el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona. La colección está constituida por 1.216 ejemplares tipo, con un total de 238 taxones. Debe destacarse la presencia de un gran número de especies de las familias descritas por Francesc Español, Maurice Antoine, Pierre Ardoin, Carlo Koch y Zoltán Kaszab. En este trabajo se facilita toda la información disponible relacionada con los especímenes tipo. Así para cualquier taxón, especie o subespecie, se incluye la siguiente información: situación taxonómica original y la actual, cita original del material tipo, transcripción exacta de las etiquetas originales y estado de conservación de los ejemplares. Además, se comentan las diferencias existentes entre la descripción original y la etiqueta. Cuando se han producido cambios taxonómicos en la especie, en el apartado de referencias se incluye la bibliografía correspondiente.

Palabras clave: Colección de tipos, Coleoptera, Familias Archeocrypticidae, Phythidae y Tenebrionidae III, Revisión taxonómica


Coŀlecció d'exemplars tipus de les famílies Archeocrypticidae, Pythidae i Tenebrionidae III (Coleoptera) dipositats al Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, Espanya

S'ha organitzat, revisat i documentat la coŀlecció d'espècimens tipus de les famílies Archeocrypticidae, Pythidae i Tenebrionidae (Coleoptera) dipositats al Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona. La coŀlecció està constituïda per 1.216 exemplars tipus, amb un total de 238 tàxons. Hi destaca la presència d'un gran nombre d'espècies de la famílies descrites per Francesc Español, Maurice Antoine, Pierre Ardoin, Carlo Koch i Zoltán Kaszab. En aquest treball es facilita tota la informació disponible relacionada amb els espècimens tipus, incloent-hi per a cada tàxon, espècie o subespècie la situació taxonòmica original i l'actual, la citació original del material tipus, la transcripció exacta de les etiquetes originals i l'estat de conservació dels exemplars. A més a més, es comenten les diferències existents entre la descripció original i l'etiqueta. Quan s'han produït canvis taxonòmics en l'espècie, s'inclou la bibliografia corresponent a l'apartat de referències.

Paraules clau: Coŀlecció tipus, Coleoptera, Famílies Archeocrypticidae, Phythidae i Tenebrionidae III, Revisió taxonòmica


The arthropod collections in the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona (MCNB), Catalonia, Spain, house over 1.9 million specimens of arthropods, almost half of which are beetles (Coleoptera, Hexapoda). A decade ago, we began to study the type specimens as part of an on–going effort to publish the types of all the specimens in the MCNB’s arthropod collection. The first collections to be revised were: Ptinidae (Coleoptera): 8,854 specimens and 498 taxa (Viñolas and Masó, 2013); Carabidae (Coleoptera): 431 specimens and 156 taxa (Viñolas and Masó, 2014); Dytiscidae, Histeridae, Hydraenidae and Staphylinidae (Coleoptera): 130 specimens and 66 taxa (Viñolas et al., 2014); the superfamilies Scarabaeoidea, Buprestoidea, Byrrhoidea, Elateroidea, Cleroidea, Cucujoidea, Tenebrionoidea, Chrysomeloidea and Curculionoidea (Coleoptera): 533 specimens and 170 taxa (Viñolas et al., 2016); and Tenebrionidae I and II: 639 specimens and 175 taxa (Viñolas et al., 2017, 2018).

Here we discuss a sixth group, consisting of the families Archeocrypticidae, Phythidae and Tenebrionidae III (Coleoptera) containing 1,216 specimens and 238 taxa. Due to the large number of taxa included, the Tenebrionidae family was divided into subfamilies that will be discussed in this and future notes. The collection consists mainly of species described by specialists in this family, including Pierre Ardoin, Maurice Antoine, Francesc Español, Zoltán Kaszab and Carlo Koch. The identification of further type specimens is the result of research carried out by a number of the Museum's collaborators.

The collection of the Tenebrionidae was reorganised during this revision. Registration numbers were added to all dried specimens. The database of type specimens was updated and will soon be available in GBIF.


Each type specimen included in this revision is described using all available information regarding both its original and current taxonomic status. If any taxonomic change has occurred, a brief discussion is included. The references that discuss these changes are included in the bibliography. The systematics of Bouchard et al. (2021) and Iwan and Lölb (2020) are followed at suprageneric level and modern revisions have been consulted for each taxonomic group. The following information was examined and included for each taxon with type specimens in the Museum's collection:
• Original status: original taxonomic status.
• Present status: only if it has changed.
• Original type material citation: the literal transcription of the material type as given in the original publication is placed in guillemets « ».
• Localities of type material in MCNB: localities of type specimens deposited in the collection together with the current toponym.
• Holotype depositary: the private or institutional collection in which the holotype is deposited, given in parentheses (—) if unknown.
• Type material contains the following details: register number, number of specimens (specified only if it is not one), sex of each specimen, given in parentheses (—) if unknown; square brackets [ ] indicate the beginning and the end of the label, vertical bars are used to indicate the end of a line (|), a space is used between labels (] [) and a full stop between mounts (.). All data on the label are quoted unless illegible ([?]). Additional information is added in parentheses: extracted aedeagus, separate abdomen, and comments about the preservation status of the specimen.
• Remarks: discrepancies between the original description and the specimen labels are discussed here. Other specific considerations may also be included.
• References: when a taxonomic change has occurred, the references that discuss these changes are listed.

Acronyms of institutional and private collections mentioned in the text

Institutional collections
• IFAN, Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Dakar, Senegal
• HNHM, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, Hungary
• MCNB, Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, Spain
• MGF, Museum G. Frey, Tutzing, Germany
• NHM, Natur al History Museum of Helsinki. Finland
• MHNG, Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Switzerland
• MHNM, Museu De História Natural de Maputo, Mozambique
• MAKB, Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany
• MNCN, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid, Spain
• MNHN, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France
• MRAC, Musée Royal de l'Afrique Central, Tervuren, Belgium
• MZB, (Museu de Zoologia de Barcelona) Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona. Spain
• ZSM, Zoologische Staatssammlung München, Munich, Germany
• TM, Transvaal Museum, Pretoria, South Africa

Private collections
• AC, Antonio Cobos, Almería, Spain (deposited in Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid)
• AS, Adrian Schuster, Wien, Austria
• JM, Joaquin Mateu, Barcelona, Spain
• HJB, Hans-Joachim Bremer, Osnabrück, Germany
• LEP, Luís E. Peña G. Santiago, Chile
• SC, Silvano Canzoneri, Venice, Italy
• PA, Pierre Ardoin (deposited in Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France)

List of type specimens belonging to the families Archeocrypticidae, Pythidae and Tenebrionidae III (Coleoptera) deposited in the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona

Family Archeocrypticidae Kaszab, 1964

Sivacrypticus bremeri Kaszab, 1981
Original status: Sivacrypticus bremeri Kaszab, 1981b: 111
Present status: Sivacrypticus bremeri Kaszab, 1981
Original type material citation: «Holotyus (♂) aus Nordost-Thailand: Khon Kaen, ad lucem, 19.III.1980. Leg. Dr. Sastri Saowakontha, in der Sammlung Prof. Dr. Bremer, dem teh die neue Art widme.- Paratypen: aus derselben Lokalität, nur die Fangdaten sind verschieden: 22.III.1980 (4 Ex.), 23.III.1980 (1 Ex.), 22.IV.1980 (1 Ex.), 27.V.1980 (1 Ex.), 28.V.1980 (1 Ex.), und 22.VI.1980 (1 Ex.); weiters (1 Ex.) aus Ban Nong Gung, Nahe Khon Kaen, am Fluss im Wald, an Licht, 23.IV.1980, leg. Dr. Saowakontha; idem, 26.V.1979, leg. Sumanta Aumphanstri (1 Ex,); Wang Takrat Park, Naghon Prov., 4-7.IX.1978, leg. H. I. Bremer (1 Ex.). Einige Paratypen sind auch in der Summlung des Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Museum aufbewahrt.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Thailand: Khon Kaen»
Holotype depositary: HJB
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-3419, —. Labelled as: [Nordost-Thailand | Khon Kaen | ad lucem | Dr. Sanst | Saowakontha | 22.3.1980] [Paratypus 1980 | Sivacrypticus | bremeri | Kaszab] [68-3419 | MZB]

Sivacrypticus murinus Ardoin, 1969
Original status: Sivacrypticus murinus Ardoin, 1969: 202
Present status: Sivacrypticus murinus Ardoin, 1969
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex., Bingerville, I.1963, Cöte-d'Ivoire, J. Decelle, Musée Royal de l'Afrique Central.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Ivory Coast: Bingerville»
Holotype depositary: MRAC
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-3417, —. Labelled as: [Paratypus] [Coll. Mus. Tervuren | Côte d'Ivore: Bingerville | II-1964 | J. Decelle] [Paratype | Sivacrypticus | murinus n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1967] [68-3417 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3418, —. Labelled as: [Paratypus] [Coll. Mus. Tervuren | Côte d'Ivore: Bingerville | II-1964 | J. Decelle] [Paratype | Sivacrypticus | murinus n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1967] [68-3418 | MZB]

Family Pythidae Solier, 1834

Osphyoplesius loebli Español, 1975
Original status: Osphyoplesius loebli Español, 1975b: 107
Present status: Osphyoplesius loebli Español, 1975
Original type material citation: «Holotipo, ♂, Norte de Kestrion en el Epiro, Grecia, conseguido por el Dr. I. Löbl tamizando hojas y ramas muertas recogidas bajo una densa asociación de rosáceas con algunos robles (Museo de Historia Natural de Ginebra). Paratipo, ♀, adelfotípica (Museo de Zoología de Barcelona).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Greece: Epiro (Kestrion)»
Holotype depositary: MHNG
Type material:
Paratype MZB 78-1783, ♀. Labelled as: [Grece Epire | nord de | Kestrion | 5.V.73 | Löbl] [Osphyoplesius | ♀ loebli n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [78-1783 | MZB]
References: Pollock and Iwan (2020) present genus (incertae sedis).

Family Tenebrionidae Latreille, 1802
Subfamily Blaptinae (genus Stenolamus incertae sedis (Bouchard et al., 2021))

Stenolamus brincki Koch, 1953
Original status: Stenolamus brincki Koch, 1953: 14
Present status: Stenolamus brincki Koch, 1953
Original type material citation: «Verbreitung. Nordwestliches Kaokoveld: Sanitatas, Juni 1951, leg. Bern. Carp-Transv. Mus. Exp. (22 Ex., Holo- und Allotype, Paratypen, Transvaal Museum); Sanitatas, 14.–16. Juni 1951, leg. P. Brinck & G. Rudebeck, Fundort No. 340 (4 Ex., Paratypen Universität Lund); Orupembe, 7.–9. Juni 1951, leg. P. Brinck & G. Ridebeck, Fundort No. 330 (13 Ex., Paratypen, Universität Lund).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Republic of South Africa: Kaokoveld»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-3916, —. Labelled as: [SW Africa Kaokovel | Sanitatas abt 85 miles | SWS Ohopoho | 14–16.VI.51 No. 340] [Swedish South Africa | Expedition | 1950-1951 | Brinck — Rudebeck] [Para | type | Brincki | Koch] [Stenolamus | brincki | Koch | Det. C. Koch] [68-3916 | MZB]

Stenolamus magnificatus Koch, 1953
Original status: Stenolamus magnificatus Koch, 1953: 17
Present status: Stenolamus magnificatus Koch, 1953
Original type material citation: «Verbreitun. Mittlerer Teil der nördlich-zentralen Cap Provinz. West-Griqualand: Niekerk's Hope, Aug. 1950, leg. C. Koch & G. van Son (22 Ex., Holo- und Allotype, Paratypen Transvaal Museum); Prieska, Dez. 1949, leg. C. Koch (8 Ex., Paratypen, Transvaal Museum). Nördlichers Teil der nordwestlichen Cap Provinz, Korannaland: Norugas, 65 Meilen W von Upington, 28. Mai 1951, leg. P. Brinck & G. Rudebeck, Fundort No. 315 (1♀ Paratype, Universität Lund).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Republic of South Africa: Niekershoop»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-3917, —. Labelled as: [Niekerk's | Hope, 13 | VIII.1950 | C. Koch] [Para | type | magnifi- | catus | Koch] [Stenolamus | magnificatus | Koch | Det. C. Koch] [68-3917 | MZB]

Stenolamus malacodermus Koch, 1955
Original status: Stenolamus malacodermus Koch, 1955: 465
Present status: Stenolamus malacodermus Koch, 1955
Original type material citation: «Localities. South-western Great Namaqualand, in the Namib desert: Bogenfels, Pomona and Chameis, Dec. 1948, leg. Univ. California-Transv. Mus. Exped. (54 spec., types T. M.); 30 miles northwest of Chameis, Dec. 1949, leg. C. Koch (2 spec., TM); Luederitzbucht, November 1949, leg. C. Koc & F. Eberlanz (9 spec., TM).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Republic of South Africa: Namib desert»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-2414, —. Labelled as: [Bogenfels | Namib, 1-XII | 48 Koch/Son] [Para | type | malaco- | dermus | Koch] [Stenolamus | malacoder- | mus Koch | Det. C. Koch] [68-2414 | MZB]

Subfamily Lagriinae Latreille, 1825 (1820)
Tribu Laenini Seidlitz, 1895

Laena espagnoli Kaszab, 1965
Original status: Laena espagnoli Kaszab, 1965: 128
Present status: Laena espagnoli Kaszab, 1965
Original type material citation: «7 Exemplare aus Sikkin: Donkung, 15750 ft. 22.VI.1959, leg. F. Schmid (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀ und Paratypen). Holo- und Allotype, sowie 2 Paratypen befinden sich in der Sammlung des Museums in Barcelona, 3 Paratypen auch im Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftkichen Museum in Budapest.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «India: Sikkin (Donkung)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 68-2402, ♂. Labelled as: [Sikkim | Donkung 15750 | 22-VI-59 | Schimid leg.] [Holotypus | Laena | españoli | Kaszab] [68-2402 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2403, ♀. Labelled as: [Sikkim | Donkung 15750 | 22-VI-59 | Schimid leg.] [Allotypus | Laena | españoli | Kaszab] [68-2403 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2404, —. Labelled as: [Sikkim | Donkung 15750 | 22-VI-59 | Schimid leg.] [Paratypus | Laena | españoli | Kaszab] [68-2404 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2405, —. Labelled as: [Sikkim Donkung | 15750, 22-VI-59 | Schimid leg.] [Paratypus | Laena | españoli | Kaszab] [68-2405 | MZB]

Subfamily Pimeliinae Latreille, 1802
Tribe Asidini Fleming, 1821

Tamatasida tuberculosa peyrierasi Ardoin, 1964
Original status: Tamatasida tuberculosa peyrierasi Ardoin, 1964b: 81
Present status: Tamatasida tuberculosa peyrierasi Ardoin, 1964
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. mâle, Ambatondrahely près Manara, Madagascar Est, IX-1963/V-1964, Vadon et Peyrieras, déposé au Muséum national, Paris. Allotype: un ex. femelle, même origine, même collection.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Madagascar: Manara»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-3482, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [Ambatondrahely | Manara, 1962/1963 | Madagascar | Vadon & Peyriera] [Paratype | Tamatasida | tuberculosa | ssp. peyrierasi | nov. | P. Ardoin 1964] [68-3482 | MZB]

Tribe Caenocrypticini Koch, 1958

Caenocrypticus (Caenocrypticus) bushmanicus Koch, 1950
Original status: Caenocrypticus (Thorictophasis) bushmanicus Koch, 1950: 81
Present status: Caenocrypticus (Caenocrypticus) bushmanicus Koch, 1950
Original type material citation: «Localities. N. Bushmanland: Aggeneys, 16 Dec. 1948. leg. Univ. Californ.–Transv. Museum Exped. 833 spec, holo-and allotype in Transvaal Museum, paratypes in T. M., B. C. N. and Sc. Museum California Academy of Sciences): Pofadder, 17 Dec. 1948, leg. Univers. Californ. Tranvaal Mus. Exped. (1 paratype in T. M.): Nabeis, 18 Dec. 1948, leg. Univ. Californ.–Transv. Mus. Exped. (4 paratypes in T. M.): Kakamas, 7 Dec. 1949, leg. C. Koch (5 paratypes in T. M.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Republic of South Africa: Aggeneys»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-3908, —. Labelled as: [Aggeneys, Bushman- | land, 16-XII-1948 | Koch & van Son] [Para | typus | Caenocrypticus | (Thorictophasis) | bushmanicus | 1950 Koch] [68-3908 | MZB]
References: Bouchard et al. (2021) (Present status).

Caenocrypticus (Caenocrypticus) deserticus Koch, 1950
Original status: Caenocrypticus (Thorictophasis) deserticus Koch, 1950: 82
Present status: Caenocrypticus (Caenocrypticus) deserticus Koch, 1950
Original type material citation: «Localities. Souther Namib: Bogenfels, 1 Dic. 1948, leg. Univ. Californ.-Transv. Mus. Exped. (62 spec., holo-and allotype in Transvaal Museum, paratypes in T. M., B. C. M. and Sc. Museum California Academy of Sciences): Luederitzbucht, 15 Nov. 1949, leg. C. Koch & Eberlanz (40 paratypes in T. M.) N. Little Namaqualand: Grootderm, 11 Dec. 1948, leg. Univ. California.-Transv. Mus. Exped. (31 spec., T. M. and Sc. Mus. Calidorn. Acad. Sc.); same locality, 18 Nov. 1949, leg. C. Koch (24 spec., T. M.); 15 miles S of Alexander Bay, 12 Dec. 1948, leg. Univ. California.– Transv. Mus. Exped. (6 spec., T. M.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Republic of South Africa: Grootdern»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-3909, —. Labelled as: [Grootderm, Rich- | tersveld | 18.XI.1949. Koch] [Para | typus | Caenocrypticus | (Thorictophasis) | deserticus | 1950 Koch] [68-3909 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3910, —. Labelled as: [Grootderm, Rich- | tersveld | 18.XI.1949. Koch] [Para | typus | Caenocrypticus | (Thorictophasis) | deserticus | 1950 Koch] [68-3910 | MZB]
References: Bouchard et al. (2021) (Present status).

Tribe Cnemeplatiini Jacquelin du Val, 1861
Subtribe Cnemeplatiina Jacquelin du Val, 1861

Cnemeplatia atropos mouchampsi Español, 1948
Original status: Cnemeplatia atropos mouchampsi Español, 1948: 316
Present status: Cnemeplatia atropos mouchampsi Español, 1948
Original type material citation: «Tipo, ♂: Jadotville, Congo Belga, capturado a la luz, finales de 1946 (Gravez leg.); cedido amablemente al Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona por el señor R. Mouchamps, a quien nos es muy grato dedicarla.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Democratic Republic of the Congo: Likasi»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 78-1704, ♂. Labelled as: [Jadot Village | IX-45] [Congo] [a la lampe] [Mr. Gravez leg. | Jadotville - fin 1946 | à la lampe] [Tipo] [Cnemeplatia | atropos Costa | ssp. mouchampsi | Esp. | Español det.] [78-1704 | MZB]

Tribe Epitragini Blanchard, 1845

Hemasodes leechi Freude, 1967
Original status: Hemasodes leechi Freude, 1967: 184
Present status: Hemasodes leechi Freude, 1967
Original type material citation: «Holotypus, ♂, 5,5 mm, Allotypus, ♀, 7 mm, und weitere 100 Paratypoide von Brazil., Goiao, Santa Isabel, Ilhado Bananal, Rio Araguaia, 15.-29.VII.1957, leg. Borys Malkin, in der California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, Desiderata wurden mir liebenswürdigerweise für die Zoologische Staatssammlung München überlassen. 1 Paratypoid: Brazil., Goias, 5 mi. E. of E. branch, Rio Araguaia, between Loroti and Rio Formosa, 1 Paratypoid: Brazil., Mato Grosso, side of Rio Araguaia, Santa Isabel, 15.-29.VII.1957, Boris Malkinleg., und
14 Paratypoide: Concesaodo Araguaia, Rio Araguaia, 23.VII.1957, Boris Malkin leg., ebenfalls in der California Academyof Sciences. 5 Paratypoide: Brazil., Mato Grosso, Jaciara, XI.1963, leg. Alvarenga, 6 Paratypoide: Brazil., Mato Grosso, Campo Grande, XI.1951, leg. S. Alvarenga, und
1 Paratypoid: Argentinien; Chubut, leg. Bruch, im Museum Dr. G. Frey, Tutzing.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Argentina: Salta»
Holotype depositary: ZSM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-3906, —. Labelled as: [Politos D. S. Martin | Salta (R. Argentina) | A. Martínez coll.] [paratypus] [Epitragus | leechi m. | det. H. Freude1965] [68-3906 | MZB]

Tribe Tentyriini Eschscholtz, 1831

Hegeter (Homalapipleurus) gonzalezi Español, 1957
Original status: Hegeter (Homalapipleurus) gonzalezi Español, 1957c: 169
Present status: Hegeter (Homalapipleurus) gonzalezi Español, 1957
Original type material citation: «Holotipo, ♂, Fuerteventura: El Jable, 10-IV-55 (C. González leg.). Alotipo, ♀, recogido con el tipo. Paratipos, dos ejemplares (1♂ y 1♀) recogidos con el tipo.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Canarian Islands (Fuerteventura Island, Jable)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 68-2491, ♂. Labelled as: [Fuerteven- | tura- Jandia | El Jable | González leg.] [H. (Homalapipleu- | rus) gonzale- | zi n. sp. | F. Español det.] [9-IV-55] [Typus] [68-2491 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2492, —. Labelled as: [Fuerteventura | El Jable | 10-IV-55 | González leg.] [H. (Homalapipleu- | rus) gonzalezi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2492 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2493, ♀. Labelled as: [Fuerteventu- | ra - El Jable | Jandilla | González leg.] [H. (Homalapipleu- | rus) gonzalezi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2493 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2494, ♂. Labelled as: [Fuerteventura | Islas Canarias | C. González coll.] [El Jable | 20-IV-55] [H. (Homalapipleu- | rus) gonzalezi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2494 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2495, ♂. Labelled as: [Fuerteventura | Islas Canarias | C. González coll.] [El Jable | 20-IV-55] [H. (Homalapipleu- | rus) gonzalezi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2495 | MZB]

Hegeter (Pseudotalpophila) fernandezi Español, 1957
Original status: Hegeter (Pseudotalpophila) fernandezi Español, 1957b: 12
Present status: Hegeter (Pseudotalpophila) fernandezi Español, 1957
Original type material citation: «Holotipo, ♂, Fuerteventura: Jandia, 9-IV-55 (C. González leg.). Alotipo, ♀, recogido con el tipo. Paratipos, cinco ejemplares recogidos con el tipo.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Canarian Islands (Fuerteventura Island, Jandia)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 68-2485, ♂. Labelled as: [Jandia, I. Fuerte- | ventura. Canarias | C. González leg.] [H. (Pseudotal- | pophila) fer- | nandezi n. sp. | F. Español det.] [9-IV-55] [Typus] [68-2485 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2486, —. Labelled as: [Jandia, I. Fuerte- | ventura. Canarias | C. González leg.] [H. (Pseudotal- | pophila) fer- | nandezi n. sp. | F. Español det.] [9-IV-55] [Paratypus] [68-2486 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2487, —. Labelled as: [Jandia, I. Fuerte- | ventura. Canarias | C. González leg.] [H. (Pseudotal- | pophila) fer- | nandezi n. sp. | F. Español det.] [9-IV-55] [Paratypus] [68-2487 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2488, —. Labelled as: [Fuerte. Jandia | Valle Mosquitos | 9-IV-55 | C. González leg.] [H. (Pseudotal- | pophila) fer- | nandezi n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2488 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2489, —. Labelled as: [Fuerte. Jandia | Valle Mosquitos | 9-IV-55 | C. González leg.] [H. (Pseudotal- | pophila) fer- | nandezi n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2489 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2490, ♂. Labelled as: [Fuerte. Jandia | Valle Mosquitos | 9-IV-55 | C. González leg.] [H. (Pseudotal- | pophila) fer- | nandezi n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2490 | MZB]

Stenosida bremeri Kaszab, 1981
Original status: Stenosida bremeri Kaszab, 1981a: 151
Present status: Stenosida bremeri Kaszab, 1981
Original type material citation: «Holotypus (Geschlecht nicht untersucht): Nordost-Thailand, Khon Kaen, 20.III.1980, leg. Dr. Sastri Saovakontha (in der Sammlung von Prof. Dr. H. J. Bremer). Paratypen: Khon Kaen, 10-15.IX.1978, sub cortice arboris, leg. Dr. H. J. Bremer (14 Exemplare im der Sammlung Dr. H. J. Bremer und 5 Exemplare im Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Museum, Budapest.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Thailand: Khon Kaen»
Holotype depositary: HJB
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-2476, —. Labelled as: [Thailand | Khon Kaen | 10-15.IX.1978 | H. J. Bremer leg. | sub. cortice arboris] [Paratypus 1981 | Stenosida | bremeri | Kaszab] [68-2476 | MZB]

Pachychila (Pachychila) catalanica Ferrer, 2018
Original status: Pachychila catalanica Ferrer, 2018: 39
Present status: Pachychila (Pachychila) catalanica Ferrer, 2018
Original type material citation: «MATERIAL EXAMINADO: Holotipo: macho: España: Barcelona, Port des Alfacs, IV.1925/ 72 4666 (MCNB). Paratipos: Barcelona, mismos datos que el holotipo: 72 4667-72 4882 (35, MCNB); Alfacs, IV.1925/ 4914 (3, IMEDEA); Tarragona: Delta del Ebro, 2.VII.1978, F. Bajet leg. (2, CJF, in NRMS); Riomar de Hebre, 17.VIII.1986 F. Fresneda-Lagar leg. (CFFL y NHRM); Riomar, Ribera, Tortosa, idem (NRMS); Valencia, La Albufera, 25.IV.1980, A. Perucho leg (CPL); Belreguard, 26.III.1993, J. M. Beltrán leg. (3, CPL); Playa de Miramar, 10.V.1986, idem (3, CPL); Oliva, playa, VII.1978 (9, CPL); Playa de Oliva, 19.V.1986, idem (11, CPL); J. M. Beltrán leg. 19.V.1986, (3, CPL). Valencia: Playa de la Albufera, 25.IV.1980, A. Peucho lg. (CPL); Bellreguard, playa, 26.III.1993, J. M. Beltrán leg. (2, CPL); Playa de Mi-ramar, 19.V.1986, idem (3, CPL).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Tarragona (Alfacs)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 72-4666, ♂. Labelled as: [Catalonia | Alfacs | IV-35] [Pachychila | catalanica | n. sp. | Holotipo | det. J. Ferrer] [72-4666 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-4669, ♂. Labelled as: [Catalonia | Alfacs | IV-35] [Pachychila | catalanica | n. sp. | Paratipo | det. J. Ferrer] [72-4669 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-4670, 3, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [Catalonia | Alfacs | IV-35] [Pachychila | catalanica | n. sp. | Paratipo | det. J. Ferrer] [72-4670 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-4671, 3, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [Catalonia | Alfacs | IV-35] [Pachychila | catalanica | n. sp. | Paratipo | det. J. Ferrer] [72-4671 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-4672, 3, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [Catalonia | Alfacs | IV-35] [Pachychila | catalanica | n. sp. | Paratipo | det. J. Ferrer] [72-4672 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-4673, 3, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [Catalonia | Alfacs | IV-35] [Pachychila | catalanica | n. sp. | Paratipo | det. J. Ferrer] [72-4673 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-4674, 3, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [Catalonia | Alfacs | IV-35] [Pachychila | catalanica | n. sp. | Paratipo | det. J. Ferrer] [72-4674 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-4675, 3, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [Catalonia | Alfacs | IV-35] [Pachychila | catalanica | n. sp. | Paratipo | det. J. Ferrer] [72-4675 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-4676, 2, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [Catalonia | Alfacs | IV-35] [Pachychila | catalanica | n. sp. | Paratipo | det. J. Ferrer] [72-4676 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-4677, 3, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [Catalonia | Alfacs | IV-35] [Pachychila | catalanica | n. sp. | Paratipo | det. J. Ferrer] [72-4677 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-4678, 3, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [Catalonia | Alfacs | IV-35] [Pachychila | catalanica | n. sp. | Paratipo | det. J. Ferrer] [72-4678 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-4679, 3, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [Catalonia | Alfacs | IV-35] [Pachychila | catalanica | n. sp. | Paratipo | det. J. Ferrer] [72-4679 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-4680, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [Catalonia | Alfacs | IV-35] [Pachychila | catalanica | n. sp. | Paratipo | det. J. Ferrer] [72-4680 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-4681, 3, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [Catalonia | Alfacs | IV-35] [Pachychila | catalanica | n. sp. | Paratipo | det. J. Ferrer] [72-4681 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-4682, 3, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [Catalonia | Alfacs | IV-35] [Pachychila | catalanica | n. sp. | Paratipo | det. J. Ferrer] [72-4682 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-4683, 3, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [Catalonia | Alfacs | IV-35] [Pachychila | catalanica | n. sp. | Paratipo | det. J. Ferrer] [72-4683 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-4684, 3, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [Catalonia | Alfacs | IV-35] [Pachychila | catalanica | n. sp. | Paratipo | det. J. Ferrer] [72-4684 | MZB]
Remarks: Wrong location, Alfacs is in the province of Tarragona, not Barcelona.

Pachychila (Pachychila) insolita Ferrer, 2018
Original status: Pachychila insolita Ferrer, 2018: 42
Present type material citation: «MATERIAL EXAMINADO: Holotipo: Valencia, Playa del Saler, Podlussany leg. (HMNH). Paratipos, Valencia; Oliva, Podlussany leg. (11, HMNH, 3, NRMS); Valencia (MCG); idem, coll. Cabelle (2, MCG); Valencia, Belreguard, 26.III. 1993, J. M. Beltrán leg. (23, CPL); Playa de Miramar, 19.V. 1986, idem (3, CPL); Oliva, playa, 19.V.1986, idem (3, CPL); idem, (p, CPL); J. M. Beltrán leg. 19.V.1986, (3, CPL); Oliva, spiaggia, 22.IV.1984, W. Pagliacci leg. (2, CPL); Caste-llón de la Plana: Castellón (MCG); Alicante: Santa Pola, 29.III.1988, I. Mattich leg. (MIZ); Alicante, dune, IX.2000, L. Chelazzi leg. (33, CPL); Arenales de Sol, P. Edwald leg. (sable) (5, MHNN); idem, 17.I.1973, N. Sauled leg. Torrevieja (NHMB); San Pedro (NHMB); idem, IV.1918, E. Marmés leg. 72 4756 (MCNB); Murcia: La Manga, Mar Menor, V.1980 (3, CPL); Alicante, dune, XI.2000, L. Chelazzi leg. (33, CPL); El Altet, 12.X.1999, A. Castro Tovar leg. (4, CVA); Benidorm, V.1977, Vives leg./72 4764, MCNB); Santa Pola, 21-29.VI.1963, F. Español leg./ 72 4757 (3, MCNB; Granada del Segura, 1616.V.1858, González leg./ 72 4758 (2, MCNB); N. Sauled leg. 72 4759 (MCNB); Benisa, Cabrera leg, coll. F. Español /72 4755 (MCNB); Murcia, Mar Menor, playa de La Manga, V.1980, J. Ferrer leg. (4, CJF, NRMS); 10.IV.1986, J. M. Beltrán leg. 5, CPL); Toledo: Quintanar de la Orden, Coll. Schramm (MCG).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Alicante (Tarragona?)»
Holotype depositary: HMNH
Type material:
Paratype MZB 72-4668, 3, —. Labelled as: [Catalonia | Alfacs | IV 35] [Pachychila | insolita | n. sp. | Paratipo | det. J. Ferrer] [72-4668 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-4755, 3, —. Labelled as: [Benisa | (Alicante) | VIII Cabrera] [Pachychila | frioli | Español det.] [Pachychila | insolita | n. sp. | Paratipo | det. J. Ferrer] [72-4755 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-4756, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [Torrevieja | (Alicante) | IV-18 | L. Marmés leg.] [Pachychila | insolita | n. sp. | Paratipo | det. J. Ferrer] [72-4756 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-4757, 3, —. Labelled as: [Santa Pola | Alicante | 21-23-VI-63 | F. Español leg.] [Pachychila | insolita | n. sp. | Paratipo | det. J. Ferrer] [72-4757 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-4758, 2, —. Labelled as: [Guardamar | del Segura | Alicante (dunas) | 10-V-58 | Gonzálezes leg.] [Pachychila | insolita | n. sp. | Paratipo | det. J. Ferrer] [72-4758 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-4759, —. Labelled as: [Arenales Sol | 12-I-73 | N. Sauleda] [Pachychila | insolita | n. sp. | Paratipo | det. J. Ferrer] [72-4759 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-4760, —. Labelled as: [Torrevieja | Alicante | 20-V-59 | Zolt leg.] [Pachychila | insolita | n. sp. | Paratipo | det. J. Ferrer] [72-4760 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-4764, 3, —. Labelled as: [Benidorm | Alicante | V-57 | Vive leg.] [Pachychila | insolita | n. sp. | Paratipo | det. J. Ferrer] [72-4764 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 72-4769, —. Labelled as: [Spain 1959 | Peñon de Ifac | Seraud 9.V | leg. H. Freude.] [Pachychila | insolita | n. sp. | Paratipo | det. J. Ferrer] [72-4769 | MZB]
Remarks: The determination of the specimen from Tarragona (Alfacs) is doubtful.

Subfamily Stenochiinae Kirby, 1837
Tribe Cnodalonini Oken, 1843

Coelometopus cobosi Español, 1963
Original status: Coelomotopus cobosi Español, 1963a: 52
Present status: Coelomotopus cobosi Español, 1963
Original type material citation: «S. Contraviesa (Granada), algunos ejemplares (Instituto de Aclimatación de Almería y Museo de Zoología de Barcelona, COBOS leg.)»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Granada (Haza del Lino)»
Holotype depositary: —
Paralectotype MZB 68-0624, ♂. Labelled as: [Haza del Lino | S. Contravíesa, Gr. | A. Cobos coll.] [II-1964] [Coelometopus | cobosi n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Typus] [Paralectotypus | Coelometopus | cobosi Español, 1963 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & B. Caballero-López Desig.] [68-0624 | MZB]
Paralectotype MZB 68-0625, ♂. Labelled as: [Haza del Lino | S. Contravíesa, Gr. | A. Cobos coll.] [II-1964] [Coelometopus | cobosi n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [Paralectotypus | Coelometopus | cobosi Español, 1963 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & B. Caballero-López Desig.] [68-0625 | MZB]
Paralectotype MZB 68-0626, ♀. Labelled as: [Haza del Lino | S. Contravíesa, Gr. | A. Cobos coll.] [II-1964] [Coelometopus | cobosi n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [Paralectotypus | Coelometopus | cobosi Español, 1963 | A. Viñolas, G. Masó & B. Caballero-López Desig.] [68-0626 | MZB]

Damatris vadoni Ardoin, 1955
Original status: Damatris vadoni Ardoin, 1955: 134
Present status: Damatris vadoni Ardoin, 1955
Original type material citation: «Holotype: 1 ♂. Ambohitsitondrona, Madagascar, XII-1952 (coll. Vandon-Lebis). Allotype: 1♀, même provenance. Nombreux paratypes, même provenance, in coll. Vandon-Lebis.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Madagascar: Ambohitsitondrona»
Holotype depositary: Coll. Vandon-Lebis
Paratype MZB 68-3483, —. Labelled as: [Damatris | vadoni | Ardoin] [Ambohitsitondrona | Madagascar | XII-50] [Paratypus] [68-3483 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3484, —. Labelled as: [Damatris | vadoni | Ardoin] [Ambohitsitondrona | Madagascar | XII-50] [Paratypus] [68-3484 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3485, —. Labelled as: [Damatris | vadoni | Ardoin] [Ambohitsitondrona | Madagascar | XII-50] [Paratypus] [68-3485 | MZB]

Derosphaerus espanoli Ardoin, 1957
Original status: Derosphaerus espanoli Ardoin, 1957: 255
Present status: Derosphaerus espanoli Ardoin, 1957
Original type material citation: «Holo- et allotype: N'Kongsamba, Cameroun, février 1957. Déposé au Muséum national, Paris. Paratypes: 32 exemplaires, même provenance. Cette nouvelle espèce, ainsi que les deux suivantes, sont Dûes aux abondantes récoltes de mon ami J. Cantaloube.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Cameroon: Kongsamba»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Paratype MZB 68-3457, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [Janvier 1957 | Nº Kongsamba | Cameruoun | J. Cantaloube] [Paratype] [Derosphaenus | españoli | Ard. | P. Ardoin det. 57] [68-3457 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3458, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [Janvier 1957 | Nº Kongsamba | Cameruoun | J. Cantaloube] [Paratype] [Derosphaenus | españoli | Ard. | P. Ardoin det. 57] [68-3458 | MZB]

Subfamily Tenebrioninae Latreille, 1802
Tribe Amarygmini Gistel, 1848

Gonocnemis freyi Ardoin, 1964
Original status: Gonocnemis freyi Ardoin, 1964a: 481
Present status: Gonocnemis freyi Ardoin, 1964
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. mâle, Akoafim, Cameroun, Tessmann S. G. Muséum G. Frey»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Equatorial Guinea: Mongo»
Holotype depositary: MGF
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-3470, —. Labelled as: [Guin. Esp. | Mongo | 17-X-47 | J. Palau] [Paratype] [Gonocnemis | freyi| n. sp. | P. Ardoin det. 1962] [68-3470 | MZB]

Hoplonix (Hoplonix) aequatorialis Ardoin, 1963
Original status: Hoplonix (Hoplonix) aequatorialis Ardoin, 1963b: 1083
Present status: Hoplonix (Hoplonix) aequatorialis Ardoin, 1963
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. mâle, Longji, Cameroun, X-1910, L. Colin, ma collection.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Democratic Republic of the Congo: Kisangani»
Holotype depositary: PA
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-3466, —. Labelled as: [Congo 19.4.48 | Stanleyville | C. Sabathiel.] [Paratype] [Hoplonix | aequatorialis | n. sp. | P. Ardoin det. 1960] [68-3466 | MZB]

Hoplonix (Hoplonix) cantaloubei Ardoin, 1963
Original status: Hoplonix (Hoplonix) cantaloubei Ardoin, 1963b: 1088
Present status: Hoplonix (Hoplonix) cantaloubei Ardoin, 1963
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. mâle, Douala, Bois des Singes, Cameroun, X-19-58, J. Cantaloube, déposé au Muséum National.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Cameroon: Douala»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-3465, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [Janvier 57 | Nº Congsamba | Cameroun | J. Cantaloube] [Paratype] [Hoplonix | overlaeti | n. sp. | P. Ardoin det. 1962] [68-3465 | MZB]

Hoplonix (Hoplonix) espanoli Ardoin, 1963
Original status: Hoplonix (Hoplonix) espanoli Ardoin, 1963b: 1056
Present status: Hoplonix (Hoplonix) espanoli Ardoin, 1963
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. mâle, Douala, Bois des Singes, Cameroun, X-19-58, J. Cantaloube, déposé au Muséum National.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Cameroon: Douala»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-3462, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [JUIL 1958 | Bois des Singes | Douala, Cameroun | J. Cantaloube] [Paratype] [Hoplonix | espanoli | n. sp. | P. Ardoin det. 1962] [68-3462 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3463, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [JUIL 1958 | Bois des Singes | Douala, Cameroun | J. Cantaloube] [Paratype] [Hoplonix | espanoli | n. sp. | P. Ardoin det. 1962] [68-3463 | MZB]

Hoplonix (Hoplonix) kochi Ardoin, 1963
Original status: Hoplonix (Hoplonix) kochi Ardoin, 1963b: 1099
Present status: Hoplonix (Hoplonix) kochi Ardoin, 1963
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. mâle, mâle, Douala, Bois des Singes, Cameroun, X-1959, J. Cantaloube, déposé au Muséum National.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Cameroon: Douala»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-3464, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [JUIL 1958 | Bois des Singes | Douala, Cameroun | J. Cantaloube] [Paratype] [Hoplonix | kochi | n. sp. | P. Ardoin det. 1960] [68-3464 | MZB]

Hoplonix (Hyloplonix) brevis Ardoin, 1963
Original status: Hoplonix (Hyloplonix) brevis Ardoin, 1963b: 1098
Present status: Hoplonix (Hyloplonix) brevis Ardoin, 1963
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. mâle, Douala, Bois des Singes, Cameroun, X-1959, J. Cantaloube, déposé au Muséum National.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Equatorial Guinea: Mongo; Gabon: Libreville»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-3467, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [Env. Libreville | Congo Franc.] [Paratype] [Hoplonix | brevis | n. sp. | P. Ardoin det. 1960] [68-3467 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3468, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [Env. Libreville | Congo Franc.] [Paratype] [Hoplonix | brevis | n. sp. | P. Ardoin det. 1960] [68-3468 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3469, —. Labelled as: [Guin. Esp. | Mongo | 15-IX-57 | J. Palau] [Paratype] [Hoplonix | brevis | n. sp. | P. Ardoin det. 1960] [68-3469 | MZB]

Hoplonix (Nemoplonix) overlaeti Ardoin, 1963
Original status: Hoplonix (Nemoplonix) overlaeti Ardoin, 1963b: 783
Present status: Hoplonix (Nemoplonix) overlaeti Ardoin, 1963
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. mâle, Kafakumba, Haut-Lomami, Katanga, VII-1939, F. G. Overlaet, Musée de Zologie de Barcelona.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Democratic Republic of the Congo: Kafakumba»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 68-3461, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [Kafakumba | Katanga | VII-1939 | F. G. Overlaet] [Type] [Hoplonix | overlaeti | n. sp. | P. Ardoin det. 1962] [68-3461 | MZB]

Tribe Amphidorini LeConte, 1862

Nycterinus andinus Peña, 1971
Original status: Nycterinus andinus Peña, 1971: 140
Present status: Nycterinus andinus Peña, 1971
Original type material citation: «Holotipo macho Paihuano, Coquimbo, 22-II-70, leg. L. Alvarez, Alotipo hembra, Cordillera de Coquimbo, Las Hedionditas (S. Las Juntas), 2.500 m 24-X-67 - L. E. Peña G. Paratipos 1 macho Rivadavia, Coquimbo, 30-IX-67, Coll. Depto. Cienc. Univ. Ch. Valparaíso; 1 hembra y 1 macho, provincia de Coquimbo, IX-1963, Coll.: Depto. Cienc. Univ. Ch.; 26 ejemplares de la localidad y fecha del holotipo; 1 hembra El Calabozo, Hda. Illapel, Coquimbo, 1.600 m 22-X-67, L. E. Peña G.; 7 ejemplares Rivadavia, Elqui, Coquimbo, 24/26-XI-46, Coll.: L. E. Peña G.; 15 ej. Coquimbo, Rivadavia II-1947, Coll.: L. E. Peña G.; 1 hembra y 2 machos Coquimbo, Elqui 25-X-1967, Coll.: L. E. Peña G.; 1 macho Coquimbo, Ovalle, Río Los Molles, 2-X-67, 1.800/2.000 m. Col.: L. E. Peña G.; 1 ej. Coquimbo, Pisco Elqui, 18-IX-63, leg.: Gleisner. 3 ejs. Paihuano, Coquimbo, 15-III-1946. Holo y Alotipo en la colección del autor junto con 35 Paratipos; 5 Paratipos en el DPA, 2 en el BDUC., 2 en el MNHN, 2 en el MF, 2 en el MB, 2 en el MHNP, 2 en el IML, 3 en la EBU, 1 en el DEUC y 18 en el USNM.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Chile: Coquimbo»
Holotype depositary: LEP
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-2448, —. Labelled as: [Coquimbo | Rivadavia | Febr. 1947] [Nycterinus | andinus | nov. sp. | Det. L. E. Peña 1970] [Paratypus] [68-2448 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2450, —. Labelled as: [Coquimbo | Rivadavia | Febr. 1947] [Nycterinus | andinus | nov. sp. | Det. L. E. Peña 1970] [Paratypus] [68-2450 | MZB]

Nycterinus barriai Peña, 1971
Original status: Nycterinus barriai Peña, 1971: 146
Present status: Nycterinus barriai Peña, 1971
Original type material citation: «Holotipo macho, Alotipo hembra, 64 Paratipos, todos de Taltal, provincia de Antofagasta, colectados por el autor, el 18-IX-1965; 3 Paratipos de Paposo, Antofagasta, 27-I-67 leg. G. Monsalve; 12 de Antofagasta, Quebrada Taltal, 25-IX-67, leg. R. Charlín; 3 de Antofagasta, N. Paposo, 9-XII-67, Coll.: L. E. Peña G.; 1 Antofagasta, Paposo, 25/31-V-1954, Coll.: L. E. Peña G. Holo, Alo y 12 Paratipos en la colección del autor, 2 en el MNHN, 64 en el USNM, 2 en el DPA, 1 en el IML, 1 en el MHNP, en el MF, 1 en el MB y 1 en el DEUC.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Chile: Antofagasta»
Holotype depositary: LEP
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-2453, —. Labelled as: [Antofagasta | N. Paposo | 9-Dic.-1967 | Coll: L. E. Peña] [Nycterinus | barriai | nov. sp. | Det. L. E. Peña 1970] [Paratypus] [68-2453 | MZB]

Nycterinus chango Peña, 1971
Original status: Nycterinus chango Peña, 1971: 143
Present status: Nycterinus chango Peña, 1971
Original type material citation: «Holotipo macho, Alotipo hembra y 36 Paratipos de Los Loros, desembocadura del río Limarí, provincia de Coquimbo, 18-IX-1969, Coll.: L. E. Peña G. Holo, Alo y 24 Paratipos en la colección del autor, 2 en el MNHN, 1 en el DPA, 1 en el MHNP, 1 en el DBUC, 2 en el MF, 1 en el IML, 1 en el MB, 2 en el DEUC y 1 en el USNM.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Chile: Coquimbo (Los Loros)»
Holotype depositary: LEP
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-2452, —. Labelled as: [Los Loros | Desemb. R. Limarí | Coquimbo 18-IX-69] [Nycterinus | chango nov. sp. | Det. L. E. Peña 1970] [L. E. Peña | Colector] [Paratypus] [68-2452 | MZB]

Nycterinus rugiceps australis Peña, 1971
Original status: Nycterinus rugiceps australis Peña, 1971: 139
Present status: Nycterinus rugiceps australis Peña, 1971
Original type material citation: «Holotipo macho Cerro San Cristóbal, Santiago, 21-VII-47, Alotipo hembra Santiago, IX-1922; Paratipos: 78 ejemplares, Zapallar, Aconcagua, 17-IV-1968 (L. E. Peña G.); 3 de Miramar, Viña del Mar, Valparaíso III-19...; 1 de Santiago, 15-II-52; 3 de El Quisco, Santiago, 16-VIII-1946; 1 de Playa Ancha, Viña del Mar, Valparaíso XI-1923; 2 de El Canelo, Santiago, X-1952; 2 de Algarrobo, Valparaíso 22-XI-67 (L. E. Peña G.); 1 de Talca, 30-IV-1959, Morales Col. 1 macho y 1 hembra Las Docas, Valparaíso 3-I-68, leg. J. Solkervicens; 1 macho y 1 hembra de Zapallar 29-VII-66, leg. Mancilla; 3 de Cerro Batuco, Santiago; 1 de Cerro San Cristóbal, Santiago 21-VII-47 (L. E. Peña G.); 1 de Apoquindo, Santiago IX-1961 (L. E. Peña G.), 1 de Santiago 29-VI-1951 (L. E. Peña G.), 5 de San Cristóbal, Santiago 21-VII-1947 (L. E. Peña G.), 1 de Santiago 7-VI-1945 (L. E. Peña G.)), 1 de Pudahuel, Santiago VII-1952 (L. E. Peña G.).
Holotipo en la colección del autor; Alotipo en el MNHN. Paratipos: 7 en el USNM, 6 en el DPA, 2 en el IML, 4 en el DEUC, 2 en MB, 5 en el DBUC, 4 en el DCUV, 4 en el MNHN, 2 en el MHNP y el resto en la colección del autor.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Chile: Petorca (Zapallar)»
Holotype depositary: LEP
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-2449, —. Labelled as: [Zapallar | Prov. Aconcaua | 17.junio.1968 | Coll: L. E. Peña] [Nycterinus | rugiceps | australis nov. sp. | Det. L. E. Peña 1970] [Paratypus] [68-2449 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2450, —. Labelled as: [Nycterinus | rugiceps | australis nov. sp. | Det. L. E. Peña 1970] [Paratypus] [68-2450 | MZB]

Tribe Blaptini Leach, 1815

Blaps (Blaps) nitens mercatii Canzoneri, 1969
Original status: Blaps sulcata mercatii Canzoneri, 1969: 44
Present status: Blaps (Blaps) nitens mercatii Canzoneri, 1969.
Original type material citation: «Olotipo ♂ ed Allotipo ♀ di Cagliari Poetto (25-3-1960, leg. I. Mercati) conservati nella mia collezione; Paratipi: 28 es. di Cagliari, Cagliari Poetto e Cagliari San Bartolomeo, nelle collezione Ardoini P., Burlini M., Español F., Gardini G., Museo Civico di Storia Naturale de Milano e mia.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Italy: Sardinia (Cagliari Poetto)»
Holotype depositary: SC
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0627, ♀. Labelled as: [CAGLIARI |POETT0 |25-3-60 |MERCATI] [PARATYPUS | Blaps |brachyura Küst. |mercati nov. | Det. Canzoneri S.] [Paratypus] [68-0627 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0630, ♂. Labelled as: [CAGLIARI |POETT0 |25-3-60 |MERCATI] [PARATYPUS | Blaps |brachyura Küst. |mercati nov. | Det. Canzoneri S.] [Paratypus] [68-0630 | MZB]
References: Löbl et al. (2020a) (Present status).
Remarks: Labelled as B. brachyura mercati; described as B. sulcata mercati; present status B. (B.) nitens mercati.

Blaps (Blaps) propheta fiorii Español, 1967
Original status: Blaps propheta fiorii Español, 1967a: 179
Present status: Blaps (Blaps) propheta fiorii Español, 1967.
Original type material citation: «Tripolitania: Uádi Caàm, 29-31.V.1963, una serie de 13 ejemplares (Inst. Ent. Agr. Sassari y Museo Zool. Barcelona).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Lybia: Wadi Caam»
Holotype depositary: —.
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-0628, ♂. Labelled as: [TRIPOLITANIA | Uádi Caàm | 29-31/V/1963] [Paratypus] [Blaps | propheta ssp. | fiorii nov. | F. Español det.] [68-0628 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-0629, ♂. Labelled as: [TRIPOLITANIA | Uádi Caàm | 29-31/V/1963] [Paratypus] [Blaps | propheta ssp. | fiorii nov. | F. Español det.] [68-0629 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 78-3045, ♀. Labelled as: [TRIPOLITANIA | Uádi Caàm | 29-31/V/1963] [Paratypus] [Blaps | propheta ssp. | fiorii nov. | F. Español det.] [78-3045 | MZB]

Blaps (Blaps) tichyi Martínez Fernández, 2010
Original status: Blaps tichyi Martínez Fernández, 2010: 182
Present status: Blaps (Blaps) tichyi Martínez Fernández, 2010.
Original type material citation: «Holotipo: ♂ Blaps tichyi n. sp. Murcia/ Mazarrón, 21.IV.2009 (madriguera de Lepus europeus Pallas, 1778). J. C. Mtnez. leg. (depositado en MNCN.). 55 ejemplares con los datos comunes de Murcia/ Mazarrón, (madriguera de Lepus europeus Pallas, 1778) J. C. Mtnez. leg. y las fechas: 1 ejemplar 21.IV.2009 (depositado en MNCN.); 2 ejemplares 21.IV.2009 (depositado en NHRS); 2 ejemplares 26.IV.2009 (depositado en CJF); 2 ejemplares 27.V.2009 (depositado en CACT); 2 ejemplares 3.VIII.2009 (depositado en CVT); 6 ejemplares 3.VIII.2009 (depositado en CJCM); 8 ejemplares 12.X.2009 (depositado en CJCM); 3 ejemplares 5.XI.2009(depositado en CJJLP); 11 ejemplares 5.XI.2009 (depositado en CJCM); 18 ejemplares 22.XI.2009 (depositado en CJCM). 19 ejemplares con los datos comunes de Boquera del Carche /Yecla (madriguera de Lepus europeus Pallas, 1778) J. C. Mtnez. leg. y las fechas: 6 ejemplares 13.IV.2009 (depositado en CJCM); 2 ejemplares 21.V.2009 (depositado en CJFS); 1 ejemplar 14.VI.2009 (depositado en CJLL); 3 ejemplares 14.VI.2009 (depositado en CJCM); 2 ejemplares 14.VI.2009 (depositado en CACT); 3 ejemplares 4.X.2009 (depositado en CJCM) 2 ejemplares 4.X.2009 (depositado en CTY). 1♂ La Alquería/ Jumilla (Mu.) 15.IV.2002 P.Muñoz leg. (depositado en CJLL); 1♂ Boquera del Carche/ Yecla 18.V.2004 José L. Lencina leg. (depositado en CJLL) Alicante: 7 ejemplares con los datos comunes de Guardamar, J. Fermín Sánchez leg. 4 ejemplares 26.IX.2009 (depositado en CJFS); 3 ejemplares (depositado en CJCM) Granada: 1 ejemplar Salazar a 4 km de Baza 8.V.2010 J. Fermín Sánchez leg. (depositado en CJFS).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Murcia (Yecla, Boquera del Carche)»
Holotype depositary: MNCN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 2014-1422, ♂. Labelled as: [Boquera del Carche | Yecla (Murcia) | J. C. Mtnez leg.] [Paratypo | Blas | tichyi n. sp. | J. C. Mtnez det. 2009] [2014-1422 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 2014-1423, ♀. Labelled as: [Boquera del Carche | Yecla (Murcia) | J. C. Mtnez leg.] [Paratypo | Blas | tichyi n. sp. | J. C. Mtnez det. 2009] [2014-1423 | MZB]
Remarks: Donation to the MCNB not indicated.

Blaps (Blaps) torressalai Español, 1961
Original status: Blaps bedeli torres-salai Español, 1961a: 408
Present status: Blaps (Blaps) torressalai Español, 1961.
Original type material citation: «Holotipo, Sa Canal, junto al puerto de Ciudadela y dentro una oquedad natural del terreno donde se almacenaba paja (Español); paratipos: 1♂ adelfotípico: 2♂♂ y 2♀♀. Cueva de San Agustí, San Cristóbal (Coiffait); 1 ♀, cueva Polida, San Cristóbal (Coiffait).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Menorca Island (Balearic Islands)»
Holotype depositary: Holotype missing.
Type material:
Paratype MZB 78-1828, ♂. Labelled as: [Menorca | Ciudadela | Sa Canal | VIII-56 | Español leg.] [Paratypus] [org. cop. ♂] [Paratypus] [Blaps bedeli | ssp. torres | salai nov. | F. Español det.] [78-1828 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1829, ♀. Labelled as: [Minosfue. Sn. Cristobal | Ca. Sn. Agusti | 29.12.59 HF.] [Paratypus] [Blaps bedeli | ssp. torres | salai nov. | F. Español det.] [78-1829 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1830, ♀. Labelled as: [Minosfue-IX-58 | Cova Pulida HC,] [Paratypus] [Blaps bedeli | ssp. torres | salai nov. | F. Español det.] [78-1830 | MZB]
Aedeagus MZB 78-1831, —. Labelled as: [Menorca | bedeli t.] [78-1831 | MZB]
Remarks: The aedeagus correspond to the specimen labelled «78-1828 | MZB»
References: Löbl et al. (2020a) (Present status).

Subtribe Gnaptorina G. S. Medvedev, 2001

Gnaptorina sikkimensis Kaszab, 1965
Original status: Gnaptorina sikkimensis Kaszab, 1965: 110
Present status: Gnaptorina sikkimensis Kaszab, 1965
Original type material citation: «3 Exemplare aus Sikkim: Donkung, 15750 ft, 22.VI.1959, leg. F. Schmid (Holotype ♂ und Paratypen ♂). Holotype und 1 Paratype befinden sich in der Sammlung des Museums in Barcelona, 1 Paratype auch im Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Museum in Budapest.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «India: Sikkim (Donkung)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 68-2412, ♂. Labelled as: [Sikkim | Donkung | Sikkim | 15.750 ft 22-VI- | 59 | Schmid leg.] [Holotypus 1964 | Gnaptorina | sikkimensis | Kaszab] [68-2412 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2413, ♂. Labelled as: [Sikkim, 22.VI.1959 | Donkung, 15750' | F. Schimid] [Paratypus 1964 | Gnaptorina | sikkimensis | Kaszab] [68-2413 | MZB]

Tagonoides alpinus Kaszab, 1965
Original status: Tagonoides alpinus Kaszab, 1965: 109
Present status: Tagonoides alpinus Kaszab, 1965
Original type material citation: «2 Exemplare aus Sikkim: Drongri, 13222 ft, 14.IV.1959, leg. F. Smichd (Holotype ♀ und Allotype ♂) Holotype befindet sich in der Sammlung des Museums in Barcelona, Allotype im Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Museum in Budapest.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «India: Sikkim (Drongri)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 68-2411, ♀. Labelled as: [Sikkim | Drongi 13222 ft | 14-IV-1959 | Schmid leg.] [Holotypus 1964 ♀ | Tagonoides | alpinus | Kaszab] [68-2411 | MZB]

Tribe Dendarini Mulsant & Rey, 1854
Subtribe Dendarina Mulsant & Rey, 1854

Dendarophylan pardoi Español, 1945
Original status: Phylan (Dendarophylan) pardoi Español, 1945a: 349
Present status: Dendarophylan pardoi Español, 1945
Original type material citation: «Tipo, ♂, Granada: La Sagra, 1900 (Escalera), Inst. Esp. de Ent. Alotipo, ♀, recogido con el tipo, Inst. Esp. de Ent. Paratipos, Granada: 11♂♂, 5♀♀, La Sagra, 1900 (Escalera); 2♂♂, Huéscar (Martinez; 1♂ y 1♀, ídem, 1900 (Escalera); 7♂♂ y 3♀♀, Puebla de Don Fadrique, 1900 (Escalera); 1♂, Galera, 1900 (Escalera). Todos en el Inst. Esp. de Ent. Murcia: 1♂ y 1♀, La Junquera, V, 1931 (Español). Museo de Barcelona. Albacete: 5♀♀, Yeste (Ardois); 1♂ y 2♀♀, ídem (Martínez), Inst. Esp. de Ent. Cáceres: 1♂ y 2♀♀, Sierra de Guadalupe, V, 1904 (Schramm), Inst. Esp. de Ent.»Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Murcia (Junquera)»
Holotype depositary: MNCN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-1172, ♂. Labelled as: [Junquera | (Murcia) | V-31 | Español] [Paratypus] [Phylan (Denda- | rophylan) par- | doi n. sp.| F. Español det.] [68-1172 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-1173, —. Labelled as: [Junquera | (Murcia) | V-31 | Español] [Paratypus] [Phylan (Denda- | rophylan) par- | doi n. sp.| F. Español det.] [68-1173 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status)

Dendarus (Dendarus) disparicus (Clermont, 1925)
Original status: Dendarus (Dendarus) disparicus Clermont, 1925: 183
Present status: Dendarus (Dendarus) disparicus (Clermont, 1925) (= Dendarus (Dendarus) depressus Reitter, 1915)
Original type material citation: «Iles Baleares (Mallorca): Pollensa d'où je l'ai reçue de M. Juan Jorda.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Balearic Islans (Mallorca Island)»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-2390, —. Labelled as: [Mallorca | Pollensa | J. Clermont] [Type] [Pandarinus | disparicus | n. sp.] [68-2390 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Dendarus (Dendarus) insidiosus alcojonensis Español, 1961
Original status: Dendarus (Dendarus) insidiosus alcojonensis Español, 1961c: 62
Present status: Dendarus (Dendarus) insidiosus alcojonensis Español, 1961
Original type material citation: «Málaga: Sierra Alcojona, Ronda (Mateu, Cobos); Sierra de Ronda (Colas)»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Málaga (Ronda)»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1168, ♂. Labelled as: [Sierra Alcojona | Ronda. P. Málaga | Mateu-Cobos coll. | 12-V-52] [D. insidiosus | ssp. alcojonen- | sis nov.| F. Español det.] [Typus] [68-1168 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1169, ♀. Labelled as: [Sierra Alcojona | Ronda. P. Málaga | Mateu-Cobos coll. | 12-V-52] [D. insidiosus | ssp. alcojonen- | sis nov.| F. Español det.] [Alotypus] [68-1169 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2038, —. Labelled as: [Sierra Alcojona | Ronda. P. Málaga | Mateu-Cobos coll. | 12-V-52] [D. insidiosus | ssp. alcojonen- | sis nov.| F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2038 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2039, —. Labelled as: [Sierra Alcojona | Ronda. P. Málaga | Mateu-Cobos coll. | 12-V-52] [D. insidiosus | ssp. alcojonen- | sis nov.| F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2039 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2040, ♂. Labelled as: [Sierra Alcojona | Ronda. P. Málaga | Mateu-Cobos coll. | 12-V-52] [D. insidiosus | ssp. alcojonen- | sis nov.| F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2040 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2041, —. Labelled as: [Sierra Alcojona | Ronda. P. Málaga | Mateu-Cobos coll. | 12-V-52] [D. insidiosus | ssp. alcojonen- | sis nov.| F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2041 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2042, ♂. Labelled as: [Sierra Alcojona | Ronda. P. Málaga | Mateu-Cobos coll. | 12-V-52] [D. insidiosus | ssp. alcojonen- | sis nov.| F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2042 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2043, —. Labelled as: [Sierra Alcojona | Ronda. P. Málaga | Mateu-Cobos coll. | 12-V-52] [D. insidiosus | ssp. alcojonen- | sis nov.| F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2043 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2044, ♂. Labelled as: [Espagne | Env. de Ronda | Malaga V-1952 | G. Colas] [Espagne | S. de Alcojona | vers 1.200 m] [D. insidiosus | ssp. alcojonen- | sis nov.| F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2044 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2045, 4, —. Labelled as: [Sierra de | Alcojona | 13-4-52 | Negre leg.] [D. insidiosus | ssp. alcojonen- | sis nov.| F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2045 | MZB]

Dendarus (Dendarus) pectoralis bejarensis Español, 1961
Original status: Dendarus (Dendarus) pectoralis bejarensis Español, 1961c: 45
Present status: Dendarus (Dendarus) pectoralis bejarensis Español, 1961
Original type material citation: «Localizada en los relieves que accidentan los confines de Salamanca, Ávila y Cáceres.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Salamanca, Cáceres»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1165, —. Labelled as: [La Alberca | Salamanca | A. Cobos coll.] [Paratypus] [Dendarus pec- | toralis ssp. be- | jarensis nov. | F. Español det.] [68-1165 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2070, ♂. Labelled as: [Sierra de la Vega | Cáceres, VI-1969 | A. Cobos coll.] [Dendarus pec- | toralis ssp. be- | jarensis nov. | F. Español det.] [Typus] [68-2070 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2071, ♀. Labelled as: [Sierra de la Vega | Cáceres, VI-1969 | A. Cobos coll.] [Dendarus pec- | toralis ssp. be- | jarensis nov. | F. Español det.] [Alotypus] [68-2071 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2072, —. Labelled as: [Sierra de | Bejar | Candelario | VI-54 | Pecoud leg.] [Paratypus] [68-2072 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2073, —. Labelled as: [Espagne: Castille | Puerto de Bejar |800-1400 m | V-VI-1957 G. Fagel] [R. I. Sc. N. B. | I. G. 210615] [Paratypus] [68-2073 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2074, —. Labelled as: [Espagne: Castille | Puerto de Bejar |800-1400 m | V-VI-1957 G. Fagel] [R. I. Sc. N. B. | I. G. 210615] [Paratypus] [68-2074 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2075, —. Labelled as: [Espagne: Castille | Puerto de Bejar |800-1400 m | V-VI-1957 G. Fagel] [R. I. Sc. N. B. | I. G. 210615] [Paratypus] [68-2075 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2076, —. Labelled as: [Espagne: Castille | Puerto de Bejar |800-1400 m | V-VI-1957 G. Fagel] [R. I. Sc. N. B. | I. G. 210615] [Paratypus] [68-2076 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2077, —. Labelled as: [Espagne: Castille | Puerto de Bejar |800-1400 m | V-VI-1957 G. Fagel] [R. I. Sc. N. B. | I. G. 210615] [Paratypus] [68-2077 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2078, —. Labelled as: [Espagne: Castille | Puerto de Bejar |800-1400 m | V-VI-1957 G. Fagel] [R. I. Sc. N. B. | I. G. 210615] [Paratypus] [68-2078 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2079, —. Labelled as: [Espagne: Castille | Puerto de Bejar |800-1400 m | V-VI-1957 G. Fagel] [R. I. Sc. N. B. | I. G. 210615] [Paratypus] [68-2079 | MZB
Sintype MZB 68-2080, —. Labelled as: [Espagne: Castille | Puerto de Bejar |800-1400 m | V-VI-1957 G. Fagel] [R. I. Sc. N. B. | I. G. 210615] [Paratypus] [68-2080 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2081, —. Labelled as: [Espagne: Castille | Puerto de Bejar |800-1400 m | V-VI-1957 G. Fagel] [R. I. Sc. N. B. | I. G. 210615] [Paratypus] [68-2081 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2082, —. Labelled as: [Espagne: Castille | Puerto de Bejar |800-1400 m | V-VI-1957 G. Fagel] [R. I. Sc. N. B. | I. G. 210615] [Paratypus] [68-2082 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2083, —. Labelled as: [Espagne: Castille | Puerto de Bejar |800-1400 m | V-VI-1957 G. Fagel] [R. I. Sc. N. B. | I. G. 210615] [Paratypus] [68-2083 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2084, —. Labelled as: [Espagne: Castille | Puerto de Bejar |800-1400 m | V-VI-1957 G. Fagel] [R. I. Sc. N. B. | I. G. 210615] [Paratypus] [68-2084 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2085, —. Labelled as: [Espagne: Castille | Puerto de Bejar |800-1400 m | V-VI-1957 G. Fagel] [R. I. Sc. N. B. | I. G. 210615] [Paratypus] [68-2085 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2086, —. Labelled as: [Espagne: Castille | Puerto de Bejar |800-1400 m | V-VI-1957 G. Fagel] [R. I. Sc. N. B. | I. G. 210615] [Paratypus] [68-2086 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2087, —. Labelled as: [Espagne: Castille | Puerto de Bejar |800-1400 m | V-VI-1957 G. Fagel] [R. I. Sc. N. B. | I. G. 210615] [Paratypus] [68-2087 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2088, —. Labelled as: [Espagne: Castille | Puerto de Bejar |800-1400 m | V-VI-1957 G. Fagel] [R. I. Sc. N. B. | I. G. 210615] [Dendarus | pectoralis ssp. | bejarensis nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2088 | MZB]

Dendarus (Dendarus) pectoralis ilerdensis Español, 1937
Original status: Dendarus (Dendarus) castillanus ilerdensis Español, 1937: 49
Present status: Dendarus (Dendarus) pectoralis ilerdensis Español, 1937
Original type material citation: «Tipus: Almatret (Catalonia-Ilerda), Col. M. Barcinonensis»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Lleida (Almatret)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 68-1164, ♂. Labelled as: [Almatret | Lleida | VI-33 | Museu leg.] [Typus] [D. castillanus | ilerdensis| Esp. | F. Español det. 193] [68-1164 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Dendarus (Dendarus) piochardi Español, 1937
Original status: Dendarus (Dendarus) piochardi Español, 1937: 51
Present status: Dendarus (Dendarus) piochardi Español, 1937
Original type material citation: «Typus: San Martinho do Arnil (Lusitania), Col. M. Barcinonensis.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Portugal: San Martinho do Arnil»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 68-1166, ♂. Labelled as: [Portugal | S, Martinho | C. de Bruroa] [Dendarus | castillabus | Pioch.] [Typus] [Dendarus | piochardi | Esp. | F. Español det. 193] [68-1166 | MZB]

Dendarus (Dendarus) schusteri Español, 1937
Original status: Dendarus schusteri Español, 1937: 54
Present status: Dendarus (Dendarus) schusteri Español, 1937
Original type material citation: «Catalunya. Tarragona: Ampolla (Español, Col. M. Barcelona); Roquetes (Navàs, Español, Col. M. Barcelona); Fonscaldetes (Espalol, Col. M. Barcelona).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Tarragona (Ampolla)»
Lectotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Lectotype MZB 71-0794, ♂. Labelled as: [Ampolla | Tarragona | IX 33 |Museu leg.] [Typus] [Dendarus | schusteri | Esp. | F. Español det. 193] [Lectotype | Dendarus (Dendarus) | schusteri Español, 1937 | A. Viñolas & J. Muñoz desig. 2017] [71-0794 | MZB]
References: Viñolas and Muñoz-Batet (2017) (Designation lectotype).

Dendarus (Dendarus) zariquieyi zariquieyi Español, 1937
Original status: Dendarus (Dendarus)zariquieyi Español, 1937: 62
Present status: Dendarus (Dendarus) zariquieyi zariquieyi Español, 1937
Original type material citation: «Typus: Coll d'En Rebassa (Majorica), Col. M. Barcinonensis.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Balearic Island (Mallorca Island, Coll d'en Rebassa)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 68-1167, ♂. Labelled as: [Balears | Mällorica | Coll d'En Re- | bassa - Rotger] [Typus] [Dendarus | zariquieyi | Españ. | F. Español det.] [68-1167 | MZB]

Dendarus (Dendarus) zariquieyi vivesi Español, 1961
Original status: Dendarus (Dendarus) zariquieyi vivesi Español, 1961c: 58
Present status: Dendarus (Dendarus) zariquieyi vivesi Español, 1961
Original type material citation: «Granada: Pórtugos, Sierra Nevada, 8 ♂♂ y 6 ♀♀.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Granada (Pórtugos)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 68-1170, ♂. Labelled as: [Pótugos | Granada-V-59 | Vives leg.] [Typus] [D. Zariquieyi | ssp. vivesi | nov. | F. Español det.] [68-1170 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-1171, ♀. Labelled as: [Pótugos | Granada-V-59 | Vives leg.] [D. Zariquieyi | ssp. vivesi | nov. | F. Español det.] [Alotypus] [68-1171 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2033, —. Labelled as: [Pótugos | Granada-V-59 | Vives leg.] [D. Zariquieyi | ssp. vivesi | nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2033 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2034, —. Labelled as: [Pótugos | Granada-V-59 | Vives leg.] [D. Zariquieyi | ssp. vivesi | nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2034 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2035, —. Labelled as: [Pótugos | Granada-V-59 | Vives leg.] [D. Zariquieyi | ssp. vivesi | nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2035 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2036, ♂. Labelled as: [Pótugos | Granada-V-59 | Vives leg.] [D. Zariquieyi | ssp. vivesi | nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2036 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2037, 4, —. Labelled as: [Pótugos | Granada-V-59 | Vives leg.] [D. Zariquieyi | ssp. vivesi | nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2037 | MZB]

Heliopates (Heliocrates) forcadelli Español, 1958
Original status: Heliopathes forcadelli Español, 1958c: 23
Present status: Heliopates (Heliocrates) forcadelli Español, 1958
Original type material citation: «Holotipo, alotipo y paratipos en el Museo de Zoología de Barcelona.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Columbretes Island (Columbrete Mayor Island)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 78-1781, ♂. Labelled as: [Columbrete Mayor | (Castellón | Abril 1957 | Español leg.] [Heliopathes | forcadelli | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Holotypus] [78-1781 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1782, —. Labelled as: [Columbrete Mayor | (Castellón | Abril 1957 | Español leg.] [Paratypus] [78-1782 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3387, ♀. Labelled as: [Columbrete Mayor | (Castellón | Abril 1957 | Español leg.] [Heliopathes | forcadelli | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Alotypus] [68-3387 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Heliopates (Heliocrates) gloriae Ferrer, 2019
Original status: Heliopates (Heliocrates) gloriae Ferrer, 2019: 122
Present status: Heliopates (Heliocrates) gloriae Ferrer, 2019
Original type material citation: «Material examinado: Marruecos: Holotipo, macho, Marruecos, Haute Kasdir, Segy el Gomara, 26.IV.1948, Mateu leg./Heliopathes rectangularis Ant. ? det Español (74 4772, MCNB). Paratipo: hembra: Marruecos, Taxdirt, Beni Sicar, Sánchez Cobos leg. 8.1944 (72 4796, MCNB).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Segy el Gomar and Beni Sicar»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 74-4772, ♂. Labelled as: [Haute Kasdir | Segy el Gomara | 26.IV.1948] [Heliopathes | rectangularis | ant. | F. Español det. [Heliopathes | morandi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [74-4772 | MZB] [Paleártica] [Holotipo | Heliopates | (Heliocrates) | gloriae n. sp. | det. J. Ferrer]
Paratype MZB 72-4796, ♀. Labelled as: [Taxdirt (B. Sicar) | Marruecos 8.1944 | Cobos Sánchez leg.] [72-4796 | MZB] [Paleártica] [Paratype | Heliopates | gloriae n. sp. | det. J. Ferrer]

Heliopates (Heliocrates) morandi Español, 1969
Original status: Heliopathes morandi Español, 1969: 81
Present status: Heliopates (Heliocrates) morandi Español, 1969
Original type material citation: «Holotipo, ♂, Salinas, 22-IX-1968 (Museo de Zool. de Barcelona). Paratipos, 63 ejemplares, Salinas, 28-VIII y 22-IX de 1968 (Museo de Zool. de Barcelona).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Alicante (Sax Salinas)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 78-1855, —. Labelled as: [Salinas Sax | Alicante | 22-IX-68 | F. Español leg.] [Heliopathes | morandi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Tipo] [78-1855 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1856, 4, —. Labelled as: [Salinas Sax | Alicante | 22-IX-68 | F. Español leg.] [Heliopathes | morandi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [78-1856 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1857, 4, —. Labelled as: [Salinas Sax | Alicante | 22-IX-68 | F. Español leg.] [Heliopathes | morandi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [78-1857 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1858, 4, —. Labelled as: [Salinas Sax | Alicante | 22-IX-68 | F. Español leg.] [Heliopathes | morandi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [78-1858 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1859, 4, —. Labelled as: [Salinas Sax | Alicante | 22-IX-68 | F. Español leg.] [Heliopathes | morandi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [78-1859 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1860, 4, —. Labelled as: [Salinas Sax | Alicante | 22-IX-68 | F. Español leg.] [Heliopathes | morandi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [78-1860 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1861, 4, —. Labelled as: [Salinas Sax | Alicante | 22-IX-68 | F. Español leg.] [Heliopathes | morandi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [78-1861 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1862, 4, —. Labelled as: [Salinas Sax | Alicante | 22-IX-68 | F. Español leg.] [Heliopathes | morandi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [78-1862 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1863, 4, —. Labelled as: [Salinas Sax | Alicante | 22-IX-68 | F. Español leg.] [Heliopathes | morandi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [78-1863 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1864, 4, —. Labelled as: [Salinas Sax | Alicante | 22-IX-68 | F. Español leg.] [Heliopathes | morandi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [78-1864 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1865, 4, —. Labelled as: [Salinas Sax | Alicante | 22-IX-68 | F. Español leg.] [Heliopathes | morandi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [78-1865 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1866, 4, —. Labelled as: [Salinas Sax | Alicante | 22-IX-68 | F. Español leg.] [Heliopathes | morandi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [78-1866 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1867, 3, —. Labelled as: [Salinas Sax | Alicante | 22-IX-68 | F. Español leg.] [Heliopathes | morandi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [78-1867 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1868, 2, —. Labelled as: [Salinas Sax | Alicante | 22-IX-68 | F. Español leg.] [Heliopathes | morandi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [78-1868 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1869, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [Salinas Sax | Alicante | 22-IX-68 | F. Españolleg.] [Heliopathes | morandi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [78-1869 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1870, ♂. Labelled as: [Salinas Sax | Alicante | 22-IX-68 | F. Español leg.] [Heliopathes | morandi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [78-1870 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1871, ♂. Labelled as: [Salinas Sax | Alicante | 22-IX-68 | F. Español leg.] [Heliopathes | morandi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [78-1871 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1872, —. Labelled as: [Salinas Sax | Alicante | 22-IX-68 | F. Español leg.] [Heliopathes | morandi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [78-1872 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1873, ♀. Labelled as: [Salinas Sax | Alicante | 22-IX-68 | F. Español leg.] [♀] [Heliopathes | morandi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [78-1873 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Heliopates (Heliocrates) pardoi Ferrer, 2019
Original status: Heliopates (Heliocrates) pardoi Ferrer, 2019: 123
Present status: Heliopates (Heliocrates) pardoi Ferrer, 2019
Original type material citation: «Material examinado: Holotipo, macho, Marruecos, Bab Barret, Alhucemas, 30.X.1966, Pardo Alcaide leg. /30.VI.1966 (72 4779, MCNB). Paratipos: tres hembras, con los mismos datos (72 4780, 72 4781 y 72 4782 MCNB).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Bab Barret»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 72-4779, ♂. Labelled as: [Bab Barret (B. Enzir | Alhucenas-Marruecos | Pardo Alcaide] [Paleártico] [72-4779 | MZB] [Holotypo ♂ | Heliopates | pardoi n. sp. | det. J. Ferrer]
Paratype MZB 72-4780, ♀. Labelled as: [Bab Barret (B. Enzir | Alhucenas-Marruecos | Pardo Alcaide] [Paleártico] [72-4780 | MZB] [Heliopates | pardoi ♀ | n. sp. | det. J. Ferrer | Heliopates]
Paratype MZB 72-4781, ♀. Labelled as: [Bab Barret (B. Enzir | Alhucenas-Marruecos | Pardo Alcaide] [Paleártico] [72-4781 | MZB] [Heliopates | pardoi ♀ | n. sp. | det. J. Ferrer | Heliopates]
Paratype MZB 72-4782, ♀. Labelled as: [Bab Barret (B. Enzir | Alhucenas-Marruecos | Pardo Alcaide] [Paleártico] [72-4782 | MZB] [Heliopates | pardoi ♀ | n. sp. | det. J. Ferrer | Heliopates]

Heliopates (Heliopates) angustipennis Español, 1958
Original status: Heliopathes angustipennis Español, 1958d: 115
Present status: Heliopates (Heliopates) angustipennis Español, 1958
Original type material citation: «Insecto propio, al parecer, de Sierra Morena y zona circundante: Córdoba (Peláez, Español); Cardeña, Córdoba (Reitter); Santa Elena, Jaén (Escalera, Lindberg); Sierra Morena (Museo de Barcelona); Pozuelo de Calatrava, Ciudad Real (De la Fuente).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Ciudad Real, Córdoba and Jaén»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1806, ♂. Labelled as: [Córdoba] [Heliopathes | angustipennis | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Tipus] [68-1806 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1807, —. Labelled as: [Sta Elena] [Heliopathes | cribratus | Chev. | F. Español det.] [Heliopathes | angustipennis | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-1807 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1808, 4, —. Labelled as: [Córdoba | Hispania | V-948 | Peláez leg.] [Heliopathes | angustipennis | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-1808 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1809, ♂. Labelled as: [Pozuelo de | Calatrava | (Ciudad Real) | Lafuente] [ Heliophilus | obsoletus Marsh. | A. Codina det.] [Heliopathes | angustipennis | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-1809 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1810, —. Labelled as: [Sª Morena] [Heliopathes | angustipennis | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-1810 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1811, —. Labelled as: [Pozuelo de | Calatrava | (Ciudad Real) | Lafuente] [Heliopathes | angustipennis | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-1811 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1812, ♂. Labelled as: [España | austral | Elhers] [ 789 Ibericus | H. Deyrolle] [Heliopathes | angustipennis | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-1812 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1813, —. Labelled as: [Córdoba] [Heliopathes | angustipennis | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-1813 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1814, —. Labelled as: [Sª Morena] [Heliopathes | angustipennis | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-1814 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1815, 4, —. Labelled as: [Pozuelo de | Calatrava | (Ciudad Real) | Lafuente] [ Micrositus | longulus | Muls. | A. Codina det.] [ Heliophilus | cribratus | Chvl. | F. Español det.] [Heliopathes | angustipennis | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-1815 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Heliopates (Heliopates) atlasicus Escalera, 1925
Original status: Heliocaes (Heliopathes) atlasicus Escalera, 1925: 501
Present status: Heliopates (Heliopates) atlasicus Escalera, 1925
Original type material citation: «Loc. Azrou, Timadit, Aguelman Si Alí.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Bou Iblane»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-2430, —. Labelled as: [Bou Iblane | Forêt Tafert] [X: 614.300 | Y: 339.700] [Moy. atlas | Alt. 1970] [14-7-39 | H. Otin leg. [Cotype] [maroccanus | Antoine det.] [Heliopathes | atlasicus | Esc. | F. Español det.] [68-2430 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2431, —. Labelled as: [Bou Iblane | Forêt Tafert] [X: 614.300 | Y: 339.700] [Moy. atlas | Alt. 1970] [14-7-39 | H. Otin leg. [Cotype] [maroccanus | Antoine det.] [68-2431 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Heliopates (Heliopates) balearicus Español, 1951
Original status: Heliopathes balearicus Español, 1951: 21
Present status: Heliopates (Heliopates) balearicus Español, 1951
Original type material citation: «Islote dels Caragolets, al Sur de Ibiza, entre la punta de las Salinas y el islote dels Penjats (Balcells). Tipo: ♂.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Balearic Islands (Eivissa Island (Caragolets Islet))»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 68-1803, ♂. Labelled as: [Ibiza | I. Cargolet | IX-50 | Balcells leg.] [Typus] [Heliopathes | balearicus | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [68-1803 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Heliopates (Heliopates) franzi Español, 1955
Original status: Heliopathes franzi Español, 1955: 97
Present status: Heliopates (Heliopates) franzi Español, 1955 (= Heliopates (Heliopates) obsoletus (Marsham, 1802))
Original type material citation: «Peña Trevinca, 13 ejemplares»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Ourense (Peña Trevinca)»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1804, —. Labelled as: [Umg. Pena Trevinca | leg. H. Franz] [Paratypus] [Heliopathes | franzi | Españ. | F. Español det.] [68-1804 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1805, —. Labelled as: [Umg. Pena Trevinca | leg. H. Franz] [Paratypus] [Heliopathes | franzi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [68-1805 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3349, —. Labelled as: [Umg. Pena Trevinca | leg. H. Franz] [Typus] [Heliopathes | franzi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [68-3349 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3350, —. Labelled as: [Umg. Pena Trevinca | leg. H. Franz] [Paratypus] [Heliopathes | franzi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [68-3350 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3351, —. Labelled as: [Umg. Pena Trevinca | leg. H. Franz] [Paratypus] [Heliopathes | franzi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [68-3351 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Heliopates (Heliopates) littoralis Español, 1958
Original status: Heliopathes littoralis Español, 1958b: 20
Present status: Heliopates (Heliopates) littoralis Español, 1958
Original type material citation: «Holotipo (♂ de Columbrete Mayoy) alotipo (♀, también de Columbrete Mayor) y paratipos (de diversas procedencias) en el Museo de Zoología de Barcelona.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Columbrete Islands»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 78-0986, ♂. Labelled as: [Columbrete Mayor | (Castellón) | Abrl 1957 | Español leg.] [Heliopathes | littoralis | n. sp. | F. Español [Holotypus] [78-0986 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1854, 4, —. Labelled as: [Columbrete Mayor | (Castellón) | Abrl 1957 | Español leg.] [Heliopathes | littoralis | n. sp. | F. Español [Paratypus] [78-1854 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-0987, —. Labelled as: [Columbrete Mayor | (Castellón) | Abrl 1957 | Español leg.] [Heliopathes | littoralis | n. sp. | F. Español [Paratypus] [78-0987 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2454, ♂. Labelled as: [Islas | Columbretes | XII 56 | M. Paz leg.] [Heliopathes | littoralis | Españ. | Español det.] [Paratypus | Holotypus] [68-2454 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2455, 4, —. Labelled as: [Islas | Columbretes | XII 56 | M. Paz leg.] [Paratypus] [68-2455 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2456, 3, —. Labelled as: [Islas | Columbretes | XII 56 | M. Paz leg.] [Paratypus] [68-2456 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2457, ♂. Labelled as: [Columbrete Mayor | (Castellón) | abril 1957 | Español leg] [Paratypus] [68-2457 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2458, 4, —. Labelled as: [Islas | Columbretes | XII 56 | M. Paz leg.] [Paratypus] [68-2458 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2459, 4, —. Labelled as: [Columbrete Mayor | (Castellón) | abril 1957 | Español leg] [Paratypus] [68-2459 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2460, 4, —. Labelled as: [Columbrete Mayor | (Castellón) | abril 1957 | Español leg] [Paratypus] [68-2460 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2461, 4, —. Labelled as: [Columbrete Mayor | (Castellón) | abril 1957 | Español leg] [Paratypus] [68-2461 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2462, 3, —. Labelled as: [Columbrete Mayor | (Castellón) | abril 1957 | Español leg] [Paratypus] [68-2462 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2463, 3, —. Labelled as: [Columbrete Mayor | (Castellón) | abril 1957 | Español leg] [Paratypus] [68-2463 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2464, 4, —. Labelled as: [Columbrete Mayor | (Castellón) | abril 1957 | Español leg] [Paratypus] [68-2464 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2465, 4, —. Labelled as: [Columbrete Mayor | (Castellón) | abril 1957 | Español leg] [Paratypus] [68-2465 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2466, 4, —. Labelled as: [Columbrete Mayor | (Castellón) | abril 1957 | Español leg] [Paratypus] [68-2466 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2467, 4, —. Labelled as: [Columbrete Mayor | (Castellón) | abril 1957 | Español leg] [Paratypus] [68-2467 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2468, —. Labelled as: [Islas Columbretes | Columbrete grande | 22-VII-56 | J. Lopez leg.] [Paratypus] [68-2468 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Heliopates (Heliopates) martinezi Ferrer & Iwan, 2012
Original status: Heliopates (Heliopates) martinezi Ferrer & Iwan, 2012: 133
Present status: Heliopates (Heliopates) martinezi Ferrer & Iwan, 2012
Original type material citation: «MATERIAL EXAMINADO: Holotipo: Macho, Murcia, Cresta del Gallo, 7.II.2010, J. C. Martínez & A. Castro Tovar leg. (MNCN). Paratipos: Murcia: misma procedencia y datos (3, CJF, 3, CJCM)); ídem, (3, CACT); ídem, 16.III.2010, (10, CACT); ídem, 21.IV.2010, (5, CACT); Jumilla, 28.IV.1987, JLL leg. (3); 10.IV.1990, JLL leg. (2); 18.IV.1992, JLL leg. (2); Abarán, 15.II.1991, JLL leg. (3); Cartagena: Sierra de la Mue-la, 28.I.2006, JLL leg. (1); 2.I.2009, Andújar leg. (2); Sierra del Carche, 1300 m., 8.XII.2002, JLL leg.; Albacete: Sierra de Cujón, 1600 m., 30.IX.2008, Andújar leg. (3); Ayna, Cueva Negra, 2.I.2009, Lencina, Anújar, Arribas leg. (2). Todos en Colección J. L. Lencina.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Murcia»
Holotype depositary: MNCN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 2014-1424, ♂. Labelled as: [Cresta del Gallo | (Murc.) | J. C. Mtnez. leg.] [Paratipus | Heliopates martinezi | Ferrer & Iwan] [2014-1424 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 2014-1425, ♀. Labelled as: [Cresta del Gallo | (Murc.) | J. C. Mtnez. leg.] [Paratipus | Heliopates martinezi | Ferrer & Iwan] [2014-1425 | MZB]

Heliopates (Heliopates) vivesi Español & Viñolas, 1983
Original status: Heliopathes vivesi Español & Viñolas, 1983a: 216
Present status: Heliopates (Heliopates) vivesi Español & Viñolas, 1983
Original type material citation: «Holotipo: 1♂ Sierra de Cabeza de Manzaneda (Orense); 30-7-1974 (J. Vives leg.). Depositado en el Museo de Zoología de Barcelona. Paratipos: 3♂♂ y 3♀♀ Sierra de Cabeza de Manzaneda (Orense); 30-7-1974 y 14-8-1980 (J. Vives y E. Ribas leg.). Depositados en el Museo de Zoología de Barcelona y en las colecciones A. Viñolas y J. Vives.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Ourense (Sierra de Cabeza de Manzaneda)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 78-1776, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [HISPANIA | Cabeza Manzaneda | Orense | J. & E. Vives leg.] [Holotipo] [Heliopathes | vivesi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det. 82] [78-1776 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1777, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [HISPANIA | Cabeza Manzaneda | Orense | J. & E. Vives leg.] [Paratipo] [Heliopathes | vivesi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det. 82] [78-1777 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1778, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [HISPANIA | Cabeza Manzaneda | Orense | J. & E. Vives leg.] [Paratipo] [Heliopathes | vivesi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det. 82] [78-1778 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Litoboriolus cobosi Ferrer, 2010
Original status: Phylan (Litoboriolus) cobosi Ferrer, 2010: 137
Present status: Litoboriolus cobosi Ferrer, 2010
Original type material citation: «MATERIAL EXAMINADO: Holotipo: Macho y paratipo, hembra: Cáceres: Sierra de Montánchez, VI.1959, A. Cobos leg./Phylan mulsanti Español det./ Phylan (Litoboriolus) simulatrix (MZB 87 7034 y MZB 87 7035)»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Cáceres»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 87-7034, ♂. Labelled as: [Sa Montánchez | Cáceres- VI.59 | Cobos leg.] [Phylan | Litoboriolus | mulsanti | Español det.] [Holotype ♂ | Phylan gloriae n. sp. | det. Julio Ferrer] [Holotype ♂ | Phylan (Litoboriolus) | simulatrix n. sp. | det. J. Ferrer 2009] [87-7034 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 87-7035, ♂. Labelled as: [Sa Montánchez | Cáceres- VI.59 | Cobos coll.] [Phylan | Litoboriolus | mulsanti | Español det.] [Phylan ♂ | reyi (Pioch.) | det. Julio Ferrer] [Phylan (Litoboriolus) | simulatrux n. sp. | Paratype 7 | det. J. Ferrer 2009] [87-7035 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status)
Remarks: Labelled as gloriae and simulatrix, but described as cobosi.

Litoboriolus gadeai (Español & Viñolas, 1981)
Original status: Phylan (Litoboriolus) gadeai Español & Viñolas, 1981: 108
Present status: Litoboriolus gadeai (Español & Viñolas, 1981) (= Litoboriolus mulsanti Piochard de la Brûlerie, 1869)
Original type material citation: «Holotipo: 1♂ Puerto de Honduras, 1.345 metros de altitud, en la sierra de Tras la Sirra (Cáceres), 15-VI-1980 (A. Viñolas leg.). Depositado en el Museo de Zoología de Barcelona. Paratipos: 9♂♂ y ♀♀ Puerto de Honduras, 1.345 metros de altitud, en la sierra de Tras la Sierra (Cáceres), 5-V-1979, 18-IX-1979 y 15-VI-1980 (A. Viñolas leg.). Depositados en el Museo de Zoología de Barcelona y en la colección A. Viñolas.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Cáceres»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 78-1548, ♂. Labelled as: [Ptº Honduras | Cáceres | 15-6-1980 | A. Viñolas leg.] [Tipo] [Phylan | (Litoboriolus) | gadeai n. sp. | F. Español et | A. Viñolas Det.] [78-1548 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1549, ♂. Labelled as: [Ptº Honduras | Cáceres | 5-6-1979 | A. Viñolas leg.] [Tipo] [Phylan | (Litoboriolus) | gadeai n. sp. | F. Español et | A. Viñolas Det.] [78-1549 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1550, —. Labelled as: [Ptº Honduras | Cáceres | 5-6-1979 | A. Viñolas leg.] [Tipo] [Phylan | (Litoboriolus) | gadeai n. sp. | F. Español et | A. Viñolas Det.] [78-1550 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1551, —. Labelled as: [Ptº Honduras | Cáceres | 15-6-1979 | A. Viñolas leg.] [Tipo] [Phylan | (Litoboriolus) | gadeai n. sp. | F. Español et | A. Viñolas Det.] [78-1551 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1552, —. Labelled as: [Ptº Honduras | Cáceres | 15-6-1979 | A. Viñolas leg.] [Tipo] [Phylan | (Litoboriolus) | gadeai n. sp. | F. Español et | A. Viñolas Det.] [78-1552 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1553, —. Labelled as: [Ptº Honduras | Cáceres | 15-6-1979 | A. Viñolas leg.] [Tipo] [Phylan | (Litoboriolus) | gadeai n. sp. | F. Español et | A. Viñolas Det.] [78-1553 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1554, ♂. Labelled as: [Ptº Honduras | Cáceres | 15-6-1979 | A. Viñolas leg.] [Tipo] [Phylan | (Litoboriolus) | gadeai n. sp. | F. Español et | A. Viñolas Det.] [78-1554 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1555, —. Labelled as: [Ptº Honduras | Cáceres | 15-6-1979 | A. Viñolas leg.] [Tipo] [Phylan | (Litoboriolus) | gadeai n. sp. | F. Español et | A. Viñolas Det.] [78-1555 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1556, ♂. Labelled as: [Ptº Honduras | Cáceres | 18-9-1979 | A. Viñolas leg.] [Tipo] [Phylan | (Litoboriolus) | gadeai n. sp. | F. Español et | A. Viñolas Det.] [78-1556 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status)

Litoboriolus gloriae Ferrer, 2010
Original status: Phylan (Litoboriolus) gloriae Ferrer, 2010: 140
Present status: Litoboriolus gloriae Ferrer, 2010
Original type material citation: «MATERIAL EXAMINADO: Holotipo: Macho, Cáceres: Sierra de Montánchez, VI.1959, A. Cobos leg./Phylan mulsanti Español det. (MZB, 87-7035 A); paratipo: hembra: Salamanca, Navas Frías, VIII.1958, J. Vives leg./Phylan mulsanti det. F. Español (MZB 87 7036); paratipos: Candelario, Salamanca, 6/03. (MNCN) Ent N° CAT. 28413; Cerro de Piedralabes. Ávila (MNCN) Ent N° Cat. 28420; Madrid: Escorial, Puerto, (MNCN); Ent N° Cat. 28419; Navarredonda, Avila, Lauffer, (seis ejemplares, MNCN) Ent N° CAT. 28413; Sierra Serrota, Ávila, Lauffer (MNCN) Ent N° Cat. 28415; Ávila, Sierra de Gredos, (MNCN) Ent. N° Cat. 28414; Ávila: Villarejo del Valle, Martinez leg. (5 ejemplares, MNCN) Ent. N° Cat. 28406 -28410; Ávila: Valle de Iruelas, V.1920, C. Bolívar leg. (MNCN) Ent. N° Cat. 28412.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Salamanca»
Holotype depositary: ?
Type material:
Paratype MZB 87-7036, ♀. Labelled as: [Hispania | Navas Frias | Salamanca | J. Vives leg. | 8-58.] [Phylan | Litoboriolus | mulsanti] [Paratype ♀ | Phylan | gloriae n. sp. | det. Julio Ferrer] [87-7036 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status)
Remarks: The holotype indicated in the description does not exist, since it indicates the type specimen of cobosi.

Phylan (Eumicrositus) emmanueli (Español, 1958)
Original status: Micrositus (Eumicrositus) emmanueli Español, 1958a: 108
Present status: Phylan (Eumicrositus) emmanueli (Español, 1958)
Original type material citation: «Holotipo. ♂, Guadalupe, Cáceres, V-57 (M. González); alotipo, ♀, y otros seis paratipos recogidos con el holotipo; en el Museo de Zoología de Barcelona.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Cáceres (Guadalupe)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 68-1189, ♂. Labelled as: [Guadalupe | 12-V-57 | González leg.] [Holotypus] [M. (Eumicrosi- | tus) emmanue- | li sp. | F. Español det.] [68-1189 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-1190, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [Cáceres | Guadalupe | V-57 | González leg.] [Alotypus] [M. (Eumicrosi- | tus) emmanue- | li sp. | F. Español det.] [68-1190 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-1191, 3, —. Labelled as: [Guadalupe | 12-V-57 | González leg.] [Paratypus] [M. (Eumicrosi- | tus) emmanue- | li sp. | F. Español det.] [68-1191 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-1192, 2, ♀. Labelled as: [♀ [Guadalupe | 12-V-57 | González leg.] [Paratypus] [M. (Eumicrosi- | tus) emmanue- | li sp. | F. Español det.] [68-1192 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status)

Phylan (Eumicrositus) martinezi (Español, 1947)
Original status: Micrositus (Eumicrositus) martinezi Español, 1947: 34
Present status: Phylan (Eumicrositus) martinezi (Español, 1947)
Original type material citation: «Tipo, ♂ Ávila: Piedralabes, 30-V-29 (col. Inst. Esp. Ent.). Alotipo, ♀, recogido con el tipo (col. Inst. Esp. Ent.). Paratipos, 10 ejemplares recogidos con el tipo, 2 de la misma procedencia (Ardois leg.) y 2 etiquetados «Guadalaviar», todos ellos en la col. del Inst. Espa. Ent., y finalmente 2 ejemplares en la colección Martorell y Peña (Museo Cien. Nat. Barcelona) con la indicación «España central.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: central Spain»
Holotype depositary: MNCN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-1783, ♂. Labelled as: [España | central] [M. (Eumicrositus) | martinezi | sp. n. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-1783 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-1784, —. Labelled as: [España | central] [Paratypus] [68-1784 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status)

Phylan (Eumicrositus) ulissiponensis conveximargo (Español, 1947)
Original status: Micrositus (Eumicrositus) ulyssiponensis var. conveximargo Español, 1947: 24
Present status: Phylan (Eumicrositus) ulissiponensis conveximargo (Español, 1947)
Original type material citation: «En fin la var. conveximargo aparece en Galicia y León conviviendo con paivai, se continúa por Salamanca, Segovia, Ávila, Madrid y Guadalajara reunida a montanus y ventralis y se encuentra también en Portugal, Extremadura y Andalucía, donde convive con el ulyssiponensis típico; de esta últimas localidades conocemos contadísimos ejemplares.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Escorial and Guadarrama»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-3352, ♂. Labelled as: [Guadarrama | Fuente de la Teja | IX-35] [M. (Eum.) ulyss. | var. conveximar- | go Esp. | Español det.] [Tipus] [68-3352 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3353, ♂. Labelled as: [Guadarrama | Fuente Teja | III-36] [68-3353 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3354, ♂. Labelled as: [Guadarrama | Fuente Teja | III-36] [68-3354 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3355, 2, —. Labelled as: [Guadarrama | Fuente Teja | III-36] [68-3355 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3356, ♀. Labelled as: [El Escorial | IX-35 | Español] [68-3356 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3357, 1 ♂ and 1 ♀. Labelled as: [Madrid | El Escorial | IX-35 | Museu leg.] [68-3357 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status)

Phylan (Eumicrositus) vivesi (Español, 1963)
Original status: Micrositus (Eumicrositus) vivesi Español, 1963d: 185
Present status: Phylan (Eumicrositus) vivesi (Español, 1963)
Original type material citation: «Localizado, al parecer, en la región de Astorga (León): Holotipo, ♂, Tabuyo del Monte, VII-53 (Juan Vives); alotipo, ♀, Quintanilla de Somoza, VIII-54 (Español); paratipo, ♂, Tabuyo del Monte, VII-53 (Juan Vives); en el Museo de Zoología de Barcelona y en la col. Vives.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: León (Quintanilla de Somoza, Tabuyo del Monte)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 68-1780, ♂. Labelled as: [TABUYO | León | VII-53] [M. (Eumicrositus | vivesi | nov. | F. Español det.] [Holotypus] [68-1780 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-1781, ♀. Labelled as: [León | Quintanilla | de Somoza | VIII-32] [M. (Eumicrositus | vivesi | nov. | F. Español det.] [Alotypus] [68-1781 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-1782, ♂. Labelled as: [TABUYO | León | V.53 | J. Vives leg.] [M. (Eumicrositus | vivesi | nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-1782 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Phylan (Meladocrates) planiusculus mediatlantis Antoine, 1942
Original status: Phylan (Meladocrates) planiusculus mediatlantis Antoine, 1942b: 57
Present status: Phylan (Meladocrates) planiusculus mediatlantis Antoine, 1942 (= Phylan (Meladocrates) planiusculus (Mulsant & Rey, 1854))
Original type material citation: «Plus large et plus convexe; race subalpine du Moyen-Atlas et du massif du Tazeka.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Azrou»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1791, —. Labelled as: [Azrou 1600 | Maroc) Antoine | Moyen Atlas] [Cotype] [planiusculus | s. sp. mediatlantis | Antoine det. m.] [68-1791 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1792, —. Labelled as: [Azrou VIII | Maroc) Antoine] [Cotype] [68-1792 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2432, —. Labelled as: [Azrou VIII | Maroc) Antoine] [Cotype] [68-2432 | MZB
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Phylan (Meladocrates) tenuicornis Antoine, 1942
Original status: Phylan (Meladocrates) tenuicornis Antoine, 1942b: 55
Present status: Phylan (Meladocrates) tenuicornis Antoine, 1942
Original type material citation: «Localité. — Plaines argileuses du Maroc central: Berrechid! Guisser! oued Mellah près Casablanca!; aussi dans le détroit sud-rifain: Arbaoua du Rharb!, Karia (OTIIN).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Arbaouna, Berrechid and Oued Mellah»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1793, —. Labelled as: [Rharb: Arbaoua | IV.28 | Maroc (Antoine)] [Cotype] [Meladocrates | tenuicornis | Antoine det.] [68-1793 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1794, —. Labelled as: [Ber Rechid XII | Maroc (Antoine)] [Cotype] [Meladocrates | tenuicornis | Antoine det.] [68-1794 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1795, —. Labelled as: [Ber Rechid XII | Maroc (Antoine)] [Cotype] [68-1795 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1796, —. Labelled as: [Oued Mellah | p. Casablanca XII | Maroc (Antoine)] [Cotype] [tenuicornis | Antoine det.] [68-1796 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2433, —. Labelled as: [Rharb: IV | Arbaouna | Maroc (Antoine)] [Cotype] [Ph. (Meladocrates) | tenuicornis | Antoine det.] [68-2433 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2434, —. Labelled as: [Ber Rechid XII | Maroc (Antoine)] [Cotype] [68-2434 | MZB]

Phylan (Phylan) ceballosi Español, 1945
Original status: Phylan (Phylan) ceballosi Español, 1945a: 335
Present status: Phylan (Phylan) ceballosi Español, 1945
Original type material citation: «Tipo, ♂, Granada: La Sagra (Escalera), Instituto Español de Entomología. Alotipo, ♀, Granada: La Sagra (Ardois), Instituto Español de Entomología. Paratipos, 5♂♂ y 1♀, recogidos con el tipo, Instituto Español de Entomología.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Granada (La Sagra)»
Holotype depositary: MNCN
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1074, —. Labelled as: [La Sagra | (Granada) | Escalera 1900] [Phylan ceba- | llosi n. sp. | Español det.] [Paratipus] [68-1074 | MZB]

Phylan (Phylan) difficilis Antoine, 1942
Original status: Phylan (Meladocrates) difficilis Antoine, 1942b: 54
Present status: Phylan (Phylan) difficilis Antoine, 1942
Original type material citation: «Localité. — Moyen.Atlas : El-Hajeb.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Middle Atlas»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-2437, —. Labelled as: [Hajjaoua | 5-I-39 Mahjoub] [Cotype] [Phylan (Melad.) | difficilis | Ant. | Antoine det.] [68-2437 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2438, —. Labelled as: [El Ouata | 21.7.40 Otin] [Cotype] [68-2438 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Phylan (Phylan) foveipennis kochi Español, 1945
Original status: Phylan (Phylan) foveipennis kochi Español, 1945a: 319
Present status: Phylan (Phylan) foveipennis kochi Español, 1945
Original type material citation: «Tipo ♂, Portugal: Sierra Monchique, V, 1909 (Exp. Mus. Madid, Instituto Español de Entomología. Alotipo ♀, recogido con el tipo, Instituto Español de Entomología. Paratipos, 1♂, recogido con el tipo. Instituto Español de Entomología. 1♂ y 1♀: Sierra de Monchique, Instituto Español de Entomología. 1♀: Sierra Monchique (Paulino), Museo de Barcelona. 1♂: Norte Picota, Monchique, 12, IV, 1942 (Machado), Museo de Barcelona. 2♀♀: Vertiente E. de Foia, Monchique, 11, IV, 1942 (Machado), Museo de Barcelona.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Portugal: Sierra Monchique »
Holotype depositary: MNCN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-1079, ♂. Labelled as: [Portugal | En costa N. de | Picota Mon- | chique 12-IV-42 | Machado leg.] [Phylan foveipen- | nis ssp. kochi | Esp. | Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-1079 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-1080, —. Labelled as: [Portugal | Vertiente E. de | Foia - Monchi- | que-11-IV-42 | Machado leg.] [Phylan foveipen- | nis ssp. kochi | Esp. | Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-1080 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-1081, —. Labelled as: [S. Monchiq.] [29] [Phylan foveipen- | nis ssp. kochi | Esp. | Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-1081 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-1082, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [Portugal | vertiente NE. | de Foia Mon- | chique-11-IV-42 | Machado leg.] [Phylan foveipen- | nis ssp. kochi | Esp. | Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-1082 | MZB]

Phylan (Phylan) indiscretus mendizabali Español, 1945
Original status: Phylan (Phylan) indiscretus mendizabali Español, 1945a: 332
Present status: Phylan (Phylan) indiscretus mendizabali Español, 1945
Original type material citation: «Sierra Nevada: Sierra Nevada (Rambur, Baudi, col P. Arcas, col. Estación Patol. Veg. Almería), ídem, 2.000 m. (col. Museo Barcelona), Laguna de Yeguas, 3.000 m. (Bolívar).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Almería (Purchena)»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1183, ♂. Labelled as: [Purchena | (Almería) | Ferrer leg.] [Phylan indiscre- | tus ssp. mendi- | zabali Esp. | Español det.] [68-1183 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1184, —. Labelled as: [Purchena | (Almería) | Ferrer leg.] [Phylan indiscre- | tus ssp. mendi- | zabali Esp. | Español det.] [68-1184 | MZB]

Phylan (Phylan) mahjoubi Antoine, 1942
Original status: Phylan (Meladocrates) mahjoubi Antoine, 1942b: 52
Present status: Phylan (Phylan) mahjoubi Antoine, 1942
Original type material citation: «Localité.— Région de Fès: Fès (Otin), Sefrou (Otin), cuvette d'El-Beurnoussi, près Fès! route de Sefrou à Engil Otin), daya d'Anoceur! (Otin), Lemta (Mahjoub).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Fès»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-2435, —. Labelled as: [Fès 21-3-41 | H. Otin leg.] [Cotype] [Phylan (Meladocra-) | tes mahajou- | bi Ant. | Antoine det.] [68-2435 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2436, —. Labelled as: [16.4.28 | Route Sefru | à Enjil] [8 km. N. | Anoceur | H. Otin leg.] [Cotype] [68-2436 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Phylan (Phylan) ribesi Español, 1969
Original status: Phylan ribesi Español, 1969: 83
Present status: Phylan (Phylan) ribesi Español, 1969
Original type material citation: «Holotipo, ♂, Salinas, 28-VIII-1968 (Museo de Zool. de Barcelona). Paratipos, 3♂♂ y 1♀, Salinas, 28-VIII y 22-IX de 1968 (Museo de Zool. de Barcelona)»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Alicante (Sax Salinas)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 83-4129, ♂. Labelled as: [Salinas Sax | Alicante | 28-VIII-68 | F. Español leg.] [Tipo] [Phylan | ribesi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [83-4129 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 83-4130, —. Labelled as: [Salinas Sax | Alicante | 28-VIII-68 | F. Español leg.] [Paratipo] [Phylan | ribesi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [83-4130 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 83-4131, —. Labelled as: [Salinas Sax | Alicante | 28-VIII-68 | F. Español leg.] [Paratipo] [Phylan | ribesi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [83-4131 | MZB]

Phylan (Phylan) ribesi ardoini Español & Viñolas, 1981
Original status: Phylan ribesi ardoini Español & Viñolas, 1981: 102
Present status: Phylan (Phylan) ardoini Español & Viñolas, 1981 (= Phylan (Phylan) paludicola (Chevrolat, 1865))
Original type material citation: «Holotipo: 1♂, Toro (Zamora), 5-VI-1971 (P. Ardoin leg.). Depositado en el Museo de Zoología de Barcelona. Paratipos: 3♂♂ y 4♀♀, Toro (Zamora). 5-VI-1971 (P. Ardoin leg.). Depositados en el Museo de Zoología de Barcelona y en la colección A. Viñolas.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Zamora (Toro)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 68-2089, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [5-VI-1971. Toro | près Zamora | Espagne | P. Ardoin leg.] [Tipo] [Phylan | gibbus Fabricius | subsp. nov. | P. Ardoin det.1971] [Phylan | ribesi | ardoini nov. | F. Español et | Viñolas det.] [68-2089 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2090, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [5-VI-1971. Toro | près Zamora | Espagne | P. Ardoin leg.] [Paratipo] [Phylan | ribesi | ardoini nov. | F. Español et | Viñolas det.] [68-2090 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2091, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [5-VI-1971. Toro | près Zamora | Espagne | P. Ardoin leg.] [Paratipo] [Phylan | ribesi | ardoini nov. | F. Español et | Viñolas det.] [68-2091 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2092, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [5-VI-1971. Toro | près Zamora | Espagne | P. Ardoin leg.] [Paratipo] [Phylan | ribesi | ardoini nov. | F. Español et | Viñolas det.] [68-2092 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2093, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [5-VI-1971. Toro | près Zamora | Espagne | P. Ardoin leg.] [Paratipo] [Phylan | ribesi | ardoini nov. | F. Español et | Viñolas det.] [68-2093 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2094, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [5-VI-1971. Toro | près Zamora | Espagne | P. Ardoin leg.] [Paratipo] [Phylan | ribesi | ardoini nov. | F. Español et | Viñolas det.] [68-2094 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Phylan (Platyolus) furvus filabricus (Español, 1963)
Original status: Platyolus furvus filabricus Español, 1963c: 387
Present status: Phylan (Platyolus) furvus filabricus (Español, 1963)
Original type material citation: «Sierra Filabres (Almería): Prados Altos, 7-V-55 (Cobos); Co. de la Camarilla (Cobos); Cuesta de la Virgen, 19-IV-49 (Mateu); id. 9-V-55 (Cobos); Albánchez, 20-VI-49 (Mateu).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Almería (Sierra de Filabres)»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1175, ♂. Labelled as: [Prados Altos | S. Filabres (Almería) | A. Cobos coll. | 7-V-55] [Typus] [Platyolus fur- | vus ssp. fila- | bricus nov. | F. Español det.] [68-1175 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1176, —. Labelled as: [Co. de la Camarilla | S. Filabres (Almería) | A. Cobos coll. V-55] [Paratypus] [Platyolus fur- | vus ssp. fila- | bricus nov. | F. Español det.] [68-1176 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1177, —. Labelled as: [Co. de la Camarilla | S. Filabres (Almería) | A. Cobos coll. V-55] [Paratypus] [Platyolus fur- | vus ssp. fila- | bricus nov. | F. Español det.] [68-1177 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1178, —. Labelled as: [Co. de la Camarilla | S. Filabres (Almería) | A. Cobos coll. V-55] [Paratypus] [Platyolus fur- | vus ssp. fila- | bricus nov. | F. Español det.] [68-1178 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1819, —. Labelled as: [Prados Altos | S. Filabres (Almería) | A. Cobos coll. | 7-V-55] [Platyolus fur- | vus ssp. fila- | bricus nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-1819 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1820, —. Labelled as: [Albanchez Ptov. | Almeria 20-VI-49 | Mateu leg.] [Platyolus fur- | vus ssp. fila- | bricus nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-1820 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2031, —. Labelled as: [Sierra Filabres | Cuesta de la Virgen | Pr. Almeria 19-IV-1949 | Mateu.Mende.Leg.] [Platyolus fur- | vus ssp. fila- | bricus nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2031 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2032, —. Labelled as: [Albanchez Ptov. | Almeria 20-VI-49 | Mateu leg.] [Platyolus fur- | vus ssp. fila- | bricus nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2032 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Phylan (Platyolus) furvus stenoterus (Español, 1947)
Original status: Micrositus (Platyolus) furvus stenoterus Español, 1947: 49
Present status: Phylan (Platyolus) furvus stenoterus (Español, 1947)
Original type material citation: «Tipo, ♂, Huercal Overa (col. Inst. Esp. Ent.). Alotipo, ♀, recogido con el tipo (col. Inst. Esp. Ent.). Paratipos, 11 ejemplares recogidos con el tipo (col. Inst. Esp. Ent.) y dos ejemplares de Zurgena (Marvier leg., en la col. Museo Cien. Nat. Barcelona).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Almería (Zurgena)»
Holotype depositary: MNCN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-1185, ♂. Labelled as: [Almería | Zurgena | (Marvier)] [Paratipo] [M. (Platyo.) fur- | vus var. steno- | terus Esp. | Español det.] [68-1185 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-1186, —. Labelled as: [Almería | Zurgena | (Marvier)] [Paratipo] [68-1186 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).
Remarks: Mistake in the name 'stenopterus'; in the Palaearctic Catalogue (Iwan and Löbl, 2020).

Phylan (Platyolus) lapidarius strasseni (Español, 1954)
Original status: Platyolus lapidarius strasseni Español, 1954c: 161
Present status: Phylan (Platyolus) lapidarius strasseni (Español, 1954)
Original type material citation: «Andalucía. Sierra Harana, 1.100 m., en la prov. de Granada, 20-IX-53 (Zur Strassen leg.); 4 ejemplares (col. Zur Strassen y col. Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Granada (Sierra Harana)»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1187, —. Labelled as: [Andalusien | Prov. Granada] [Sierra Harana | 1000 m | 29-IX-1959 | R. z. S.] [86] [Ser. tipica] [Tipo] [M. (Platyolus | lapidarius ssp. | strqsseni nov. | F. Español det.] [68-1187 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1188, ♂. Labelled as: [Andalusien | Prov. Granada] [Sierra Harana | 1000 m | 29-IX-1959 | R. z. S.] [87] [Ser. tipica] [M. (Platyolus | lapidarius ssp. | strqsseni nov. | F.   Español det.] [68-1188 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Phylanmania escalerai (Español, 1943)
Original status: Heliophilus escalerai Español, 1943b: 106
Present status: Phylanmania escalerai (Español, 1943)
Original type material citation: «Typus ♂... Caparroso (Navarra) Español leg. in Mus. Cien. Nat. Barcinonensis. Allotypus. ♀... Caparroso (Navarra) Español leg. in Mus. Cien. Nat. Barcinonensis. Paratopotypus et paratypus: Monteagudo (Navarra) Morales leg. Milagros (Navarra) Gorriz leg. in Mus. Cien. Nat. Barcinonensis.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Navarra (Caparroso, Milagros, Monteagudo)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 68-2046, ♂. Labelled as: [Navarra | Caparroso | IX-35 | Español leg.] [♂] [Heliophilus | escalerai | n. sp. | F. Español det. 193] [Tipo] [51] [68-2046 | MZB
Paratype MZB 68-2047, ♀. Labelled as: [Navarra | Caparroso | IX-35 | Español leg.] [♀] [Heliophilus | escalerai | n. sp. | F. Español det. 193] [Alotipo] [51] [68-2047 | MZB
Paratype MZB 68-2048, 3, —. Labelled as: [Navarra | Caparroso | IX-35] [Heliophilus | escalerai | n. sp. | F. Español det. 193] [Paratipo] [68-2048 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2049, 5, —. Labelled as: [Navarra | Monteagudo | 20-V-40 | Morales Ag. leg.] [Heliophilus | escalerai | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-2049 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2050, 5, —. Labelled as: [Navarra | Monteagudo | 20-V-40 | Morales Ag. leg.] [Heliophilus | escalerai | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-2050 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2051, 5, —. Labelled as: [Navarra | Monteagudo | 20-V-40 | Morales Ag. leg.] [Heliophilus | escalerai | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-2051 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2052, 3, —. Labelled as: [Navarra | Monteagudo | 20-V-40 | Morales Ag. leg.] [Heliophilus | escalerai | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-2052 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2053, 4, —. Labelled as: [Navarra | Monteagudo | 20-V-40 | Morales Ag. leg.] [Heliophilus | escalerai | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-2053 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2054, 5, —. Labelled as: [Navarra | Monteagudo | 20-V-40 | Morales Ag. leg.] [Heliophilus | escalerai | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-2054 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2055, 5, —. Labelled as: [Navarra | Monteagudo | 20-V-40 | Morales Ag. leg.] [Heliophilus | escalerai | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-2055 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2056, 5, —. Labelled as: [Navarra | Monteagudo | 20-V-40 | Morales Ag. leg.] [Heliophilus | escalerai | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-2056 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2057, 5, —. Labelled as: [Navarra | Monteagudo | 20-V-40 | Morales Ag. leg.] [Heliophilus | escalerai | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-2057 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2058, 5, —. Labelled as: [Navarra | Monteagudo | 20-V-40 | Morales Ag. leg.] [Heliophilus | escalerai | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-2058 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2059, 5, —. Labelled as: [Navarra | Monteagudo | 20-V-40 | Morales Ag. leg.] [Heliophilus | escalerai | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-2059 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2060, 5, —. Labelled as: [Navarra | Monteagudo | 20-V-40 | Morales Ag. leg.] [Heliophilus | escalerai | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-2060 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2061, 6, —. Labelled as: [Navarra | Monteagudo | 20-V-40 | Morales Ag. leg.] [Heliophilus | escalerai | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-2061 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2062, 4, —. Labelled as: [Navarra | Monteagudo | 20-V-40 | Morales Ag. leg.] [Heliophilus | escalerai | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-2062 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2063, 4, —. Labelled as: [Navarra | Monteagudo | 20-V-40 | Morales Ag. leg.] [Heliophilus | escalerai | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-2063 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2064, ♂. Labelled as: [Navarra | Monteagudo | 20-V-40 | Morales Ag. leg.] [Heliophilus | escalerai | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-2064 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2065, 4, —. Labelled as: [Navarra | Monteagudo | 20-V-40 | Morales Ag. leg.] [Heliophilus | escalerai | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-2065 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2066, —. Labelled as: [789 H. agrestis | Navarra Gorriz] [Heliophilus | escalerai | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-2066 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2067, —. Labelled as: [789 H. agrestis | Navarra Gorriz] [Heliophilus | escalerai | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-2067 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Phylanmania ilerdensis (Español & Viñolas, 1981)
Original status: Phylan (Phylan) ilerdensis Español & Viñolas, 1981: 105
Present status: Phylanmania ilerdensis (Español & Viñolas, 1981)
Original type material citation: «Holotipo: 1♂ Seròs (Lérida), 12-IV-1980 (A. Viñolas leg.). Depositado en el Museo de Zoología de Barcelona.
Paratipos: 14♂♂ y 14♀♀ : 3♂♂ y 5♀♀ Claravals (Lérida), 5-V-1974 y 12-IV-1975 (T. Yélamos leg.); 3♀♀ Carrerada de Marials, Seròs (Lérida), 24-II-1980 (T. Yélamos leg.); 1♀ Fondos de Llitera, Seròs (Lérida), 25-V-1980 (T. Yélamos leg.); 3♂♂ y 1♀ Mt. Llitera, Seròs (Lérida), 22-IV-1970 (T. Yélamos leg.); 1♂ Río Segre, Seròs (Lérida), 6-v-1979 (T. Yélamos leg.); 7♂♂ y 4♀♀ Seròs (Lérida), 13-X-1979, 12 y 25-IV-1980 (F. Español, A. Viñolas y T. Yélamos leg.). Depositados en el Museo de Zoología de Barcelona y en la colección A. Viñolas.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Lleida (Claravalls, Seròs»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 75-9555, ♂. Labelled as: [Seròs | Lérida | 13-4-1980 | A. Viñolas Leg.] [Tipo] [Phylan ilerdensis | n. sp. | F. Español et A. Viñolas Det.] [75-9555 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0762, ♂. Labelled as: [Seròs | (Lérida) | 13-10-1979 | T. Yélamos Leg.] [Paratipo] [Phylan ilerdensis | n. sp. | F. Español et A. Viñolas Det.] [68-0762 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0763, ♂. Labelled as: [Claravalls | (Lérida) | 12-4-1975 | T. Yélamos Leg.] [Paratipo] [Phylan ilerdensis | n. sp. | F. Español et A. Viñolas Det.] [68-0763 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0764, ♂. Labelled as: [Serós | Llitera |25-V-80 | F. Español Leg.] [Paratipo] [Phylan ilerdensis | n. sp. | F. Español et A. Viñolas Det.] [68-0764 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0765, ♂. Labelled as: [Claravalls | (Lérida) | 12-4-1975 | T. Yélamos Leg.] [Paratipo] [Phylan ilerdensis | n. sp. | F. Español et A. Viñolas Det.] [68-0765 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0766, ♂. Labelled as: [Serós Llite- | ra 25-V-80 | F. Español Leg.] [Paratipo] [Phylan ilerdensis | n. sp. | F. Español et A. Viñolas Det.] [68-0766 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0767, ♀. Labelled as: [Seròs | Lérida | 13-4-1980 | A. Viñolas Leg.] [Paratipo] [Phylan ilerdensis | n. sp. | F. Español et A. Viñolas Det.] [68-0767 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0768, ♂. Labelled as: [Serós | Llitera |25-V-80 | F. Español Leg.] [Paratipo] [Phylan ilerdensis | n. sp. | F. Español et A. Viñolas Det.] [68-0768 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0769, ♂. Labelled as: [Serós | Llitera |25-V-80 | F. Español Leg.] [Paratipo] [Phylan ilerdensis | n. sp. | F. Español et A. Viñolas Det.] [68-0769 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0770, ♂. Labelled as: [Seròs | (Lérida) | 13-10-1979 | T. Yélamos Leg.] [Paratipo] [Phylan ilerdensis | n. sp. | F. Español et A. Viñolas Det.] [68-0770 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0771, ♀. Labelled as: [Seròs Fondos de | Llitera | 25-5-80 | T. Yélamos Leg.] [Paratipo] [Phylan ilerdensis | n. sp. | F. Español et A. Viñolas Det.] [68-0771 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0772, ♀. Labelled as: [Claravalls | (Lérida) | 12-4-1975 | T. Yélamos Leg.] [Paratipo] [Phylan ilerdensis | n. sp. | F. Español et A. Viñolas Det.] [68-0772 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0773, ♀. Labelled as: [Claravalls | (Lérida) | 12-4-1975 | T. Yélamos Leg.] [Paratipo] [Phylan ilerdensis | n. sp. | F. Español et A. Viñolas Det.] [68-0773 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0774, ♀. Labelled as: [Mt. Llitera | Seròs (Lérida) | 22-4-1979 | T. Yélamos Leg.] [Paratipo] [Phylan ilerdensis | n. sp. | F. Español et A. Viñolas Det.] [68-0774 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Subtribe Melambiina Mulsant & Rey, 1854

Hoplarion (Atlasion) bedeli insolens (Antoine, 1942)
Original status: Melambius (Hoplariobius) bedeli insolens Antoine, 1942b: 46
Present status: Hoplarion (Atlasion) bedeli insolens (Antoine, 1942)
Original type material citation: «Localité.— Plateau des Lacs, dans les régions sèches, enterré au pied des plantes ; assez abondant.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Plateau des Lacs»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1071, —. Labelled as: [Plateau des Lacs | G.At. 2200 VI.42 | Maroc (Antoine)] [Cotype] [M. Bedeli Esc. | s.sp. insolens | Antoine det.] [68-1071 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2443, —. Labelled as: [Plateau des Lacs | G.AT. 2200 VI.42 | Maroc (Antoine)] [Cotype] [Bedeli ssp. | insolens | Antoine det.] [68-2443 | MZB]
Remarks: Wrong publication reference in the Palaearctic Catalogue (Iwan and Löbl, 2020).

Litoborus (Paralitoborus) chobauti Antoine, 1931
Original status: Litoborus (Paralitoborus) chobauti Antoine, 1931: 190
Present status: Litoborus (Paralitoborus) chobauti Antoine, 1931
Original type material citation: «Maroc central: Chaouia, plaine de Ber-Rechid, vallées de l'Oued Mellah et de l'Oued Nefifik.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Chaouia»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1787, —. Labelled as: [Ber Rechid | Maroc (Antoine)] [Cotype] [L. chobauti | nov | Antoine det.] [ Col. | Español] [68-1787 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1788, —. Labelled as: [Ber Rechid | Maroc (Antoine)] [Cotype] [L. chobauti | nov | Antoine det.] [ Col. | Español] [68-1788 | MZB]

Litoborus (Paralitoborus) lindbergi Español, 1967
Original status: Litoborus lindbergi Español, 1967b: 39
Present status: Litoborus (Paralitoborus) lindbergi Español, 1967
Original type material citation: «Tiflet-Oulmés, 18-III-1961; 3 ejemplares.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Tiflet-Oulmés»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-2517, ♂. Labelled as: [Marroc Tiflet— | Oulmes 18.III.61 | Meinander] [Typus] [Litoborus | lindbergi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [68-2517 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2518, —. Labelled as: [Marroc Tiflet— | Oulmes 18.III.61 | Meinander] [Paratypus] [Litoborus | lindbergi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [68-2518 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2519, —. Labelled as: [Marroc Tiflet— | Oulmes 18.III.61 | Meinander] [Paratypus] [Litoborus | lindbergi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [68-2519 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Litoborus (Litoborus) forticostis saharensis Español, 1946
Original status: Litoborus (Litoborus) forticostis saharensis Español, 1946: 120
Present status: Litoborus (Litoborus) forticostis saharensis Español, 1946
Original type material citation: «Tipo, Aserifa (Seguiat El Hamra), 30-X-43. Paratipos, Draà: Aserifa, 24-V-44 (3 ejemplares). Seguiat El Hamra: Sebha Um Seikira, 8-IV-45 (3 ejemplares); El Aiún (2 ejemplares); Smeid el Nzeil, 26-X-43 (1 ejemplar); Aserifa, 22 ejemplares recogidos con el tipo.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Aserifa, Sebha Um Seikira»
Holotype depositary: JM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-2446, 4, —. Labelled as: [Paratipo] [Aserifa S.H. | 3-XI-1944 | Mateu leg.] [Litoborus for- | ticostis s. sp. | saharensis nov. | Español det.] [68-2446 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2447, 2, —. Labelled as: [Paratipo] [Sebha Um Seiki- | ra (S.H.) 8-IV-45 | Mateu leg.] [Litoborus for- | ticostis s. sp. | saharensis nov. | Español det.] [68-2447 | MZB]

Melambius (Melambatlasus) cacuminorum (Antoine, 1936)
Original status: Micrositus cacuminorum Antoine, 1936: 73
Present status: Melambius (Melambatlasus) cacuminorum (Antoine, 1936)
Original type material citation: «Localité.— Planes du Djebel Rhat. entre Tiersal et le Tizi n'Ait Mallahl de 2000 m. à 2800 m. environ.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Planes du Djebel Rhat»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1790, —. Labelled as: [Dj. Rhat G. A. | 3000 Maroc | Antoine] [cacuminorum | Antoine det.] [Cotype] [Melambius | Melambatlasus | cacuminorum | Ant. | Antoine det.] [68-1790 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Melambius (Melambius) mideltensis Antoine, 1932
Original status: Melambius mideltensis Antoine, 1932: 188
Present status: Melambius (Melambius) mideltensis Antoine, 1932
Original type material citation: «Midelt, dans le fond d'une vallée montant au Djebel Ayachi (une trentaine d'exemplaires).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Midelt»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1789, —. Labelled as: [Mildet.VIII.28 | Maroc (Antoine)] [Cotype] [Melambius | mideltensis | Antoine det.] [Col. | Español] [68-1789 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2445, —. Labelled as: [Mildet.VIII.28 | Maroc (Antoine)] [Cotype] [Col. | Español] [Melambius | mideltensis m. | Antoine det.] [68-2445 | MZB]

Melansis angulata hierroensis Español, 1962
Original status: Melansis angulata hierroenses Español, 1962a: 206
Present status: Melansis angulata hierroensis Español, 1962
Original type material citation: «Subsp. hierroenses nov. Hierro: Hierro (Perraudière, col. Fernández); Valverde (Lindberg, Padrón). Gomera (Lindberg).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Canarian Islands (Hierro Island)»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1193, —. Labelled as: [Hierro] [Melansis angulatus] [M. angulata | ssp. hierroen- | sis nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-1193 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2496, —. Labelled as: [I. Hierro | 9.950 | Mereclas leg. cap.] [Phylax | J. M. Fernández] [M. angulata | ssp. hierroen- | sis nov. | F. Español det.] [Typus] [68-2496 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2497, ♂. Labelled as: [I. Hierro | Valverde | 5-VII-51 | P. Padrón leg.] [M. angulata | ssp. hierroen- | sis nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2497 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2498, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [I. Hierro-Val_ | verde -5-VII-51| P. Padrón leg.] [M. angulata | ssp. hierroen- | sis nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2498 | MZB]

Oreomelasma oromii Español, 1975
Original status: Oreomelasma oromiiEspañol, 1975a: 241
Present status: Oreomelasma oromii Español, 1975
Original type material citation: «Holotypo, ♂, Cumbres Jandía, Fuerteventura, 10-V-1974 (P. Oromí leg. Museo de Zoología de Barcelona). Paratipos 7♂♂ y 5♀♀ adelfotípicos (col. Oromí y Museo de Zoología de Barcelona).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Canarian Islands (Fuerteventura Island (Cumbres Jandía))»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 68-2499, ♂. Labelled as: [Cumbre Jandia | Fuerte 10-V-74] [Oreomelasma | orumii n. | gen. n. sp.| F. Español det.] [Typus] [68-2499 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2500, —. Labelled as: [Cumbres Jan- | dia - Fuerte- | ventura -10-V- | 74 Orumi leg.] [Oreomelasma | orumii n. | gen. n. sp.| F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2500 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2501, —. Labelled as: [Cumbres Jan- | dia - Fuerte- | ventura -10-V- | 74 Orumi leg.] [Oreomelasma | orumii n. | gen. n. sp.| F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2501 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2502, —. Labelled as: [Cumbres Jan- | dia - Fuerte- | ventura -10-V- | 74 Orumi leg..] [Oreomelasma | orumii n. | gen. n. sp.| F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2502 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2503, 2, —. Labelled as: [Fuerteventura | 10-V-74 | Cumbre Jandía | P. Oromí] [Oreomelasma | orumii n. | gen. n. sp.| F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2503 | MZB]

Otinia (Antoineius) espanoli Antoine, 1956
Original status: Otinia (Antoineius) españoli Antoine, 1956: 350
Present status: Otinia (Antoineius) espanoli Antoine, 1956
Original type material citation: «Prèrif: Tahar Souk! (une série).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Tahar Es-Souk»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-2444, —. Labelled as: [Paratype] [Prérof. Tahar | Souk. IV.55 | Maroc (Antoine)] [Antoineius | Españoli m. | Antoine det.] [68-2444 | MZB]

Otinia (Otinia) iblanensis Antoine, 1942
Original status: Otinia iblanensis Antoine, 1942c: 23
Present status: Otinia (Otinia) iblanensis Antoine, 1942
Original type material citation: «Moyen-Atlas septentrional: massif du Bou Iblane, vers 2.000 mètres. J'en ai capturé une vingtaine d'exemplaires entre le Bou Iblane proprement dit et le Moussah ou Salah. Repris ultérieurement par M. Otin.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Bou Iblane»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1785, —. Labelled as: [Bou Iblane | 3.000 VI.38 | Maroc (Antoine)] [Cotype] [Otinia | iblanensis | Antoine det.] [68-1785 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1786, —. Labelled as: [Bou Iblane | 3.000 VI.38 | Maroc (Antoine)] [Cotype] [Otinia | iblanensis | Antoine det.] [68-1786 | MZB]
Remarks: The original description indicates 2.000 m whereas the label indicates 3.000 m.

Tribe Helopini Latreille, 1802
Subtribe Cylindrinotina Español, 1956

Ectromopsis mendizabali Cobos, 1953
Original status: Ectromopsis mendizabali Cobos, 1953: 127
Present status: Ectromopsis mendizabali Cobos, 1953
Original type material citation: «Long. 4 mm. (Holotypus); 4,5 mm. (Allotypus). Serie paratípica oscilable entre los 3,8-4,6 mm.
Localidad: «El Alquián», término municipal de Almería, a unos 10 Klm., al E. de la capital.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Almería (El Alquián)»
Holotype depositary: AC
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-3420, —. Labelled as: [Alquián Prov. Almería | 1949. Febrero | 13. | Mateu - Cobos leg.] [Paratypus] [Baudoni | m. | Antoine det.] [68-3420 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3421, —. Labelled as: [Alquián Prov. Almería | 1949. Febrero | 13. | Mateu - Cobos leg.] [Paratypus] [Baudoni | m. | Antoine det.] [68-3421 | MZB]

Nalassus (Nalassus) baudoni (Antoine, 1953)
Original status: Stenomax baudoni Antoine, 1953: 213
Present status: Nalassus (Nalassus) baudoni Antoine, 1953
Original type material citation: «Moyen Atlas méridional: forêt de Ksiba, circa 2000 m.; une vingtaine d'exemplaires, en mars, sous les écorces de chênes abattus. Dédié à notre collègue Baudon.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Forêt de Ksiba»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1039, —. Labelled as: [Forêt de Ksiba | 2000. IV-52 | Maroc (Antoine)] [Paratypus] [Baudoni | m. | Antoine det.] [68-1039 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1040, —. Labelled as: [Forêt de Ksiba | 2000. IV-52 | Maroc (Antoine)] [Paratypus] [Baudoni | m. | Antoine det.] [68-1040 | MZB]
References: Nabozhenko (2020) (Present status).
Remarks: The year and bibliographic reference indicated in the Palaearctic Catalogue are wrong (Nabozhenko, 2020).

Nalassus (Nalassus) colasi colasi (Español, 1954)
Original status: Cylindronotus (Omaleis) colasi Español, 1954a: 119
Present status: Nalassus (Nalassus) colasi colasi (Español, 1954)
Original type material citation: «Cerro Pelado (Colas, Mateu, Suárez); Puerto del Lobo (Mateu, Cobos); El Chullo (Mateu); Horcajo Trévelez (Mateu, Cobos).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Granada (Cerro Pelado, El Chulo»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1024, —. Labelled as: [El Chullo | Prov. Granada | J. Mateu leg.] [Cyl. (Omaleis) | colasi n. sp. | Español] [Paratypus] [68-1024 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1025, —. Labelled as: [Cerro Pelado |Sierra Nevada | Mateu-Suarez leg.] [Cyl. (Omaleis) | colasi n. sp. | Español] [Paratypus] [68-1025 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1026, —. Labelled as: [El Chullo | Prov. Granada | J. Mateu leg.] [Cyl. (Omaleis) | colasi n. sp. | Español] [Paratypus] [68-1026 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1027, —. Labelled as: [El Chullo | Prov. Granada | J. Mateu leg.] [Cyl. (Omaleis) | colasi n. sp. | Español] [Paratypus] [68-1027 | MZB]
References: Nabozhenko (2020) (Present status).

Nalassus (Nalassus) colasi cobosi Español, 1974
Original status: Nalassus (Nalassus) colasi cobosi Español, 1974: 215
Present status: Nalassus (Nalassus) colasi cobosi Español, 1974
Original type material citation: «Holotipo, ♂, Aulago en la Sierra Filabres (Cobos, Instituto de Aclimatación de Almería). Paratipos 1♂ y 3♀♀ adelfotípicos (Instituto de Aclimatación, Almería y Museo de Zoología, de Barcelona).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Almería (Sierra Filabres)»
Holotype depositary: AC
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-1010, ♂. Labelled as: [Sierra Filabres | Aulago (Almería) | A. Cobos coll. | 2000 m. | 165.IV.1969] [Nalassus cola_ | si ssp. cobo_ | si nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-1010 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-1011, ♀. Labelled as: [Sierra Filabres | Aulago (Almería) | A. Cobos coll. | 2000 m. | 165.IV.1969] [Nalassus cola_ | si ssp. cobo_ | si nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-1011 | MZB]

Nalassus (Nalassus) ecoffeti schaeferi Ardoin, 1959
Original status: Nalassus (Nalassus) ecoffeti schaeferi Ardoin, 1959: 41
Present status: Nalassus (Nalassus) ecoffeti schaeferi Ardoin, 1959 (= Nalassus (Nalassus) ecoffeti (Küster, 1850)
Original type material citation: «Répartition. Holotype: Chaponost (Rhòne) (Schaefer). Coll. Sachaefer. Rhòne: Charbonnières. Lentilly, Thurins, Montagny (Schaefer), Lyon (Tempère), Ecully, Saint-Laurent-de-Ch., Chaponost (Audras). Ardèohe: Aubenas (Thérond).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «France: Chaponost»
Holotype depositary: col. Schaefer
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-1069, —. Labelled as: [Chaponost | Rhòne 1946] [Cylindrnotus | efoffeti Kust. | var. schaeferi | Ardoin] [Cotype] [68-1069 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-1070, —. Labelled as: [Chaponost | Rhòne 1946] [Cotype] [68-1070 | MZB]
References: Nabozhenko (2020) (Present status).

Nalassus (Nalassus) marteni (Español, 1953)
Original status: Stenomax (Helopocerodes) marteni Español, 1953a: 73
Present status: Nalassus (Nalassus) marteni (Español, 1953)
Original type material citation: «Localidad.— Zona montañosa de Gomara: Haute Kasdir (Morales, Marten), Yebel Lexhab (Morales).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Gomara»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-0759, ♂. Labelled as: [J. Lechoiliala | 1000 m. Agmas | 21-V-41 | Morales leg.] [S. (Helopocerodes) | marteni n. sp. | Español] [Paratipo] [Stenomax (he- | lopocerodes) | marteni Esp. | F. Español det.] [68-0759 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-0760, ♀. Labelled as: [Hauta Kasdir | B. Jeyel. 26.V.41 | Morales] [S. (Helopocerodes) | marteni n. sp. | Español] [Paratipo] [68-0760 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1031, —. Labelled as: [Hauta Kasdir | B. Jeyel. 26.V.41 | Morales] [S. (Helopocerodes) | marteni n. sp. | Español] [Paratipo] [68-1031 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1032, —. Labelled as: [Jabel Lexhab | 2.000 m.Ajma | 21-V-41 | Morales] [S. (Helopocerodes) | marteni n. sp. | Español] [Paratipo] [68-1032 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1033, ♂. Labelled as: [Imars. | Hauta Kaschir | VI-31 | Morales leg.] [S. (Helopocerodes) | marteni n. sp. | Español] [Paratipo] [68-1033 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1034, —. Labelled as: [Hauta Kasdir | B. Jeyel. 26.V.41 | Morales] [S. (Helopocerodes) | marteni n. sp. | Español] [Paratipo] [68-1034 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1035, —. Labelled as: [Jabel Lexhab | 2.000 m.Ajma | 21-V-41 | Morales] [S. (Helopocerodes) | marteni n. sp. | Español] [Paratipo] [68-1035 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1036, 2, —. Labelled as: [J. Lexhab | 2.000 m.Ajma | 21-V-41 | Morales] [S. (Helopocerodes) | marteni n. sp. | Español] [Paratipo] [68-1036 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1037, —. Labelled as: [H. Kasdir | B. Sey y el | 21-V-41 | Morales] [S. (Helopocerodes) | marteni n. sp. | Español] [Paratipo] [68-1037 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1038, 3, —. Labelled as: [H. Kasdir | B. Sey y el | 21-V-41 | Morales] [S. (Helopocerodes) | marteni n. sp. | Español] [Paratipo] [68-1038 | MZB]
References: Nabozhenko (2020) (Present status).

Nalassus (Nalassus) mediatlantis (Antoine, 1949)
Original status: Stenomax (Odocnemis) mediatlantis Antoine, 1949: 129
Present status: Nalassus (Nalassus) mediatlantis (Antoine, 1949)
Original type material citation: «Localité.— Semble jusqu'à présent spécial au Moyen-Atlas: Azrou, Ifrane, Aguelmane de Sidi-Ali (Otin), Bou-Iblane. Surtout en foret sous les écorces.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Azrou»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-0960, —. Labelled as: [Azrou 1600 m | Maroc (Antoine) | Moyen Atlas] [Paratypus] [mediatlantis | m. | Antoine det.] [68-0960 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-0961, —. Labelled as: [Azrou 1600 m | Maroc (Antoine) | Moyen Atlas] [Paratypus] [68-0961 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1028, —. Labelled as: [Azrou 1600 | (Maroc) Antoine | Moyen Atlas] [Paratypus] [68-1028 | MZB]
References: Nabozhenko (2020) (Present status).

Odocnemis (Odocnemis) kochi (Español, 1955)
Original status: Cylindronotus (Nalassus) kochi Español, 1955: 99
Present status: Odocnemis (Odocnemis) kochi (Español, 1955)
Original type material citation: «Peña Trevinca; Sierra Ancares; 5 ejemplares.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Lugo (Peña Trevinca)
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1020, —. Labelled as: [Umg. Peña Trevinca | lg. H. Franz] [Nalassus | kochi || n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-1020 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1021, ♂. Labelled as: [Umg. Peña Trevinca | lg. H. Franz] [Prov. Lugo | Hisp. bor.] [Nalassus | kochi || n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-1021 | MZB]
References: Nabozhenko (2020) (Present status).

Odocnemis (Odocnemis) pardoi (Español, 1953)
Original status: Cylindronotus (Omaleis pardoi Español, 1953a: 75
Present status: Odocnemis (Odocnemis) pardoi (Español, 1953)
Original type material citation: «Localidad.— El Garma, Kebdana (Pardo)»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Melilla (El Garma)»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-0758, ♂. Labelled as: [El GARMA Kebdana | Mellilla (Marruecos) | PARDO ALCAIDE] [Paratypus] [Nalassus (Oma | leis) pardoi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [68-0758 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1022, 1♂ and 1♀. Labelled as: [El GARMA Kebdana | Mellilla (Marruecos) | PARDO ALCAIDE] [Typus] [Paratypus] [S. (Omaleis) | pardoi n. sp. | Español det.] [68-1022 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1023, ♂. Labelled as: [El Garma | Kebdana | Pardo le.] [6] [Paratypus] S.(Omaleis) | pardoi n. sp. | Español det.] [68-1023 | MZB]
References: Nabozhenko (2020) (Present status).

Odocnemis (Odocnemis) skopini (Español, 1961)
Original status: Nalassus skopini Español, 1961: 152
Present status: Odocnemis (Odocnemis) skopini (Español, 1961)
Original type material citation: «Endemismo ibérico sólo conocido de las partes meridionales del país y propio, sobre todo, de los relieves penibéticos: Albacete: Molinicos, Sierra de Segura (Escalera); El Pardal, Sierra de Segura (Escalera); Calar del Mundo (Escalera). Almería: Tijola (Escalera).
Granada: Huéscar, La Sagra (Escalera); Castril (Escalera); Galera (Escalera); Huétor de Santillán (Vives). órdoba: Córdoba (Español). Málaga: Sierra de las Nieves, Ronda (Coiffait, Mateu).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Albacete, Almería, Granada, Córdoba and Málaga»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-3388, —. Labelled as: [Castril] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3388 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3389, ♂. Labelled as: [Castril] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3389 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3390, —. Labelled as: [Castril] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3390 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3391, —. Labelled as: [Castril] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3391 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3392, —. Labelled as: [Castril] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3392 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3393, —. Labelled as: [Huéscar] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3393 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3394, —. Labelled as: [Huéscar] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3394 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3395, —. Labelled as: [Huéscar] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3395 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3396, —. Labelled as: [Huéscar] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3396 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3397, —. Labelled as: [Huéscar] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3397 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3398, —. Labelled as: [Huéscar] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3398 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3399, —. Labelled as: [Huéscar] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3399 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3400, —. Labelled as: [Huéscar] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3400 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3401, —. Labelled as: [Huéscar] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3401 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3402, —. Labelled as: [Huéscar] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3402 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3403, —. Labelled as: [Huéscar] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3403 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3404, —. Labelled as: [Huéscar] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3404 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 78-0454, —. Labelled as: [Molinicos] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [78-0454 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 78-0455, —. Labelled as: [Huéscar] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [78-0455 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 78-0456, —. Labelled as: [Molinicos] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [78-0456 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 78-0457, —. Labelled as: [Sas de SEgura | El Pardal | VI.1903 Escalera] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [78-0457 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 78-0459, —. Labelled as: [Tijola | (Almería) | Escalera 1900] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [78-0459 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 78-0460, —. Labelled as: [Galera | (Granada) | Escalera 1900] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [78-0460 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 78-0461, —. Labelled as: [Calar del Mundo | (Albacete) | mai 1904 | Schramm] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [78-0461 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 78-0848, —. Labelled as: [Molinicos] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [78-0848 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1043, —. Labelled as: [Molinicos] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-1043 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1044, —. Labelled as: [Castril] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-1044 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1045, —. Labelled as: [Molinicos |13-6-1978] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-1045 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1046, —. Labelled as: [Sas.de Segura | El Pardal | VI.1903 Escalera] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-1046 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1047, ♂. Labelled as: [Ronda |Sª de las Nieves | 5-56 | J. Mateu leg.] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-1047 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1048, —. Labelled as: [Molinicos] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-1048 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1049, —. Labelled as: [Galera | (Granada) | Escalera 1900] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-1049 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1050, —. Labelled as: [Molini- | cos] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-1050 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1051, —. Labelled as: [Cordoba | 1-I-30 | Español lreg.] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-1051 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1052, —. Labelled as: [Ronda | Sierra de las | Nieves 5-V-52 | Mateu leg.] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-1052 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1053, ♂. Labelled as: [Huétar | Santillán | (Granada) | Vives leg.] [Preparación | genitalia] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-1053 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1054, —. Labelled as: [Andalousie | Sierra de las Nieves | H. Coiffait 5-52] [Muy próximo | a estrellensis | col. Heyden del | Dtsch. Ent. Inst. | Berlin] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-1054 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 78-1853, —. Labelled as: [El Pardal] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [78-1853 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3405, —. Labelled as: [El Pardal] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3405 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3406, —. Labelled as: [Galera | (Granada) | Escalera 1900] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3406 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3407, —. Labelled as: [Galera | (Granada) | Escalera 1900] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3407 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3408, —. Labelled as: [Galera | (Granada) | Escalera 1900] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3408 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3409, —. Labelled as: [Galera | (Granada) | Escalera 1900] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3409 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3410, —. Labelled as: [Galera | (Granada) | Escalera 1900] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3410 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3411, —. Labelled as: [Galera | (Granada) | Escalera 1900] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3411 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3412, —. Labelled as: [Galera | (Granada) | Escalera 1900] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3412 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3413, —. Labelled as: [Galera | (Granada) | Escalera 1900] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3413 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3414, —. Labelled as: [Galera | (Granada) | Escalera 1900] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3414 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3415, —. Labelled as: [Galera | (Granada) | Escalera 1900] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3415 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3416, —. Labelled as: [Galera | (Granada) | Escalera 1900] [Nalassus | skopini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3416 | MZB]
References: Nabozhenko (2020) (Prrsent status).

Odocnemis (Odocnemis) stendachneri (Apfelbeck, 1907)
Original status: Helops (Stenomax) stendachneri Apfelbeck, 1907: 1671
Present status: Odocnemis (Odocnemis) stendachneri (Apfelbeck, 1907)
Original type material citation: «Albanien. Gebirge im Miriditengebiet: Mal i Shêit, Munela, Zebia.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Albania: Mirdité (Oroshi)»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1163, ♀. Labelled as: [Mal i Shêit | Oroshi] [Type 300 NZ] [Steindachneri | Typen ♀ Arz.] [Typus] [Stenomax | stendachneri] [68-1163 | MZB]
References: Nabozhenko (2020) (Present status).

Xanthomus ghidinii Canzoneri, 1959
Original status: Xanthomus ghidinii Canzoneri, 1959: 146
Present status: Xanthomus ghidinii Canzoneri, 1959 (= Xanthomus pallidus (Curtis, 1830))
Original type material citation: «Holotypus (♂) ed allotypus in mia collezione, raccolti a Viareggio il 8-12-56 dal Prof. G. M. Ghidini.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Italy: Toscana (Viareggio)»
Holotype depositary: SC
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-1157, —. Labelled as: [Toscana | Via Reggio | 8-XII-56 | Ghidini G. M.] [PARATYPUS | Xanthomus | ghidinii nova | det. Canzoneri | V-959] [68-1157 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-1158, —. Labelled as: [Toscana | Via Reggio | 8-XII-56 | Ghidini G. M.] [PARATYPUS | Xanthomus | ghidinii nova | det. Canzoneri | V-959] [68-1158 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-1159, —. Labelled as: [Toscana | Via Reggio | 8-XII-56 | Ghidini G. M.] [PARATYPUS | Xanthomus | ghidinii nova | det. Canzoneri | V-959] [68-1159 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-1160, 4, —. Labelled as: [Toscana | Via Reggio | 8-XII-56 | Ghidini G. M.] [PARATYPUS | Xanthomus | ghidinii nova | det. Canzoneri | V-959] [PARATYPUS | Xanthomus | ghidinii nova | det. Canzoneri | V-959] [PARATYPUS | Xanthomus | ghidinii nova | det. Canzoneri | V-959] [68-1160 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-1161, —. Labelled as: [Toscana | Via Reggio | 8-XII-56 | Ghidini G. M.] [PARATYPUS | Xanthomus | ghidinii nova | det. Canzoneri | V-959] [68-1161 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-1162, —. Labelled as: [Toscana | Via Reggio | 8-XII-56 | Ghidini G. M.] [PARATYPUS | Xanthomus | ghidinii nova | det. Canzoneri | V-959] [68-1162 | MZB]

Subtribe Helopina Latreille, 1802

Catomus (Catomus) submetallicus (Vauloger de Beaupré, 1900)
Original status: Helops submetallicus Vauloger de Beaupré, 1900: 713
Present status: Catomus (Catomus) submetallicus (Vauloger de Beaupré, 1900)
Original type material citation: «Algérie: C., région du Chott El-Hodna, a quelques kilomètres au Sud de Barika, en mars, sous des chaunds dans les sillons d'une terre labourée, avec le Cyrtolepsis Seullitzi Desbr.!»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Algeria: Plaine du Hodna»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-2469, —. Labelled as: [Plaine du | Hodna | de Vauloger] [in Museu | J. Clermont] [Cotype] [submetallicus | Vaul. | co-Type] [68-2469 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 78-1846, —. Labelled as: [Plaine du | Hodna | de Vauloger] [in Museu | J. Clermont] [Cotype] [submetallicus | Vaul. | co-Type] [78-1846 | MZB]
References: Nabozhenko (2020) (Present status).

Euboeus (Helopostygnus) confinals kertensis (Español, 1953)
Original status: Probaticus (Helopostygnus) confinlis kertensis Español, 1953a: 78
Present status: Euboeus (Helopostygnus) confinalis kertensis (Español, 1953)
Original type material citation: «Localidad.— Región de Melilla, Kert: Taurirt (Pardo). Muley Rechid (Pardo), Dar Kebdani (Puertas).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Melilla»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1004, ♂. Labelled as: [Taurit (Beni Sicart) | Melilla Marruecos| Pardo Alcaide] [Helopostygus | nov. sp. | Antoine det.] [Probaticus | (Helopostygus) | confinalis Ant. | kertensis | nov.] [Tipo] [68-1004 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1005, ♂. Labelled as: [Taurit | X-47] [Pelorinus sp. (♂) | cf. linearis Vaul. | Peyerimhoff det.] [P. (H.) confinalis | s. sp. kertensis nov.] [Identico al | H. longulous del | Deutsch. Ent. lus. Berlin | pero el proto. algo me- | nos transverso] [Paratipo] [Probaticus | (Helopostygus) | confinalis Ant. | kertensis | nov.] [Tipo] [68-1005 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1006, —. Labelled as: [Dar Ouetsani | Mellila Marruecos |F. Puertas leg.] [Paratipo] [P (H.) confinalis | s.sp. kertensis nov.] [Paratipo] [68-1006 | MZB]
References: Nabozhenko et al. (2017) (Present status).

Euboeus (Pelorinus) balearicus (Español, 1980)
Original status: Probaticus (Pelorinus) balearicus Español, 1980: 108
Present status: Euboeus (Pelorinus) balearicus (Español, 1971)
Original type material citation: «Holotipo. ♂, La Savina, Formentera. Islas Baleares, 7-IV-7* (T. Yélamos y J. Pena leg., Museo de Zoología de Barcelona).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Balearic Island (Formentera Island)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 68-1009, ♂. Labelled as: [La Savina | Formentera | 7.4.79 | T. Yélamos ] [Prob. (Pelori- | nus) baleari_ | cus n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Typus] [68-1009 | MZB]
References: Nabozhenko et al. (2017) (Present status).

Euboeus (Pelorinus) freyi (Español, 1956)
Original status: Probaticus (Pelorinus) freyi Español, 1956b: 109
Present status: Euboeus (Pelorinus) freyi (Español, 1971)
Original type material citation: «De esta nueva especie recogí tres ejemplares en los alrededores de Ubeda (prov. de Jaén) bajo la corteza de árboles apeados y en avanzado proceso de alteración (2 ♂♂ y 1♀)»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Jaén (Ubeda)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 68-0962, ♂. Labelled as: [Ubeda | prov. Jaén | F. Español leg.] [P. (Pelorinus) | freyi n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Typus] [68-0962 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0963, ♂. Labelled as: [Ubeda | prov. Jaén | F. Español leg.] [P. (Pelorinus) | freyi n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-0963 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0964, ♀. Labelled as: [Ubeda | prov. Jaén | F. Español leg.] [P. (Pelorinus) | freyi n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-0964 | MZB]
References: Nabozhenko et al. (2017) (Present status).

Euboeus (Pelorinus) glyptus (Antoine, 1949)
Original status: Probaticus (Pelorinus) glyptus, Antoine, 1949: 132
Present status: Euboeus (Pelorinus) glyptus (Antoine, 1949)
Original type material citation: «Localité.— Forêts du Maroc central: Sidi-Bettache en Zaër, Khénifra (Hantz), Mamora (Rungs).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Mamora»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1014, —. Labelled as: [Coll. Rungs] [Mamora | Maroc | 20-XI-36] [glyptus m. | Antoine det.] [Cotype] [68-1014 | MZB]
References: Nabozhenko et al. (2017) (Present status).

Euboeus (Pelorinus) interstitialis elongatus (Español, 1956)
Original status: Probaticus (Pelorinus) interstitialis elongatus, Español, 1956b: 100
Present status: Euboeus (Pelorinus) interstitialis elongatus (Español, 1971) (= Euboeus (Pelorinus) interstitialis (Küster, 1850)
Original type material citation: «De esta variedad he visto tres ejemplares (2♂♂ y 1♀) recogidos por el Dr. Balaguer en los alrededores de Totana. En ellos las alas inferiores están bien desarrolladas.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Murcia (Totana)»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-0967, ♂. Labelled as: [Totana | IX-1918] [P. (Pelorinus) | interstitialis | ssp. elongatus | F. Español det. | F. Español det.] [Typus] [68-0967 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-0968, ♂. Labelled as: [avic | 8-39] [Totana] [P. (Pelorinus) | interstitialis | ssp. elongatus | F. Español det. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-0968 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-0969, ♀. Labelled as: [Totana | 29-VIII-39 | Balaguer] [P. (Pelorinus) | interstitialis | ssp. elongatus | F. Español det. | F. Español det.] [Typus] [68-0969 | MZB]
References: Nabozhenko et al. (2017) (Present status).

Euboeus (Pelorinus) interstitialis recticollis (Español, 1956)
Original status: Probaticus (Pelorinus) interstitialis recticollis, Español, 1956b: 100
Present status: Euboeus (Pelorinus) interstitialis recticollis (Español, 1971) (= Euboeus (Pelorinus) interstitialis (Küster, 1850)
Original type material citation: «Un sólo ejemplar ♂ recogido por el Sr. A. Cobos en los alrededores de Málaga.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Malága»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-0966, ♂. Labelled as: [MALAGA | (Hispania) | 2-VII-1946 | Cobos Sánchez] [P. (Pelorinus) | interstitialis | ssp. recticollis | F. Español det. | F. Español det.] [Typus] [68-0966 | MZB]
Referencs: Nabozhenko et al. (2017) (Present status).

Gunarus arenicola Antoine, 1949
Original status: Gunarus arenicola Antoine, 1949: 140
Present status: Gunarus arenicola Antoine, 1949
Original type material citation: «Localité.— Casablanca (!).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Casablanca»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1015, ♂. Labelled as: [Casablanca | (Marroc) Antoine] [Cotype] [Gunarus | arenicola m. | Antoine det.] [68-1015 | MZB]
References: Nabozhenko (2020) (Species incerta sedis).

Nesotes (Nesotes) catomoides catomoides Español, 1952
Original status: Nesotes catomoides Español, 1952: 74
Present status: Nesotes (Nesotes) catomoides catomoides Español, 1952
Original type material citation: «Tipo. ♂.— Seguiart El Hamra: El Mejayub, 22-II-44 (Mateu leg. Paratipos. Seguiat El Hamra: 1♂, recogido con el tipo 1♂, Amuiserat, 13-XI-41 (Morales leg.); 1♂ y 3♀♀, Gara El Chelja Meseied, 21-I-41 (Morales y Mateu leg.). Río de Oro: 1♂, Yerifia, 6-XI-43 (Mateu leg.); 1♀, Pozo Tuf, 11-XI-43 (Mateu leg.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: El Mejayub»
Holotype depositary: JM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0761, —. Labelled as: [El Mejayub | (S.H.) 22-II-44 | Mateu leg.] [Paratype] [Nesotes | catomoides | n. sp. | Español] [68-0761 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-1007, —. Labelled as: [Gara del Chel- | ja meseid 21- | I-43 Mor.-Mat.] [Paratipo] [Nesotes | catomoides | n. sp. | Español] [68-1007 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-1008, —. Labelled as: [Amviserat | Seguia El | Hamra-13-XI-41 | Morales leg.] [Paratipo] [Nesotes | catomoides | n. sp. | Español] [68-1008 | MZB]

Nesotes (Nesotes) confertus colasi Ardoin, 1960
Original status: Nesotes confertus colasi Ardoin, 1960: 118
Present status: Nesotes (Nesotes) confertus colasi Ardoin, 1960
Original type material citation: «Répartion: Propere à l'ile de Madère ette est assez répandue mais pas très abondante: Pico Ruivo, mai 1957, 9 ex., Colas et Mateu (localité typique); Rabaçal, Paul da Serra, avril 1957, 11 ex., Colas et Mateu; Pousada dos Vinhatigos, mai 1957, 2 ex., Mateu; Santo
da Serra, avril 1957, 9 ex., Mateu; Ribeira de Fanela, avril 1959, 13 ex., Colas et Mateu ; Feija de Noguera, avril 1959, 1 ex., Mateu; Barranco san Georges, avril 1959, 1 ex., Mateu; Levada das Casinhas, San Georges, avril 1959, 1 ex., Mateu; El Monte, avril 1957, 1 ex., Colas.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Portugal: Madeira Islands»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-3422, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [IV-1957 | Pico Rulvo | Quemedas | Madere Mateu] [Paratype] [Nesotes | confertus Woll. | s. sp. colasi nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1960] [68-3422 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3423, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] 15-IV-1959 | Barranco | San George | Madere - Mateu] [Paratype] [Nesotes | confertus Woll. | s. sp. colasi nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1960] [68-3423 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3424, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [30-IV-1959 | Lavada das | Casiñas | S. George | Madere - Mateu] [Paratype] [Nesotes | confertus Woll. | s.sp. colasi nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1960] [68-3424 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3425, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [IV-1957 | Pico Rulvo | Quemedas | Madere Mateu] [Paratype] [Nesotes | confertus Woll. | s. sp. colasi nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1960] [68-3425 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3426, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [30-IV-1957 | Quemadas | Maderea Mateu | Pico Rulvo | Quemedas | Madere Mateu] [Paratype] [Nesotes | confertus Woll. | s. sp. colasi nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1960] [68-3426 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3427, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [IV-1957 | Rabeçal | Paul da Serra | Madere Mateu] [Paratype] [Nesotes | confertus Woll. | s. sp. colasi nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1960] [68-3427 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3428, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [21-IV-1957 | Santo da | Serra| Madere Mateu] [Paratype] [Nesotes | confertus Woll. | s. sp. colasi nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1960] [68-3428 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3429, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [3-V-1957 | Pousada dos | Vinhatigos | Madere Mateu] [Paratype] [Nesotes | confertus Woll. | s. sp. colasi nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1960] [68-3429 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3430, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [3-V-1957 | Pousada dos | Vinhatigos | Madere Mateu] [Paratype] [Nesotes | confertus Woll. | s. sp. colasi nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1960] [68-3430 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3431, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [10-IV-1959 | Ribeira de | Fanela | Madere Mateu] [Paratype] [Nesotes | confertus Woll. | s. sp. colasi nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1960] [68-3431 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3432, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [10-IV-1959 | Ribeira de | Fanela | Madere Mateu] [Paratype] [Nesotes | confertus Woll. | s. sp. colasi nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1960] [68-3432 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3433, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [10-IV-1959 | Ribeira de | Fanela | Madere Mateu] [Paratype] [Nesotes | confertus Woll. | s.sp. colasi nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1960] [68-3433 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3434, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [21-IV-1957 | Santo da | Serra | Madere Mateu] [Paratype] [Nesotes | confertus Woll. | s. sp. colasi nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1960] [68-3434 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3435, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [21-IV-1957 | Santo da | Serra | Madere Mateu] [Paratype] [Nesotes | confertus Woll. | s. sp. colasi nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1960] [68-3435 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3436, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [5-IV-1957 | Feija de | Nogueira | Madere Mateu] [Paratype] [Nesotes | confertus Woll. | s. sp. colasi nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1960] [68-3436 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3437, —. Labelled as: [Madera | Paul da | Serra 15-V-52 | Pecoud] [Paratype] [Nesotes | confertus Woll. | s.sp. colasi nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1960] [68-3437 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3438, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [21-IV-1957 | Santo da | Serra | Madere Mateu] [Paratype] [Nesotes | confertus Woll. | s. sp. colasi nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1960] [68-3438 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3439, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [21-IV-1957 | Santo da | Serra | Madere Mateu] [Paratype] [Nesotes | confertus Woll. | s. sp. colasi nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1960] [68-3439 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3440, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [21-IV-1957 | Santo da | Serra | Madere Mateu] [Paratype] [Nesotes | confertus Woll. | s. sp. colasi nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1960] [68-3440 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3441, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [21-IV-1957 | Santo da | Serra | Madere Mateu] [Paratype] [Nesotes | confertus Woll. | s. sp. colasi nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1960] [68-3441 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3442, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [20-IV-1959 | Ribeira de | Fanela | Madere - Mateu] [Paratype] [Nesotes | confertus Woll. | s. sp. colasi nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1960] [68-3442 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3443, ♂. Labelled as: [♀] [20-IV-1959 | Ribeira de | Fanela | Madere - Mateu] [Paratype] [Nesotes | confertus Woll. | s. sp. colasi nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1960] [68-3443 | MZB]

Nesotes (Nesotes) conformis grancanariensis Español, 1962
Original status: Nesotes conformis grancanariensis Español, 1962b: 339
Present status: Nesotes (Nesotes) conformis grancanariensis Español, 1962
Original type material citation: «Gran Canaria: Región del Monte (Wollaston); Barranco de Azuaje (Uyttenboogaart); Tarifa (Alluaud); Moya, 28-III-52 (Pécoud); Brezal de Moya, 11-IV-54 (Mateu); íd., 17-V-59 (Fernández); numerosos ejemplares.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Canarian Island (Gran Canaria Island)»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-2523, —. Labelled as: [Gran Canaria | Moya | 28-IV-52 | Pécoud leg.] [N. conformis | ssp. gran-cana_ | riensis nov. | F. Español det.] [Holotypus] [68-2523 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2524, —. Labelled as: [El Brezal | Gran Canaria |J. Mateu coll.] [21-VI-54] [N. conformis | ssp. gran-cana_ | riensis nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2524 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2525, —. Labelled as: [El Brezal | Gran Canaria |J. Mateu coll.] [21-VI-54] [N. conformis | ssp. gran-cana_ | riensis nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2525 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3304, —. Labelled as: [El Brezal | Gran Canaria |J. Mateu coll.] [21-VI-54] [N. conformis | ssp. gran-cana_ | riensis nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3304 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3305, —. Labelled as: [El Brezal | Gran Canaria |J. Mateu coll.] [21-VI-54] [N. conformis | ssp. gran-cana_ | riensis nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3305 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3307, ♂. Labelled as: [El Brezal | Gran Canaria |J. Mateu coll.] [21-VI-54] [N. conformis | ssp. gran-cana_ | riensis nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3307 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3308, ♂. Labelled as: [Gran Canaria | Moya | 28-III-52 | Pécoud leg.] [N. conformis | ssp. gran-cana_ | riensis nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3308 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3309, ♂. Labelled as: [Gran Canaria | Moya | 28-III-52 | Pécoud leg.] [N. conformis | ssp. gran-cana_ | riensis nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3309 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3310, 3, —. Labelled as: [Gran Canaria | Moya | 28-III-52 | Pécoud leg.] [N. conformis | ssp. gran-cana_ | riensis nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3310 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3311, 3, —. Labelled as: [Gran Canaria | Moya | 28-III-52 | Pécoud leg.] [N. conformis | ssp. gran-cana_ | riensis nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3311 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3312, 4, —. Labelled as: [Gran Canaria | Moya | 28-III-52 | Pécoud leg.] [N. conformis | ssp. gran-cana_ | riensis nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3312 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3313, 2, —. Labelled as: [Gran Canaria | Moya | 28-III-52 | Pécoud leg.] [N. conformis | ssp. gran-cana_ | riensis nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3313 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3314, 2, —. Labelled as: [Gran Canaria | Moya | 28-III-52 | Pécoud leg.] [N. conformis | ssp. gran-cana_ | riensis nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3314 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3315, —. Labelled as: [Gran Canaria | Moya | 28-III-52 | Pécoud leg.] [N. conformis | ssp. gran-cana_ | riensis nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3315 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3316, 2, —. Labelled as: [Gran-Can- | Brezal, Moya | 17-V-54] [N. conformis | ssp. gran-cana_ | riensis nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3316 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3317, 3, —. Labelled as: [Gran Canaria | Brezal Moya | 17-V-54 | J. M. Fernández] [N. conformis | ssp. gran-cana_ | riensis nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3317 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3318, 4, —. Labelled as: [I. Gran Canaria | Brezal de Moya | 17-V-1959 | J. M. Fernánmdez] [N. conformis | ssp. gran-cana_ | riensis nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3318 | MZB]

Nesotes (Nesotes) lindbergi Español, 1962
Original status: Nesotes lindbergi Español, 1962b: 342
Present status: Nesotes (Nesotes) lindbergi Español, 1962
Original type material citation: «Holotipo: ♂. Gran Canaria, Telde, 6-III-52 (Pécoud). Paratipos una serie de ejemplares procedentes asimismo de Telde (Pécoud y Mateu); Aldea de San Nicolás (Mateu); Galdar (Lindberg). En el Museo de Zoología de Barcelona y en el Museo Zoológico de la
Universidad de Helsinki.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Canarian Islands (Gran Canaria Island (Telde))»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 68-2504, ♂. Labelled as: [Gran Canaria | Telde 6-III-52 | Pécaud leg.] [Nesotes | lindbergi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Holotypus] [68-2054 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2505, ♂. Labelled as: [Gran Canaria | Telde 6-III-52 | Pécaud leg.] [Nesotes | lindbergi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2505 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2506, ♂. Labelled as: [Gran Canaria | Telde 6-III-52 | Pécaud leg.] [Nesotes | lindbergi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2506 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2507, —. Labelled as: [Telde | Gran Canaria | J. Mateu coll. | 7-III-52] [Nesotes | lindbergi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2507 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2508, —. Labelled as: [Telde | Gran Canaria | J. Mateu coll. | 7-III-52] [Nesotes | lindbergi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2508 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2509, —. Labelled as: [Telde | Gran Canaria | J. Mateu coll. | 7-III-52] [Nesotes | lindbergi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2509 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2510, —. Labelled as: [Telde | Gran Canaria | J. Mateu coll. | 7-III-52] [Nesotes | lindbergi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2510 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2511, —. Labelled as: [Telde | Gran Canaria | J. Mateu coll. | 7-III-52] [Nesotes | lindbergi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2511 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2512, —. Labelled as: [Telde | Gran Canaria | J. Mateu coll. | 7-III-52] [Nesotes | lindbergi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2512 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2513, —. Labelled as: [Telde | Gran Canaria | J. Mateu coll. | 7-III-52] [Nesotes | lindbergi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2513 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2514, ♂. Labelled as: [Telde | Gran Canaria | J. Mateu coll. | 7-III-52] [Nesotes | lindbergi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2514 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2515, 6, —. Labelled as: [Gran Canaria | Telde | 6-III-52| Pecóud] [Nesotes | lindbergi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2515 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2516, 2, —. Labelled as: [Gran Canaria | Telde | 6-III-52| Pecóud] [Nesotes | lindbergi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2516 | MZB]

Nesotes (Nesotes) infernus wollastoni Ardoin, 1960
Original status: Nesotes infernus wollastoni Ardoin, 1960: 121
Present status: Nesotes (Nesotes) infernus wollastoni Ardoin, 1960
Original type material citation: «Holo et allotype: Cabeço de Barbara Gomez, Porto Santo, mars 1959, Colas.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Portugal: Madeira Islands»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-3444, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [30-III-1959 | Cabeço de | Barbara Gomez | Porto Santo | Madere Mateu] [Paraype] [Nesotes | infernus Woll. | s. sp. wollastoni | nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1959] [68-3444 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3445, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [30-III-1959 | Cabeço de | Barbara Gomez | Porto Santo | Madere Mateu] [Paraype] [Nesotes | infernus Woll. | s. sp. wollastoni | nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1959] [68-3445 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3446, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [30-III-1959 | Cabeço de | Barbara Gomez | Porto Santo | Madere Mateu] [Paraype] [Nesotes | infernus Woll. | s. sp. wollastoni | nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1959] [68-3446 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3447, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [30-III-1959 | Cabeço de | Barbara Gomez | Porto Santo | Madere Mateu] [Paraype] [Nesotes | infernus Woll. | s. sp. wollastoni | nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1959] [68-3447 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3448, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [30-III-1959 | Cabeço de | Barbara Gomez | Porto Santo | Madere Mateu] [Paraype] [Nesotes | infernus Woll. | s. sp. wollastoni | nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1959] [68-3448 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3449, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [30-III-1959 | Cabeço de | Barbara Gomez | Porto Santo | Madere Mateu] [Paraype] [Nesotes | infernus Woll. | s. sp. wollastoni | nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1959] [68-3449 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3450, 2, —. Labelled as: [Medera | Porto Santo | 30-V-52 | Pecoud] [Paraype] [Nesotes | infernus Woll. | s. sp. wollastoni | nov. | P. Ardoin Det. 1959] [68-3450 | MZB]

Nesotes (Nesotes) sefruensis Antoine, 1949
Original status: Nesotes sefruensis Antoine, 1949: 137
Present status: Nesotes (Nesotes) sefruensis Antoine, 1949
Original type material citation: «Localité. — Moyen-Atlas: Sefrou (!, Otin), Sidi-Abdallah, au pied du Tazeka (Otin, P. Rotrou).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Sefrou»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-1055, —. Labelled as: [Sefrou X-37 | Maroc (Antoine)] [CoType] [sefruensis | m. | Antoine det.] [68-1055 | MZB]

Nesotes (Nesotes) tuberculipennis ramirezi Español, 1961
Original status: Nesotes tuberculipennis ramirezi Español, 1961b: 304
Present status: Nesotes (Nesotes) tuberculipennis ramirezi Español, 1961
Original type material citation: «Estrechamente localizado en nuestra Península en la zona del Estrecho de Gibraltar: Cádiz: San Roque (Ramírez); La Línea (col. Mus. Zool. Barcelona); Gibraltar (Champion).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Cádiz (San Roque)»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-0991, ♂. Labelled as: [San Roque | Cádiz | J. Ramírez leg.] [Typus] [N. tubercul. | ssp. ramirezi | nov. | F. Español det.] [68-0991 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-0992, —. Labelled as: [San Roque | Cádiz | 24-III-56 | J. Ramírez leg.] [Paratypus] [N. tubercul. | ssp. ramirezi | nov. | F. Español det.] [68-0992 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-0993, 3, —. Labelled as: [San Roque | 3-II-57 | J. Ramírez leg.] [Paratypus] [N. tubercul. | ssp. ramirezi | nov. | F. Español det.] [68-0993 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-0994, —. Labelled as: [San Roque | Cádiz | J. Ramírez leg.] [Paratypus] [N. tubercul. | ssp. ramirezi | nov. | F. Español det.] [68-0994 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-0995, 3, —. Labelled as: [San Roque | III-57 | J. Ramírez leg.] [Paratypus] [N. tubercul. | ssp. ramirezi | nov. | F. Español det.] [68-0995 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-0996, ♂. Labelled as: [San Roque | (Cádiz)] [♂] [Paratypus] [N. tubercul. | ssp. ramirezi | nov. | F. Español det.] [68-0996 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-0997, 3, —. Labelled as: [San Roque | III-57 | J. Ramírez leg.] [Paratypus] [N. tubercul. | ssp. ramirezi | nov. | F. Español det.] [68-0997 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-0998, —. Labelled as: [San Roque | Cádiz | J. Ramírez leg.] [Paratypus] [N. tubercul. | ssp. ramirezi | nov. | F. Español det.] [68-0998 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-0999, ♂. Labelled as: [San Roque | Cádiz | 26-I-56 | J. Ramírez leg.] [Paratypus] [N. tubercul. | ssp. ramirezi | nov. | F. Español det.] [68-0999 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1000, ♀. Labelled as: [San Roque | Cádiz | J. Ramírez leg.] [♀] [Paratypus] [N. tubercul. | ssp. ramirezi | nov. | F. Español det.] [68-1000 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1001, —. Labelled as: [San Roque | Cádiz | J. Ramírez leg.] [Paratypus] [N. tubercul. | ssp. ramirezi | nov. | F. Español det.] [68-1001 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1002, 2, —. Labelled as: [San Roque | 3-II-57 | J. Ramírez leg.] [Paratypus] [N. tubercul. | ssp. ramirezi | nov. | F. Español det.] [68-1002 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1003, 2, —. Labelled as: [San Roque | 10-V-57 | J. Ramírez leg.] [Paratypus] [N. tubercul. | ssp. ramirezi | nov. | F. Español det.] [68-1003 | MZB]

Nesotes (Nesotes) tuberculipennis schrammi Antoine, 1949
Original status: Nesotes tuberculipennis schrammi Antoine, 1949: 135
Present status: Nesotes (Nesotes) tuberculipennis schrammi Antoine, 1949
Original type material citation: «Largement répandu dans le Maroc central: Oued Mellahg et oued Nefifik (!), Zenata, près Casablanca (!), Bouskoura (!), Rabat (Rungs), Oumès (!), Kasba Mansouriah (Schramm), Azemmour (Schramm), Mechra ben Abou (!), Souk el Arba des Rehamna (!).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Oued Mellahg, Oued Nefifik»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 78-1847, —. Labelled as: [Oued Nefifik | Maroc) Antoine] [Type] [N. tuberculi | pennis ssp. | scrammi Ant. | F. Español det.] [78-1847 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1012, —. Labelled as: [Oued Nefifik | Maroc) Antoine] [Cotype] [scrammi | m.. | A. Antoine det.] [68-1012| MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1013, 2, —. Labelled as: [Oued Mellahg | Maroc) Antoine] [Cotype] [scrammi m. | A. Antoine det.] [68-1013 | MZB]

Nesotes (Nesotes) tuberculipennis vilarrubiai (Español, 1943)
Original status: Cylindronotus (Nesotes) tuberculipennis vilarrubiai Español, 1943a: 144
Present status: Nesotes (Nesotes) tuberculipennis vilarrubiai (Español, 1943)
Original type material citation: «typus, Ifni: Sidi Ifni (F. B.).— Paratypus, Ifni: Sidi Ifni (F. B.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Sidi Ifni»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 78-1848, ♂. Labelled as: [IFNI | Sidi-Ifni | III-IV-35 | Ferrer Bravo] [Typus] [Cylind. (Nesotes) | tuberculipennis | ssp. vilarrubiai | nov. | Español det.] [78-1848 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-1849, ♀. Labelled as: [IFNI | Sidi-Ifni | III-IV-35 | Ferrer Bravo] [Paratypus] [Cylind. (Nesotes) | tuberculipennis | ssp. vilarrubiai | nov. | Español det.] [78-1849 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0965, —. Labelled as: [IFNI | Tosha | III-IV-35 | Ferrer Bravo] [Paratypus] [Nesotes | tuberculipennis | ssp. vilarrubiai | nov. | Español det.] [68-0965 | MZB]
References: Nabozhenko (2020) (Present status).

Nesotes (Helopogonus) viridicollis ibicensis Español, 1940
Original status: Cylinnodrotus (Helopogonos) viridicollis ibicensis Español, 1940: 105
Present status: Nesotes (Helopogonus) viridicollis ibicensis Español, 1940
Original type material citation: «San Antonio (Tipo en el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Balearic Islands: Eivissa Island (Sant Antoni)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Type MZB 68-1029, —. Labelled as: [I. Eivissa | S. Antoni | XI-35] [Typus] [25] [Helopogonus | viridicollis Schauf. | ssp. ibicensis Esp. | F. Español det. 193] [68-1029 | MZB]
Type MZB 68-1030, —. Labelled as: [I. Eivissa | S. Antoni | XI-35] [Paratypus] [Helops | viridicollis | Schauff. | F. Español det. 1936] [Helopogonus | viridicollis Schauf. | ssp. ibicensis Esp. | F. Español det. 193] [68-1030 | MZB]
Referencs: Nabozhenko et al. (2017) (Present status).
Remarks: In the Palaearctic Catalogue the year 1946 is wrong. In the bibliographical reference the year is correct (1940), but not the title or the pages (Nabozhenko, 2020).

Sabularius hoplites Antoine, 1937
Original status: Sabularius hoplites Antoine, 1937: 177
Present status: Sabularius hoplites Antoine, 1937
Original type material citation: «Localité. — Maroc central. Mechra ben Abou, dans la zone -sablonneuse de la rive droite de l'Oum er Rbia, juste à droite du pont de la route de Casablanca à Marrakech. Trouvé en nombre le 5-XII-1925 sous une planchette de bois.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Machraa Ben Abbou»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1056, 5. —. Labelled as: [Mekra ben Abou | 5-XII-25 | Maroc (Antoine)] [CoType] [Sabularius | hoplites m. | Antoine det.] [68-1056 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 78-1845, 5, —. Labelled as: [Mechra ben Abou | Maroc (Antoine)] [Sabularis | hoplites m. | Antoine det.] [Cotype] [78-1845 | MZB]

Stenohelops (Helopelius) ardoini Español, 1957
Original status: Stenohelops (Stenomaleis) ardoini,Español, 1957a: 22
Present type material citation: «Tipo, ♂: Valls (Tarragona), 30-XII-30 (Español leg.). Alotypo, ♀, recogido con el tipo. Paratipos, numerosos ejemplares recogidos en las siguientes localidades: Barcelona: Gavá (Español leg.); Masquefa (Montada y Español leg.); Torrelles de Foix (Lagar leg.).
Tarragona: Valls (Español leg.); Poblet (Español leg.); Alcover, Bon Retorn (Español leg.); Cornudella (Español leg.); Pratdip (Español leg.); Tortosa (Borguñá y Balaguer leg.). Teruel: Teruel (Pécoud leg.). Castellón de la Plana: Adzaneta (Mateu y Español leg.). Valencia: Millares (Báguena leg.); Alcira (Báguena leg.). Alicante: Pego (Torres Sala leg.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Tarragona (Valls)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 68-1016, ♂. Labelled as: [Valls | (Tarragona) | 30.XII.30 | Español leg.] [Stenohelops | ardoini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Holotypus] [68-1016 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-1017, ♀. Labelled as: [Valls | (Tarragona) | 30.XII.30 | Español leg.] [Stenohelops | ardoini | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Alotypus] [68-1017 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3358, 2, —. Labelled as: [Valls | (Tarragona) | Col. Español] [68-3358 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3359, —. Labelled as: [Valls | (Tarragona) | col. Español leg.] [68-3359 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3360, 3, —. Labelled as: [Valls | (Tarragona) | col. Español leg.] [68-3360 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3361, 4, —. Labelled as: [Valls | (Tarragona) | col. Español leg.] [68-3361 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3362, 3, —. Labelled as: [Valls | (Tarragona) | col. Español leg.] [68-3362 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3363, —. Labelled as: [Valls | (Tarragona) | col. Español leg.] [68-3363 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3364, —. Labelled as: [Valls | (Tarragona) | col. Español leg.] [68-3364 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3365, —. Labelled as: [Valls | (Tarragona) | col. Español leg.] [68-3365 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3366, 8, —. Labelled as: [Valls | (Tarragona) | col. Español leg.] [68-3366 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3367, 4, —. Labelled as: [Valls | (Tarragona) | col. Español leg.] [68-3367 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3368, —. Labelled as: [Valls | (Tarragona) | col. Español leg.] [68-3368 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3369, —. Labelled as: [Valls | (Tarragona) | col. Español leg.] [68-3369 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3370, 2, —. Labelled as: [Valls | (Tarragona) | col. Español leg.] [68-3370 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3371, 4, —. Labelled as: [Valls | (Tarragona) | col. Español leg.] [68-3371 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3372, 3, —. Labelled as: [Valls | (Tarragona) | col. Español leg.] [68-3372 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3373, —. Labelled as: [Valls | (Tarragona) | col. Español leg.] [68-3373 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3374, 8, —. Labelled as: [Valls | (Tarragona) | col. Español leg.] [68-3374 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3375, —. Labelled as: [Valls | (Tarragona) | col. Español leg.] [68-3375 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3376, —. Labelled as: [Valls | (Tarragona) | col. Español leg.] [68-3376 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3377, —. Labelled as: [Valls | (Tarragona) | col. Español leg.] [68-3377 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3378, —. Labelled as: [Valls | (Tarragona) | col. Español leg.] [68-3378 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3379, —. Labelled as: [Valls | (Tarragona) | col. Español leg.] [68-3379 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3380, —. Labelled as: [Valls | (Tarragona) | col. Español leg.] [68-3380 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3381, 4, —. Labelled as: [Valls | (Tarragona) | col. Español leg.] [68-3381 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3382, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [Valls | (Tarragona) | col. Español leg.] [Tubo 1] [68-3382 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3383, 3, —. Labelled as: [Valls (Tarragona) | 30-XII-30 | col. Español leg.] [68-3383 | MZB]
References: Nabozhenko (2020); Bouchard et al. (2021) (Present status)
Remarks: Helopelius is a valid genus in the Palaearctic Catalogue (Nabozhenko, 2020), but is given as a subgenus of Steno-helops in Bouchard et al. (2021).

Stenohelops (Helopelius) otini (Antoine, 1949)
Original status: Helopelius otini Antoine, 1949: 141
Present status: Stenohelops (Helopelius) otini (Antoine, 1949)
Original type material citation: «Localité.— Moyen-Atlas: Aguelmane de Sidi-Ali (!, Schramm, Otin), Timhadit (!), Ifrane (!), El Hajeb (!).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Aguelmane Sidi Ali»
Sintype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1041, —. Labelled as: [Lac Sidi Ali 4/39 | Maroc (Antoine)] [Cotype] [Helopelius | otini m. | Antoine det.] [68-1041 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1042, —. Labelled as: [Lac Sidi Ali 4/39 | Maroc (Antoine)] [99] [Cotype] [Helopelius | otini m. | Antoine det.] [68-1042 | MZB]
References: Nabozhenko (2020); Bouchard et al. (2021) (Present status).
Remarks: Helopelius is a valid genus in the Palaearctic Catalogue (Nabozhenko, 2020), but is given as a subgenus of Steno-helops in Bouchard et al. (2021).

Tribe Melanimonini Seidlitz, 1894

Cheirodes (Cheirodes) humeralis (Ardoin, 1971)
Original status: Anemia (s. str.) humeralis Ardoin, 1971: 369
Present status: Cheirodes (Cheirodes) humeralis (Ardoin, 1971)
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. mâle, N'Guigmi, Niger, IX.1919, Dr. Noël, collections du Muséum national. Allotype: un ex. femelle, même origine.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Sudan: Khartoum»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0856, ♀. Labelled as: [17.VIII.1962 | Goreif, près | Khartoum, SUDAN | P. Ardoin réc.] [PARATYPUS | Anemia | s. str. | humeralis | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1970] [68-0856 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Cheirodes (Anemiadema) giraudini (Ardoin, 1971)
Original status: Anemia (Anemiadema) giraudini Ardoin, 1971: 404
Present status: Cheirodes (Anemiadema) giraudini (Ardoin, 1971)
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. mâle, Rumonge, Burundi, IV.1963, R. P. Giraudin, déposé dans les collections du Muséum national. Allotype: un ex. femelle, même origine.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Burundi: Rumonge»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0857, ♂. Labelled as: [IV-1963 | Rumonge |URUNDI |P. Girandin leg.] [PARATYPUS | Anemia s. g. | Anemiadema | girandini | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1970] [68-0857 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Cheirodes (Pseudanemia) abyssinica (Ardoin, 1971)
Original status: Anemia (Pseudanemia)abyssinica Ardoin, 1971: 420
Present status: Cheirodes (Pseudanemia)abyssinica (Ardoin, 1971)
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. mâle, Nanoropus, bords du Lac Rodolphe, Ethiopie méridionale, Mission de l'Omo 1932-1933, C. Arambourg, P. A. Chappuis et R. Jeannel, collections du Muséum national.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Ethiopia: Nanoropus»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0885, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [EHIOPIE MÉRID. | Nanoropus | Bords du Rodolphe | 585 m] []MUSEUM DE PARIS | Mission de l'Omo | C. ARAMBOURG | P. CHAPPUIS & L. JEANNEL | 1932-33] [PARATYPUS | Anemia s. g. | pseudanemia | abyssinica | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1970] [68-0885 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Cheirodes (Spinanemia) amieti (Ardoin, 1971)
Original status: Anemia (Spinanemia) amieti Ardoin, 1971: 390
Present status: Cheirodes (Spinanemia) amieti (Ardoin, 1971)
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. mâle, Rosso, Mauritanie-Sud, 10-13.1.1964, J.-L. Amiet, déposé dans les collections du Muséum national. Allotype: un ex. femelle, même origine,7-10.xn.1963»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Mauritania: Rosso»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0859, ♂. Labelled as: [7-9-I-1964 | Rosso | Mauritanie | J. L. Amiet] [PARATYPUS | Anemia | s. g. Spinanemia | amieti | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1970] [68-0859 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Cheirodes (Spinanemia) cornuta panelii (Ardoin, 1971)
Original status: Anemia (Spinanemia) cornuta panelii Ardoin, 1971: 379
Present status: Cheirodes (Spinanemia) cornuta panelii (Ardoin, 1971)
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex., Atbara, Northern Prov., Sudan, 22.X.1962, S. Panelius, Zoological Museum, Helsinki.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Sudan: Khartoum»
Holotype depositary: NHM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0860, —. Labelled as: [COOL. MUS. CONGO | Soudan: Khartoum | Vii et X-1950 | P. L. G. Benoit] [PARATYPUS | Anemia s. g. | Spinanemia | cornuta Pic.| | ssp. panetii | nov. | P. Ardoin 1970] [68-0860 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Cheirodes (Spinanemia) kaszabi (Ardoin, 1971)
Original status: Anemia (Spinanemia) kaszabi Ardoin, 1971: 396
Present status: Cheirodes (Spinanemia) kaszabi (Ardoin, 1971)
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. mâle, Farm Roodeplaat, Pretoria, Transvaal, X-XI.1961, F. Neubecker, Magyar, Nemzeti Museum, Budapest. Allotype: un ex. femelle, même origine.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Republic of South Africa: Transvaal (Roodeplaat)»
Holotype depositary: HNHM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0858, —. Labelled as: [Südafrika, Transvaal | Pretoria, X-XI-961. | Fram Roodeplaat, UV.- | Lichtfalle, NEUBECKER] [PARATYPUS | Anemia s. g. | Spinanemia | kaszabi | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1970] [68-0858 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Cheirodes (Spinanemia) seriatipennis (Ardoin, 1971)
Original status: Anemia (Spinanemia) seriatipennis Ardoin, 1971: 398
Present status: Cheirodes (Spinanemia) seriatipennis (Ardoin, 1971)
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. mâle, Taveta, Sud-Kenya, III.1912, Alluaud et Jeannel, collections du Musuém national. Allotype: un ex. femelle, même origine.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Republic of South Africa: Kalhari (Gemabokpark)»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0861, ♂. Labelled as: [Südafrika, Kap Provinz | Twee Rivier. Kalhari | Gemabokpark UV.- Litchtf. | 15.II.61. F. NEUBECKER] [PARATYPUS | Anemia s. g. | Spinanemia | seriatipennis | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1970] [68-0861 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Dolamara cupreomicans (Reitter, 1915)
Original status: Melanimon (Microzoum) cupreomicans, 1915: 88
Present status: Dolamara cupreomicans (Reitter, 1915)
Original type material citation: «Turkestan: Alai»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Turkestan: Alai»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-3922, —. Labelled as: [Alai Geb.] [Cotypus | Melanimon | cupreomicans Rtt. | Coll. Reitter] [Dalamara | cupreomicans | Rtt. | Español det.] [68-3922 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Tribe Opatrini Brullé, 1832
Subtribe Ammobiina Desbrochers des Loges, 1902

Amphithrixoides peyerimhoffi (Español, 1953)
Original status: Amphithrix peyerimhoffi Español, 1953c: 309
Present status: Amphithrixoides peyerimhoffi (Español, 1953)
Original type material citation: «Oglat-Beraber, V-50 (Reymond); Maajez el Abiodh, 11-51 (Reymond); Erg Iguidi, Sáhara oranés, 11-51 (Reymond); id. (Joly); H. el Makrzana, Erg-er-Raomi (Pierre); H. Bersoum (Pierre); Ammès, Gran Erg oee (Pierre); Foum Siada, Beni Abbès (Pierre).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Algeria: Beni Abbès and Djebel Ben Tadjine»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-3451, —. Labelled as: [Algeria | Beni Abbès | F. Siada | 12-II-50 | Pierre leg.] [Amphithrix | peyerimhoffi | n. sp. Esp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3451 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3452, —. Labelled as: [Dj. Tadjine | IV-52 | F. Pierre] [Amphithrix | peyerimhoffi | F. Pierre] [Paratypus] [68-3452 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2470, —. Labelled as: [Sahar. oranais | Erg Iguidi | Reymon-II-51] [Amphithrix | peyerimhoffi | Españ. | F. Español det.] [Typus] [68-2470 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2471, —. Labelled as: [Erg Iguidi | (Sahara) | Joly XI-49] [Amphithrix | peyerimhoffi | Españ. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2471 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2472, —. Labelled as: [Sahara occ. | Maaj. el Abiodh | Reym.II.51] [Amphithrix | peyerimhoffi | Español] [Paratypus] [68-2472 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2473, —. Labelled as: [Algeria | Beni Abbés | F. Seiada | 12-III-50 | Pierre leg.] [Paratypus] [68-2473 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2474, —. Labelled as: [Algeria | Beni Abbès | F. Seida | 12-III-50 | Pierre leg] [Paratypus] [68-2474 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Ammidium ciliatum castaneum Español & Lindberg, 1963
Original status: Ammidium ciliatum castaneum Español & Lindberg, 1963: 31
Present status: Ammidium ciliatum castaneum Español & Lindberg, 1963
Original type material citation: «Rombo: VIII31898, 40ej. (Fea, teste Gridelli); Cima, 27.II., 10 ej.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Republic of Cabo Verde: Santo Antão Island»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-3341, 2, —. Labelled as: [Ins. Cabo Verde | Ah. Bombos Cima | 27.3.1954 | Lindberg] [A. ciliatum | ssp. castaneum | Esp. Lindb. | F. Español det.] [Typus] [68-3341 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3342, 2, —. Labelled as: [Ins. Cabo Verde | Ah. Bombos Cima | 27.3.1954 | Lindberg] [A. ciliatum | ssp. castaneum | Esp. Lindb. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3342 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3343, —. Labelled as: [Ins. Cabo Verde | Ah. Bombos Cima | 27.3.1954 | Lindberg] [A. ciliatum | ssp. castaneum | Esp. Lindb. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3343 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3344, —. Labelled as: [Ins. Cabo Verde | Ah. Bombos Cima | 27.3.1954 | Lindberg] [A. ciliatum | ssp. castaneum | Esp. Lindb. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3344 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3345, 7, —. Labelled as: [A. ciliatum | ssp. castaneum | Esp. Lindb. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3345 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3346, 3, —. Labelled as: [obsscurus] [A. ciliatum | ssp. castaneum | Esp. Lindb. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3346 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3347, —. Labelled as: [14a] [A. ciliatum | ssp. castaneum | Esp. Lindb. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3347 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3348, ♂. Labelled as: [14.] [Ammidium | castaneum | Harald Lindberg det.] [A. ciliatum | ssp. castaneum | Esp. Lindb. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3348 | MZB]

Ammidium ciliatum longepilosum Español & Lindberg, 1963
Original status: Ammidium ciliatum longepilosum Español & Lindberg, 1963: 31
Present status: Ammidium ciliatum longepilosum Español & Lindberg, 1963
Original type material citation: «Santo Antão: Porto Novo, 7.I., 14 ej.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Republic of Cabo Verde: Santo Antão Island»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-3327, —. Labelled as: [Ins. Cabo Verde | S. Antão pr. Porto | Novo 4, 7.1.1954 | Lindberg] [Cogepilosum | det. Lindberg 19] [A. ciliatum | ssp. longepilo- |sum Esp. Lindb. | F. Español det.] [Typus] [68-3327 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3328, —. Labelled as: [Ins. Cabo Verde | S. Antão pr. Porto | Novo 4, 7.1.1954 | Lindberg] [A. ciliatum | ssp. longepilo- |sum Esp. Lindb. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3328 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3329, —. Labelled as: [Ins. Cabo Verde | S. Antão pr. Porto | Novo 4, 7.1.1954 | Lindberg] [A. ciliatum | ssp. longepilo- |sum Esp. Lindb. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3329 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3330, —. Labelled as: [Ins. Cabo Verde | S. Antão pr. Porto | Novo 4, 7.1.1954 | Lindberg] [A. ciliatum | ssp. longepilo- |sum Esp. Lindb. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3330 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3331, —. Labelledas: [Porto Novo Santo | Antão. Arch. Cabo | Verde. J. Mateu] [22.II.56] [A. ciliatum | ssp. longepilo- |sum Esp. Lindb. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3331 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3332, ♂. Labelled as: [15] [A. ciliatum | ssp. longepilo- |sum Esp. Lindb. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3332 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3333, —. Labelled as: [Ins. Cabo Verde | S. Antão pr. Porto | Novo 4, 7.1.1954 | Lindberg] [A. ciliatum | ssp. longepilo- |sum Esp. Lindb. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3333 | MZB]

Ammidium ciliatum obscurum Español & Lindberg, 1963
Original status: Ammidium ciliatum obscurum Español & Lindberg, 1963: 31
Present status: Ammidium ciliatum obscurum Español & Lindberg, 1963
Original type material citation: «Sal: Sta. Maria, 18.I., 158 ej.; 23.I., 82 ej.; Paiha Verde, 20.I., 5 ej. Boavista: II-1898, 76 ej. (Fea, teste Gridelli); Sal Rei, 29.I., 56 ej.; 1.II., 3 ej.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Republic of Cabo Verde: Sal Island»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-3334, —. Labelled as: [Ins. Cabo Verde | Sal Santa Maria | 18—26.1.54 | Lindberg] [A. ciliatum | ssp. obscurum | Esp. Lindb. | F. Español det.] [Typus] [68-3334 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3335, —. Labelled as: [Porto onglez | Arch. Cabo Verde | J. Mateu coll.] [16.III.55] [A. ciliatum | ssp. obscurum | Esp. Lindb. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3335 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3336, —. Labelled as: [Porto onglez | Arch. Cabo Verde | J. Mateu coll.] [16.III.55] [A. ciliatum | ssp. obscurum | Esp. Lindb. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3336 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3337, —. Labelled as: [Porto onglez | Arch. Cabo Verde | J. Mateu coll.] [16.III.55] [A. ciliatum | ssp. obscurum | Esp. Lindb. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3337 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3338, —. Labelled as: [I Cabo Verde | Sal. Sta. Maria | 18-26-1-54 | Lindberg] [16.III.55] [A. ciliatum | ssp. obscurum | Esp. Lindb. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3338 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3339, 2, —. Labelled as: [I Cabo Verde | Sal. Sta. Maria | 18—26-1-54 | Lindberg] [16.III.55] [A. ciliatum | ssp. obscurum | Esp. Lindb. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3339 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3340, 5, —. Labelled as: [Cabo Verde | Isla Maria] [A. ciliatum | ssp. obscurum | Esp. Lindb. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-3340 | MZB]

Corinta litoralis Koch, 1950
Original status: Corinta litoralis Koch, 1950: 37
Present status: Corinta litoralis Koch, 1950
Original type material citation: «Locality.— Port. East Africa: Lourenço Marques, Praia Polana, 18 Jan., 1950, leg. M. C. da Veiga Ferreira (105 spec. holo- and allotype in Museu Dr. Alvaro de Castro, paratypes in Transvaal Museum and B. C. M.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Mozambique: Maputo»
Holotype depositary: MHNM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-1018, —. Labelled as: [L. MARQUES, P. E. A. | J. N. 1950 | M.C.DA. V. Ferreira] [PARA | TYPUS | Corinta | litoralis | 1950 C. Koch] [68-1018 | MZB]

Cornopterus wykehami Koch, 1950
Original status: Cornopterus wykehami Koch, 1950: 42
Present status: Cornopterus wykehami Koch, 1950
Original type material citation: «Localites.— Eastern Cape Province: Port Elizabeth, 15 Oct., 1949, leg. C. Koch and N. N. Wykeham (72 spec., holo- and allotype, paratypes in Transvaal Museum); same locality, July, 1950, leg. N. N. Wykeham and C. G. C. Dickson (25 paratypes in T. M.). Natal: Tongaat, 22 Mar., 1949, leg. Univ. California-Transvaal Mus. Expedition (35 paratypes in T.-M., B. C. M. and Sc. Museum California Academy of Sciencies); same locality, july 1950, leg. Miss Barbara Hofmann (8 paratipes in Transvaal Museum). Port. East Africa: Lourenço Marques, praia Polana, 18 Jan., 1950, leg. Mrs M. C. da Veiga Ferreira (24 paratypes in Museu Dr. Alvaro de Castro and Transvaal Museum).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «South Africa: Cape provinces (Port Elizabeth)»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-3907, —. Labelled as: [Port Elizabeth | 15-10-1950 | C. Koch] [Para | typus | Cornopterus | wykehami | 1950 C. Koch] [68-3907 | MZB]

Dilamus (Dilamus) pardilloi Español, 1956
Original status: Dilamus pardilloi Español, 1956a: 277
Present status: Dilamus (Dilamus) pardilloi Español, 1956
Original type material citation: «Sahara español: Samara en la Saguia el Hamra (Mateu leg.):»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Western Sahara»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-2415, —. Labelled as: [Smara | (S.H) 27-VII- | 43 - Mateu] [Dilamus | pardilloi | Españ. | F. Español det.] [Typus] [68-2415 | MZB]

Cornopterus wykehami Koch, 1950
Original status: Cornopterus wykehami Koch, 1950: 42
Present status: Cornopterus wykehami Koch, 1950
Original type material citation: «Localities.— Eastern Cape Province: Port Elizabeth, 15 Oct., 1949, leg. C. Koch and N. N. Wykeham (72 spec., holo- and allotype, paratypes in Transvaal Museum); same locality, July, 1950, leg. N. N. Wykeham and C. G. C. Dickson (25 paratypes in T. M.). Natal: Tongaat, 22 Mar., 1949, leg. Univ. of California-Transvaal Mus. Expedition (35 paratypes in T. M., B. C. M. and Sc. Museum California Academy of Sciences); same locality, Jul 1950, leg. Miss Barbara Hofmann (8 paratypes in Transvaal Museum). Port. East Africa: Lourenço Marques, praia Polana, 18 Jan., 1950, leg. Mrs M. C. da Veiga Ferreira (24 paratypes in Museum Dr. Alvaro de Castro and Transvaal Museum).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «South Africa: Cape provinces (Port Elizabeth)»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-1019, —. Labelled as: [Port Elizabeth | 15.X.1949 | C. Koch] [PARA | TYPUS | Cornopterus | wykehami | 1950 C. Koch] [68-1019 | MZB]

Helenomelas basilewsky Ardoin, 1972
Original status: Helenomelas basilewsky Ardoin, 1972: 190
Present status: Helenomelas basilewsky Ardoin, 1972
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. mâle, Prosperous Bay Plain, 1000-1100 ft, Sainte-Hélène, 12-19.III.1967.
Allotype: un ex. femelle, même origine.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Canada: Saint Hélène Island»
Holotype depositary: MRAC
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-3479, —. Labelled as: [Sainte Hélène: Est | Prospepus.Bay Plain | 1000-1100 ft. | 17.V.1967] [Coll. Mus. Tervuren | Seconde Mission zoologi- | que à Sainte-Hélène | J. Decelle, N. et J. Leleup] [Paratypus] [Tarphiophasis | leleupi n. sp. |P. Ardoin det. 1969] [MZB | 68-3479]
Paratype MZB 68-3480, —. Labelled as: [Sainte Hélène: Est | Prospepus.Bay Plain | 1000-1100 ft. | 17.V.1967] [Coll. Mus. Tervuren | Seconde Mission zoologi- | que à Sainte-Hélène | J. Decelle, N. et J. Leleup] [Paratypus] [Tarphiophasis | leleupi n. sp. |P. Ardoin det. 1969] [MZB | 68-3480]
Paratype MZB 68-3481, —. Labelled as: [Sainte Hélène: Est | Prospepus.Bay Plain | 1000-1100 ft. | 17.V.1967] [Coll. Mus. Tervuren | Seconde Mission zoologi- | que à Sainte-Hélène | J. Decelle, N. et J. Leleup] [Paratypus] [Tarphiophasis | leleupi n. sp. |P. Ardoin det. 1969] [MZB | 68-3481]

Mateuina kaszabi Español, 1944
Original status: Mateuina kaszabi Español, 1944: 24
Present status: Mateuina kaszabi Español, 1944
Original type material citation: «Tipo, Uin Fergan (Río de Oro), 21-III-43. Paratipos, siete ejemplares recogidos con el tipo; Leiglat (Río de Oro), 14-IV-43.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Dajla-Rio de Oro»
Holotype depositary: JM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0775, 2, ♂. Labelled as: [Leiglat | Rio | 14-15-IV-43 | mor. Mateu] [Paratypus] [Mateuina | kaszabi Esp. | F. Español det.] [68-0775 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0776, —. Labelled as: [Uin Fergan | R.O. 21-III-43 | mor. Mateu] [Paratypus] [Mateuina | kaszabi Esp. | F. Español det.] [68-0776 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0854, —. Labelled as: [Uin Fergan | R.O. 21-III-43 | mor. Mateu] [Paratypus] [Mateuina | kaszabi Esp. | F. Español det.] [68-0854 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 83-4520, 2, —. Labelled as: [Leiglat | Rio | 14-15-IV-43 | Mor. Mat.] [Paratypus] [Mateuina | kaszabi Esp. | F. Español det.] [68-4520 | MZB]

Moragacinella longepilosa (Kaszab, 1944)
Original status: Moralesia longipilosa Kaszab, 1944: 19
Present status: Moragacinella longipilosa (Kaszab, 1944)
Original type material citation: «Tipo, Rio de Oro (Museo Nacional de Hungría). Paratipos, Nebka Aguerger, La Güera (Rio de Oro), 21-V-43»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: La Güera-Rio de Oro»
Holotype depositary: HNHM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-2428, —. Labelled as: [Sahara Occ.] [Cotypus | Espanolia n. gen. | longipilosa n. sp. | 1943 Dr. Kaszab] [Moragacinel- 1la longepilosa | -Kaszab | Españ. det. [68-2428 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2429, 4, —. Labelled as: [Nebka aguerguer | La Güera. R. Oro | 21-4-43-Mor. Mat.] [Moragacinella | longipilosa | n. gen. n. sp. | Kaszab/Español det] [Moragacinel- 1la longepilosa | -Kaszab | Españ. det.] [Pratypus] [68-2429 | MZB]
References: Español (1944) (Present status).

Nesocaedius pardoi Español, 1956
Original status: Nesocaedius pardoi Español, 1956a: 280
Present status: Nesocaedius pardoi Español, 1956
Original type material citation: «Marruecos español: Ixmoart (Pardo leg.); Lengua de Tierra, Melilla (Pardo leg.); Cabo de Agua (Pardo leg.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Melilla»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 78-1836, —. Labelled as: [IXMOART (Beni Sicart) | Melilla-Marruecos | PARDO ALCAIDE] [Typus] [Nesocaedius | pardoi | Españ. | F. Español det.] [78-1836 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 78-1837, ♂. Labelled as: [IXMOART (Beni Sicart) | Melilla-Marruecos | PARDO ALCAIDE] [7-III-1940] [Parartypus] [78-1837 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 78-1838, 2 —. Labelled as: [IXMOART (Beni Sicart) | Melilla-Marruecos | PARDO ALCAIDE] [7-III-1940] [Paratypus] [243 Ammobius | rufus Luc.] [78-1838 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 78-1839, —. Labelled as: [LENGUA DE TIERRA | Melilla-Marruecos | PARDO ALCAIDE)] [4-1934] [Paratypus] [Ammobius | rufus Luc.] [78-1839 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 78-1840, —. Labelled as: [LENGUA DE TIERRA | Melilla-Marruecos | PARDO ALCAIDE)] [19-V-1945] [Paratypus] [Ammobius | rufus Luc.] [78-1840 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 78-1841, —. Labelled as: [CALA CHARRANES | Marruecos | PARDO ALCAIDE] [17-II-1946] [Paratypus] [Ammobius | rufus Luc.] [78-1841 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-0638, —. Labelled as: [LENGUA DE TIERRA | Melilla-Marruecos | PARDO ALCAIDE)] [4-1934] [Paratypus] [68-0638 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-0757, —. Labelled as: [Ixmoart (B. | Sicar) Marr- | ent. pie plantas | Pardo leg.] [Nesocaedius | pardoi n. sp. | Español det.] [68-0757 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1058, —. Labelled as: [IXMOART (B. | Sicart) Marr. | Enterr. pie plant. | Pardo leg.] [Paratypus] [Nesocaedius | pardoi n. sp. | F. Español det.] [68-1058 | MZB]

Proscheimus arabicus Desbrochers des Longes, 1881
Original status: Proscheimus arabicus Desbrochers des Longes, 1881: 128
Present status: Proscheimus arabicus Desbrochers des Longes, 1881
Original type material citation: «Arabie Pétrée.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Egypt: Suez»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-3925, —. Labelled as: [Suez] [Cotype] [Proscheimu | arabicus | Debr.] [MZB | 68-3925]

Pseudoleichenum benoiti Ardoin, 1972
Original status: Pseudoleichenum benoiti Ardoin, 1972: 205
Present status: Pseudoleichenum benoiti Ardoin, 1972
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. mâle, Prosperous-Bay Plain, 900 ft, Sainte-Hélème, est, 2.XII.1965. Allotype: un ex. femelle, même origen.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Canada: Saint Hélène Island»
Holotype depositary: MRAC
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-3475, —. Labelled as: [Sainte Hélène: Est | Prospepus. Bay Plain | 1000-1100 ft. | 5-6.V.1967] [Coll. Mus. Tervuren | Seconde Mission zoologi- | que à Sainte-Hélène | J. Decelle, N. et J. Leleup] [Paratypus] [Tarphiophasis | leleupi n. sp. |P. Ardoin det. 1967] [MZB | 68-3475]
Paratype MZB 68-3476, —. Labelled as: [Sainte Hélène: Est | Prospepus. Bay Plain | 1000-1100 ft. | 5-6.V.1967] [Coll. Mus. Tervuren | Seconde Mission zoologi- | que à Sainte-Hélène | J. Decelle, N. et J. Leleup] [Paratypus] [Tarphiophasis | leleupi n. sp. |P. Ardoin det. 1967] [MZB | 68-3476]
Paratype MZB 68-3477, —. Labelled as: [Sainte Hélène: Est | Prospepus. Bay Plain | 1000-1100 ft. | 5-6.V.1967] [Coll. Mus. Tervuren | Seconde Mission zoologi- | que à Sainte-Hélène | J. Decelle, N. et J. Leleup] [Paratypus] [Tarphiophasis | leleupi n. sp. |P. Ardoin det. 1967] [MZB | 68-3477]
Paratype MZB 68-3478, —. Labelled as: [Sainte Hélène: Est | Prospepus. Bay Plain | 1000-1100 ft. | 5-6.V.1967] [Coll. Mus. Tervuren | Seconde Mission zoologi- | que à Sainte-Hélène | J. Decelle, N. et J. Leleup] [Paratypus] [Tarphiophasis | leleupi n. sp. |P. Ardoin det. 1967] [MZB | 68-3478]

Tarphiophasis decellei Ardoin, 1972
Original status: Tarphiophasis decellei Ardoin, 1972: 196
Present status: Tarphiophasis decellei Ardoin, 1972
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. mâle, Prosperous-Bay Plain, 1000-1100 ft, Sainte-Hélène, est, 17.V.1967.
Allotype: un ex. femelle, même origine.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Canada: Saint Hélène Island»
Holotype depositary: MRAC
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-2481, —. Labelled as: [Sainte Hélène: Est | Prospepus.Bay Plain | 1000-1100 ft. | 17.V.1967] [Coll. Mus. Tervuren | Seconde Mission zoologi- | que à Sainte-Hélène | J. Decelle, N. et J. Leleup] [Paratypus] [Tarphiophasis | leleupi n. sp. |P. Ardoin det. 1969] [MZB | 68-2481]
Paratype MZB 68-2482, —. Labelled as: [Sainte Hélène: Est | Prospepus.Bay Plain | 1000-1100 ft. | 17.V.1967] [Coll. Mus. Tervuren | Seconde Mission zoologi- | que à Sainte-Hélène | J. Decelle, N. et J. Leleup] [Paratypus] [Tarphiophasis | leleupi n. sp. |P. Ardoin det. 1969] [MZB | 68-2482]
Paratype MZB 68-2483, —. Labelled as: [Sainte Hélène: Est | Prospepus.Bay Plain | 1000-1100 ft. | 17.V.1967] [Coll. Mus. Tervuren | Seconde Mission zoologi- | que à Sainte-Hélène | J. Decelle, N. et J. Leleup] [Paratypus] [Tarphiophasis | leleupi n. sp. |P. Ardoin det. 1969] [MZB | 68-2483]
Paratype MZB 68-2484, —. Labelled as: [Sainte Hélène: Est | Prospepus.Bay Plain | 1000-1100 ft. | 17.V.1967] [Coll. Mus. Tervuren | Seconde Mission zoologi- | que à Sainte-Hélène | J. Decelle, N. et J. Leleup] [Paratypus] [Tarphiophasis | leleupi n. sp. |P. Ardoin det. 1969] [MZB | 68-2484]

Tarphiophasis insulanus Ardoin, 1972
Original status: Tarphiophasis insulanus Ardoin, 1972: 202
Present status: Tarphiophasis insulanus Ardoin, 1972
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. mâle, Prosperous-Bay Plain, 1000-1100 ft, Sainte-Hélène, est, 5-6.V.1967. Allotype: un ex. femelle, même origine.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Canada: Saint Hélène Island»
Holotype depositary: MRAC
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-3471, —. Labelled as: [Sainte Hélène: Est | Prospepus.Bay Plate | 1000-1100 ft. | 5-6.V.1987] [Coll. Mus. Tervuren | Seconde Mission zoologi- | que à Sainte-Hélène | J. Decelle, N. et J. Leleup] [Tarphiophasis | insulanus n. sp. |P. Ardoin det. 1969] [Paratypus] [MZB | 68-3471]
Paratype MZB 68-3472, —. Labelled as: [Sainte Hélène: Est | Prospepus.Bay Plate | 1000-1100 ft. | 5-6.V.1987] [Coll. Mus. Tervuren | Seconde Mission zoologi- | que à Sainte-Hélène | J. Decelle, N. et J. Leleup] [Tarphiophasis | insulanus n. sp. |P. Ardoin det. 1969] [Paratypus] [MZB | 68-3472]
Paratype MZB 68-3473, —. Labelled as: [Sainte Hélène: Est | Prospepus.Bay Plate | 1000-1100 ft. | 5-6.V.1987] [Coll. Mus. Tervuren | Seconde Mission zoologi- | que à Sainte-Hélène | J. Decelle, N. et J. Leleup] [Tarphiophasis | insulanus n. sp. |P. Ardoin det. 1969] [Paratypus] [MZB | 68-3473]
Paratype MZB 68-3474, —. Labelled as: [Sainte Hélène: Est | Prospepus.Bay Plate | 1000-1100 ft. | 5-6.V.1987] [Coll. Mus. Tervuren | Seconde Mission zoologi- | que à Sainte-Hélène | J. Decelle, N. et J. Leleup] [Tarphiophasis | insulanus n. sp. |P. Ardoin det. 1969] [Paratypus] [MZB | 68-3474]

Tarphiophasis leleupi Ardoin, 1972
Original status: Tarphiophasis leleupi Ardoin, 1972: 200
Present status: Tarphiophasis leleupi Ardoin, 1969
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. mâle, Prosperous-Bay Plain, 1000-1100 ft, Sainte-Hélène, est, 23.IV.1967. Allotype: un ex. femelle, même origine.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Canada: Sainte Hélène Island»
Holotype depositary: MRAC
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-2477, —. Labelled as: [Sainte Hélène: Est | Prospepus.Bay Plain | 1000-1100 ft. | 17.V.1967] [Coll. Mus. Tervuren | Seconde Mission zoologi- | que à Sainte-Hélène | J. Decelle, N. et J. Leleup] [Paratypus] [Tarphiophasis | leleupi n. sp. |P. Ardoin det. 1969] [MZB | 68.2477]
Paratype MZB 68-2478, —. Labelled as: [Sainte Hélène: Est | Prospepus.Bay Plain | 1000-1100 ft. | 17.V.1967] [Coll. Mus. Tervuren | Seconde Mission zoologi- | que à Sainte-Hélène | J. Decelle, N. et J. Leleup] [Paratypus] [Tarphiophasis | leleupi n. sp. |P. Ardoin det. 1969] [MZB | 68.2478]
Paratype MZB 68-2479, —. Labelled as: [Sainte Hélène: Est | Prospepus.Bay Plain | 1000-1100 ft. | 17.V.1967] [Coll. Mus. Tervuren | Seconde Mission zoologi- | que à Sainte-Hélène | J. Decelle, N. et J. Leleup] [Paratypus] [Tarphiophasis | leleupi n. sp. |P. Ardoin det. 1969] [MZB | 68.2479]
Paratype MZB 68-2480, —. Labelled as: [Sainte Hélène: Est | Prospepus.Bay Plain | 1000-1100 ft. | 17.V.1967] [Coll. Mus. Tervuren | Seconde Mission zoologi- | que à Sainte-Hélène | J. Decelle, N. et J. Leleup] [Paratypus] [Tarphiophasis | leleupi n. sp. |P. Ardoin det. 1969] [MZB | 68.2480]

Trigonopoda espagnoli Kaszab, 1965
Original status: Trigonopoda espagnoli Kaszab, 1965: 114
Present status: Trigonopoda espagnoli Kaszab, 1965
Original type material citation: «4 Exemplare aus Süd-Indien: Mysore, Kunnimotte, 1000 ft, 17.1.1959. leg. F. Schmid (Holotype un Paratypen), sowier 4 exemplare aus Mysore, Shimoga, leg. P. S. Nathan (Paratypen). Holotype und Paratypen befindedn sieh in der Sammlung des Museums in
Barcelona, 5 Paratypen sind im Museum in Budapest aufbewahrt.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «India: Kamataka (Mysore)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 68-2406, —. Labelled as: [S. India | Kunninotte | Mysore-1000 ft |17-1-59 | Schmid leg.] [Holotypus 1964 | Trigonopoda | españoli | Kaszab] [68-2406 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2407, —. Labelled as: [S. India | Kunninotte | Mysore17-1-59 | F. Schmid] [Holotypus 1964 | Trigonopoda | españoli | Kaszab] [68-2407 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2475, —. Labelled as: [S. India | Kunninotte | Mysore17-1-59 | F. Schmid] [Holotypus 1964 | Trigonopoda | españoli | Kaszab] [68-2475 | MZB]

Subtribe Neopachypterina Bouchard, Löbl & Merkl, 2007

Amblysphagus joliveti (Ardoin, 1965)
Original status: Trachymetus joliveti Ardoin, 1965b: 133
Present status: Amblysphagus joliveti (Ardoin, 1965)
Original type material citation: «Holotype: 1♂, Wadi Seidna, Prov. Karthourn, Sudan, VIII-1962, P. Jolivet, déposé au Muséum national. Allotype: même origine.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Sudan: Sennar (Singa)»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0883, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [7-X-1962 | Singa Sud Sennar | Karthoum - Sudan | Leg. P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE | Trachymetus | joliveti | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1964] [68-0883 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0884, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [7-X-1962 | Singa Sud Sennar | Karthoum - Sudan | Leg. P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE | Trachymetus | joliveti | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1964] [68-0884 | MZB]
References: Bouchard et al. (2007, 2021) (Present status).

Amblysphagus sudanicus (Ardoin, 1965)
Original status: Trachymetus sudanicus Ardoin, 1965b: 131
Present status: Amblysphagus sudanicus (Ardoin, 1965)
Original type material citation: «Holotype: 1♂, Wau, Bahr et Ghazal, Sudan, l-VI-1961, P. Jolivet, déposé au Muséum national.
Allotype: 1♀, même origine.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «South Sudan: Bahr el Ghazal»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0892, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [1-VI-1962 | Barh el Ghazal | Wau soudan | Leg. P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE | Trachymetus | sudanicus | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1965] [68-0892 | MZB]
References: Bouchard et al. (2007, 2021) (Present status).

Neopachypterus cylindricus (Ardoin, 1965)
Original status: Pachypterus cylindricus Ardoin, 1965b: 127
Present status: Neopachypterus cylindricus (Ardoin, 1965)
Original type material citation: «Holotype: 1♂, Sennar, Prov. Blue Nile, Sudan, 4-X-1962, P. Jolivet, déposé au Muséum national.
Allotype: 1♀, même origine.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «South Sudan: Bahr el Ghazal»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0890, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [1-VI-1962 | Barh el Ghazal | Wau soudan | Leg. P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE | Pachypterus | cylindricus | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1965] [68-0890 | MZB]
References: Bouchard et al. (2007, 2021) (Present status).

Neopachypterus infimus (Fairmaire, 1893)
Original status: Pachypterus infimus Fairmaire, 1893: 150
Present status: Neopachypterus infimus (Fairmaire, 1893)
Original type material citation: «Kayes»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Mali: Kayes»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-3921, 3, —. Labelled as: [Haut Sénégal | Khayes | N. Donier | 6-8.1882] [Co-type| Pachypterus | infimus | Fairm.] [68-3921 | MZB]
References: Bouchard et al. (2007, 2021) (Present status).

Pseudolamus amplicollis Fairmaire, 1893
Original status: Pseudolamus amplicollis Fairmaire: 1893: 152
Present status: Pseudolamus amplicollis Fairmaire: 1893
Original type material citation: «Koubokoto, Kayes (Dr Nodier).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Senegal: Koubokoto»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-2391, —. Labelled as: [Haut Sénégal | Khayes | D. Nodier | 6.8.1882] [Pachypterus | amplicollis | Fairm.] [Cotype] [ Pseudolamus | amplicollis | Fairm. | F. Español det.] [68-2391 | MZB]

Subtribe Stizopodina Lacordaire, 1859

Blenosia costimargo Koch, 1963
Original status: Blenosia costimargo Koch, 1963: 50
Present status: Blenosia costimargo Koch, 1963
Original type material citation: «Distribution.— S. W. A.: SW. Great Namaqualand (Orange River, type locality; Aus: btwn. Aus and Kubub: Rek Vlakte; 15 m. S. Kubub).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «South Africa: Namaqualand (Orange River)»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-3386, —. Labelled as: [Obib, Gt. Nama- | qualandand | V.1953. G. Koch] [Para | typus | costimargo | Koch] [Blenosia | costimar- | go Koch | Det, C. Koch] [68-3386 | MZB]

Blenosia monticola Koch, 1963
Original status: Blenosia monticola Koch, 1963: 48
Present status: Blenosia monticola Koch, 1963
Original type material citation: «Distribution.— SW. Cape (S. slopes Swartberg Pass. IX. 1948. C. Koch and G. van Son leg.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «South Africa: Cape (Swartberg)»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-3385, —. Labelled as: [Southern slope | of Zwarttbg. Pass | 3-XI-1948 C.P. | Koch & van Son] [Para | typus | montico- | la | Koch] [Blenosia | monticola | Koch | Det, C. Koch] [68-3385 | MZB]

Microstizopus femoralis Koch, 1963
Original status: Microstizopus femoralis Koch, 1963: 38
Present status: Microstizopus femoralis Koch, 1963
Original type material citation: «Distribution. NW. Cape (Pella, type locality, VIII.1950. C. Koch and G. van Son leg.: Pofadder: Nabeis: Kakamas).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «South Africa: Pella»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-3919, —. Labelled as: [Pella, Bushmanld. | 26.8.1950 | C. Koch, G. van Son] [Para | typus | femora | lis | Koch] [Microstizopus | femoralis | Koch | Det, C. Koch] [68-3919 | MZB]

Microstizopus transvaalensis Koch, 1963
Original status: Microstizopus transvaalensis Koch, 1963: 38
Present status: Microstizopus transvaalensis Koch, 1963
Original type material citation: «Distribution.— N. Transvaal Zoutpansberg area (Vivo, type locality, IV 1950, G. van Son leg.; Salt Pan: Futie, btwn. Pietersburg and Salt Pan).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «South Africa: Transvaal (Vivo)»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-3920, —. Labelled as: [Vivo | N. Transvaal | 7 April 1950 | G. van Son] [Para | typus | transvaal- | ensis | Koch] [Microstizopus | transvaalensis | Koch | Det, C. Koch] [68-3920 | MZB]

Planostibes apicalis Koch, 1963
Original status: Planostibes apicalis Koch, 1963: 54
Present status: Planostibes apicalis Koch, 1963
Original type material citation: «Distribution.— NW. Cape (Wolfgerg, type locality, XI.1948, C. Koch and G. van Son leg.; 15 m. W. Garies).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «South Africa: Cape (Wolfgerg)»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-3384, —. Labelled as: [Wolfberg, C.P. | 19-XI-1948 | Koch & van Son] [Para | typus | apicalis | Koch] [Planostibes | apicalis | Koch | Det, C. Koch] [68-3384 | MZB]

Planostibes deserticola Koch, 1963
Original status: Planostibes deserticola Koch, 1963: 54
Present status: Planostibes deserticola Koch, 1963
Original type material citation: «Distribution.— S. W. A.: SW. Great Namaqualand (Bogenfels, type locality, XII.1948, C. Koch and G. van Son leg.; Pomona).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «South Africa: Namaqualand»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-3918, —. Labelled as: [Pomona, S. Namib | 6-XII-1948 | Koch & van Son] [Para | typus | deserti- | cola | Koch] [Planostibes | deserticola | Koch | Det, C. Koch] [68-3918 | MZB]

Subtribe Opatrina Brullé, 1832

Eumylada obenbergeri Schuster, 1933
Original status: Myladina (Eumylada) obenbergeri Schuster, 1933: 97
Present status: Eumylada obenbergeri Schuster, 1933
Original type material citation: «China b. or.: To-ko-to»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «People's Republic of China: To-ko-to»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-3915, 4. Labelled as: [To-ko-to Ch. b.] [Myladina | obenbergeri m. n. sp. | det. Schuster] [68-3915 | MZB]

Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) binotatum Ardoin, 1967
Original status: Gonocephalum binotatum Ardoin, 1967: 212
Present status: Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) binotatum Ardoin, 1967
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. mâle, camp III de l'Elgon, 3500 m, zone des Bruyères, Kenya, 1932-1933, Mission de l'Omo, déposé au Muséum national. Allotype: un ex.femelle, mê,me origine.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Kenya: Maraket (Mt. Cherangani)»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0873, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [KENYA | Chip Cherangani | MARAKWET | 3500 m] [MUSEUM DE PARIS | Mission de l'Omo | C. ARAMBOURG | P. CHAPPUIS & L. JEANNEL | 1932-33] [PARATYPE | Gonocephalum | binotatum | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1965] [68-0873 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0874, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [KENYA | Chip Cherangani | MARAKWET | 3500 m] [MUSEUM DE PARIS | Mission de l'Omo | C. ARAMBOURG | P. CHAPPUIS & L. JEANNEL | 1932-33] [PARATYPE | Gonocephalum | binotatum | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1965] [68-0874 | MZB]

Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) ermischi Kaszab, 1960
Original status: Gonocephalum ermischi Kaszab, 1960: 139
Present status: Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) ermischi Kaszab, 1960
Original type material citation: «68 Exemplare, Afghanistan: Nuristan, Bashgultal, 1100 m, 6.V., 14.VII.1953; 1150 m, 9., 12., 13.V.1953; 1200 m, 15.IV., 7., 11.V.1953; 1300 m, 21., 24.V.1953, J. Klapperich; Bashgultal, Achmede Dewane, 2800 m, 29.VII.192, J. Klapperich; Panchirtal, Bazarak, 2200 m, 27.VI.1952, J. Klapperich; Umgebung von Kabul, 1740 m, 12.,14.V.1952; 21.VI.1953; J. Klapperich (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀ und Paratypen).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Afghanistan: Bashgultal»
Holotype depositary: HNHM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-2099, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Bashgultal 1500 m | Nuristan 13.5.53 | Afghanistan] [PARATYPE | Gonocephalum | Ermischi m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [68-2099 | MZB]
References: Iwan et al. (2010) (Holotype depositary).

Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) freudei Kaszab, 1960
Original status: Gonocephalum freudei Kaszab, 1960: 143
Present status: Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) freudei Kaszab, 1960
Original type material citation: «38 Exemplare, Afghanistan: Tangi-Gharuh am Kabulfluß, 40 km südöstlich von Kabul, 1600 m, 10.,18.V., 20., 30.IX.1952, J. Klapperich; Sarobi am Kabulfluß, 900 m, 12.VI.1952, J. Klapperich; Panchirtal, Mars, 2400 m, 27.VIII.1952, J. Klapperich; Panchirtal, Bazarak, 2200 m, 27.VI.1952, J. Klapperich; Ghorbandtal, 1900 m, 26.VIII.1952, J. Klapperich; Nuristan, Bashgultal, 1100 m, 14.IV.1953; 1200 m, 10.IV., 7.V.1953, J. Klapperich (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀ und Paratypen).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Afghanistan: Bashgultal»
Holotype depositary: HNHM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-2100, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Bashgultal 1200 m | Nuristan 10.4.53 | Afghanistan] [PARATYPE | Gonocephalum | Freudei m. | Dr. Kaszab, 1957] [68-2100 | MZB]
References: Iwan et al. (2010) (Holotype depositary).

Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) giraudini giraudini Ardoin, 1965
Original status: Gonocephalum giraudini Ardoin, 1965a: 76
Present status: Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) giraudini giraudini Ardoin, 1965
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. mâle, Bururi, Urundi, III-1959 (R.P. Giraudin). Déposé au Muséum national, Paris. Allotype: un ex.femelle, même origine.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «República del Congo: Brazzaville»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0833, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [MAR. 1959 | Brazzaville | CONGO.L.Vicent] [PARATYPE | Gonocephalum | giraudini | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1964] [68-0833 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0834, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [MAR. 1959 | Brazzaville | CONGO.L.Vicent] [PARATYPE | Gonocephalum | giraudini | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1964] [68-0834 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0880, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [MAR. 1959 | Brazzaville | CONGO.L.Vicent] [PARATYPE | Gonocephalum | giraudini | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1964] [68-0880 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0881, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [MAR. 1959 | Brazzaville | CONGO.L.Vicent] [PARATYPE | Gonocephalum | giraudini | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1964] [68-0881 | MZB]

Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) guignoli Kaszab, 1960
Original status: Gonocephalum guignoli Kaszab, 1960: 144
Present status: Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) guignoli Kaszab, 1960
Original type material citation: «73 Exemplarew, Afghanistan: Umgebung von Kabul, Tangi Gharuh am Kabulfluß, 40 km südöstlich von Kabul, 1600 m, 10.V., 8.VII., 20.IX.1952, J. Klapperich; Panchirtal, Bazarak, 2200 m, 27.VI.1952, J. Klapperich; Salangtal, Aghelekan, 1900 m, 12.X.1952, J. Klapperich; Salangtal, Ejan, 2050 m, 11.X.1952; J. Klapperich; Nuristan, Bashgultal, 1100 m, 14.VII.1953; 9.IX.1953, J. Klapperich (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀ und Paratypen).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Afghanistan: Tangi Gharuh»
Holotype depositary: HNHM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-2097, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Tangi-Gharuh, 1600 m | am Kabulfluß, 8.7.52 | O - Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Gonocephalum | Guignoli m. | Dr. Kaszab 1957] [68-2097 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2098, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Tangi-Gharuh, 1600 m | am Kabulfluß, 20.9.52 | O Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Gonocephalum | Guignoli m. | Dr. Kaszab 1957] [68-2098 | MZB]
References: Iwan et al. (2010) (Holotype depositary).

Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) joliveti Ardoin, 1965
Original status: Gonocephalum jolivetiArdoin, 1965a: 78
Present status: Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) joliveti Ardoin, 1965
Original type material citation: «Holotvpe: un ex. mâle, Sennar, Nil bleu, Sudan, 4-X-1962 (P. Jolivet), déposé au Muséum national, Paris. Allotype: un ex femelle, même origine.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Sudan: Sennar»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0864, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [4-X-1962 | Sennar | Khartoum - SUDAN | Leg. P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE | Gonocephalum | joliveti | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1964] [68-0864 | MZB]

Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) kenyense Ardoin, 1967
Original status: Gonocephalum kenyense Ardoin, 1967: 210
Present status: Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) kenyense Ardoin, 1967
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. mâle, Kikuyu Escarpment, 2300 m, Kenya, 1932-1933, Mission de l'Olmo, déposé au Muséum national. Allotype: un ex. femelle, même origine.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Kenya: Kikuyo»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material: Paratype MZB 68-0865, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [KENYA | Escarpmen | KIKUYO ESCARPMENT | 2.300 m] [MUSÉUM de Paris | Mission de l'Omo | C. ARAMBOURG | P. A. CHAPPUIS & R. JEANNEL | 1932-33] [PARATYPE | Gonocephalum | kenyense | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1965] [68-0865 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0866, ♀. Labelled as: [♂] [KENYA | Escarpmen | KIKUYO ESCARPMENT | 2.300 m] [MUSÉUM de Paris | Mission de l'Omo | C. ARAMBOURG | P. A. CHAPPUIS & R. JEANNEL | 1932-33] [PARATYPE | Gonocephalum | kenyense | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1965] [68-0866 | MZB]

Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) klapperichi Kaszab, 1952
Original status: Gonocephalum klapperichi Kaszab, 1952: 550
Present status: Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) klapperichi Kaszab, 1952
Original type material citation: «Untersuchungsmaterial: 23 Exemplare (3 Exempl. Museu Budapest; 2 Exempl. Mus. Frey; 19 Exempl. Mus. Bonn). Verbreitung: Japan: Leg. Dönitz); China: Futschau: Kiautschau; Fukien, Shaovu 500 m (leg. J. Klapperich). Typus befindet sich in der Sammlung des Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftkichen Museums in Budapest.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «People's Republic of China: Shaowu»
Holotype depositary: HNHM
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-2393, —. Labelled as: [Shaowu - Fukien | (500 m) J. Klapperich | 7.7.1937 Erf.] [Gonocephalum | klapperichi m cotype | det. dr. Kaszab] [Paratypoid] [68-2393 | MZB]

Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) kochi  Kaszab, 1952
Original status: Gonocephalum kochi Kaszab, 1952: 578
Present status: Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) kochi Kaszab, 1952
Original type material citation: «Untersuchungsmaterial: 38 Exemplare (1 Exempl. Mus. Frey; 3 Exempl. Mus. Hamburg: 34 Exempl. Mus. Bonn). Verbreitung: China: Fukien (leg. Siemssen); Tinfchow (leg. Hoyer); Shaovu, 500 m (leg- J. Klapperich). Typus befindet sich in der Sammlung des Museums Alexander Koeningt in Bonn.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «People's Republic of China: Shaowu»
Holotype depositary: MAKB
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-2392, —. Labelled as: [Shaowu - Fukien | (500 m) J. Klapperich | 7.7.1937 Erf.] [Gonocephalum | kochi m cotype | det. dr. Kaszab] [Paratypoid] [68-2392 | MZB]

Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) niloticum Ardoin, 1965
Original status: Gonocephalum niloticum Ardoin, 1965a: 73
Present status: Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) niloticum Ardoin, 1965
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. mâle, Wadi Seidna, Khartoum, Sudan, VIII-1962 (P. J olivet), déposé au Muséum national, Paris. Allotype: un ex. femelle, même origine.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Sudan: Khartoum»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0874, 2, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [9-VIII-1962 | Gercif | Khartoum - SUDAN | Leg. P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE | Gonocephalum | niloticum | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1964] [68-0874 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0875, 2, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [9-VIII-1962 | Gercif | Khartoum - SUDAN | Leg. P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE | Gonocephalum | niloticum | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1964] [68-0875 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0876, 2, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [9-VIII-1962 | Gercif | Khartoum - SUDAN | Leg. P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE | Gonocephalum | niloticum | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1964] [68-0876 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0877, 2, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [9-VIII-1962 | Gercif | Khartoum - SUDAN | Leg. P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE | Gonocephalum | niloticum | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1964] [68-0877 | MZB]

Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) omoense Ardoin, 1967
Original status: Gonocephalum omoense Ardoin, 1967: 207
Present status: Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) omoense Ardoin, 1967
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. mâle, delta de l'Omo, 570 m, lac Rodolphe, Éthiopie méridionale, Mission de l'Olmo, 1932-1933, déposé au Muséum national. Allotype: un ex. femelle, même origine.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Ethiopia: Nanoropus»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0862, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [ÉTHIOPIE MÊRIO: | Nanoropus | Bords du Rodolphe | 585 m] [MUSÉUM de Paris | Mission de l'Omo | C. ARAMBOURG | P. A. CHAPPUIS & R. JEANNEL | 1932-33] [PARATYPE | Gonocephalum | omoense | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1969] [68-0862 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0863, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [ÉTHIOPIE MÊRIO: | Nanoropus | Bords du Rodolphe | 585 m] [MUSÉUM de Paris | Mission de l'Omo | C. ARAMBOURG | P. A. CHAPPUIS & R. JEANNEL | 1932-33] [PARATYPE | Gonocephalum | omoense | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1969] [68-0863 | MZB]

Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) sinicum Reichardt, 1936
Original status: Gonocephalum sinicum Reichardt, 1936: 109
Present status: Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) sinicum Reichardt, 1936
Original type material citation: «(In Russian)»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «People's Republic of China: Kiulung (Mountains)»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-2401, —. Labelled as: [Tataienlu-Kiulung | China Em. Reitter] [Cotypus] [Gonocephalum | emmerichi m. il. | det. Schuter] [13] [Gonocephalum | sinicum Reich. | det. dr. Kaszab] [68-2401 | MZB]

Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) simplex montisrolandi Ardoin, 1962
Original status: Gonocephalum simplex montisrolandi Ardoin, 1962a: 357
Present status: Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) simplex montisrolandi Ardoin, 1962
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. ♂, mont. Roland, Sénégal, 2 janvier 1960, R. Roy; allotype: un ex. ♀, même provenance.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Senegal: Thiès (Mt. Roland)»
Holotype depositary: IFAN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0867, —. Labelled as: [Mont. Roland | Senegal | 2-I-1960] [IFAN 2-2-1960 | R.ROV] [PARATYPE] [Gonocephalum | simplex Fab. | subsp. montisrolandi | Ardoin | P. Ardoin det. 1962] [68-0867 | MZB]

Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) vincenti Ardoin, 1965
Original status: Gonocephalum vincenti Ardoin, 1965a 78
Present status: Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) vincenti Ardoin, 1965 (= Gonocephalum aequale (Erichson, 1843))
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. mâle, Brazzaville, Congo, III-1959 (L. Vincent), déposé au Muséum national, Paris. Allotype: un ex. femelle même provenance.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «República del Congo: Brazzaville»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0868, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [JUIL. 1959 | BRAZZAVILLE | Congo. L. Vincent] [PARATYPE | Gonocephalum | vincenti | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1964] [68-0868 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0869, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [MARS. 1959 | BRAZZAVILLE | Congo. L. Vincent] [PARATYPE | Gonocephalum | vincenti | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1964] [68-0869 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0870, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [MARS. 1959 | BRAZZAVILLE | Congo. L. Vincent] [PARATYPE | Gonocephalum | vincenti | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1964] [68-0870 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0871, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [VII. 1959 | BRAZZAVILLE | Congo. L. Vincent] [PARATYPE | Gonocephalum | vincenti | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 1964] [68-0871 | MZB]
References: Iwan et al. (2010) (Present status).

Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) yelamosi Español & Viñolas, 1983
Original status: Gonocephalum yelamosi Español & Viñolas, 1983b: 37
Present status: Gonocephalum (Gonocephalum) yelamosi Español & Viñolas, 1983
Original type material citation: «Holotipo: 1♂ de Les Cases d'Alcanar (Tarragona), 14-III-1982 (T. Yélamos leg.). Depositado en el Museo de Zoología de Barcelona.
Paratipos: 31♂♂ y 21♀♀: Granollers (X-1932); río Besós (XI-1940); Móra d'Ebre (IV-1953); L'Ampolla (IX-1933); Les Cases d'Alcanar (14-III-1982); Benicàssim (V-1956); El Grau (IV-1957); Castelló de la Plana (IV-1946); Manises (III-1959); Totana (V-1954); Pórtugos (VI-1959); San Roque (26-I-1956, III-1959); Cádiz (XII-1939, V-1940); Belén (26-VIII-1950); Nador (XII-1942) Ceuta (28-I-1930); Casablanca (V-1937). Depositados en el Museo de Zoología de Barcelona y en la colección A. Viñolas.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco (Casablanca, Nador); Portugal (Belem); Spain (Barcelona, Cádiz, Castellon, Ceuta, Granada, Murcia, Tarragona, Valencia)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 68-2105, ♂. Labelled as: [Casas de Alcanar | Tarragona | 14-3-1982 | T. Yélamos leg.] [Holotipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2105 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2106, ♂. Labelled as: [Castellon | IV-46 | Español | Mateu leg.] [Gonocephalum | prolixum | Español det.] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2106 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2107, ♂. Labelled as: [Catalonia | Granollers | X 23 | Miralles leg.] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2107 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2108, ♀. Labelled as: [Marruecos | Casablanca | Kocher] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2108 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2109, ♂. Labelled as: [Pórtugos | (Granada) | J. Vives leg.] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2109 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2110, ♂. Labelled as: [Nador | XII-42 | Cobos] [Gonocephalum | prolixum [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2110 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2111, ♂. Labelled as: [Casas de Alcanar | Tarragona | 14-3-1982 | T. Yélamos leg.] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2111 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2112, ♂. Labelled as: [Lisboa | Belem | 26-VIII-50 | Luna Carvalho] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2112 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2113, ♂. Labelled as: [Hispania | Portugos X-59 | J. Vives leg.] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2113 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2114, ♂. Labelled as: [Cadiz | V-40] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2114 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2115, ♂. Labelled as: [Cádiz | XII-39 | J. Rutllan] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2115 | MZB
Paratype MZB 68-2116, 4, —. Labelled as: [Benicasim | Castellón | v-56 | Español] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2116 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2117, ♂. Labelled as: [Catalonia | Mora d'Ebre | IV 53 | Museu leg.] [Gonocephalum | prolixum | Er. | F. Español det. 1935] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2117 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2118, ♂. Labelled as: [San Roque | (Cadiz) | III-59 | Vives leg.] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2118 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2119, 2, ♀. Labelled as: [Murcia | Totana | Balaguer leg.] [Gonocephalum | prolixum Er. | F. Español det. 193] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2119 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2120, ♀. Labelled as: [Murcia | Totana | Balaguer leg.] [Gonoc. | prolixum Er. | F. Español det. 193] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2120 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2121, ♂. Labelled as: [Ceuta | 28-I-30] [Gonocephalum | prolixum Er. | F. Español det. 193] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2121 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2122, —. Labelled as: [Casablanca | 5-1937 | Kocher leg.] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2122 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2123, —. Labelled as: [Casablanca | 5-1937 | Kocher leg.] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2123 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2124, ♂. Labelled as: [Hispania | Portugos | VI-1959 | J. & E. Vives leg.] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2124 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2125, ♀. Labelled as: [Casas de Alcanar | Tarragona | 14-3-1982 | T. Yélamos leg.] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2125 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2126, —. Labelled as: [Catalonia | Granollers | X 23 | Miralles leg.] [Gonocephalum | prolixum Er. | F. Español det 193] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2126 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2127, ♂. Labelled as: [Ampolla | Tarragona | IX 33 | Museu leg.] [Gonocephalum | prolixum Er. | F. Español det 193] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2127 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2128, ♀. Labelled as: [Casas de Alcanar | Tarragona | 14-3-1982 | T. Yélamos leg.] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2128 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2129, ♂. Labelled as: [Hispania | Portugos | VI-1959 | J. & E. Vives leg.] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2129 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2130, ♂. Labelled as: [Hispania | Portugos | VI-1959 | J. & E. Vives leg.] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2130 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2375, ♂. Labelled as: [Hispania | Portugos | VI-1959 | J. & E. Vives leg.] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2375 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2376, ♂. Labelled as: [Hispania | Portugos | VI-1959 | J. & E. Vives leg.] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2376 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2377, 2, —. Labelled as: [Mora d'Ebre | IV-1933 | Museu leg.] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2377 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2378, 2, —. Labelled as: [Catalonia | Mora d'Ebre | IV 53 | Museu leg.] [Gonocephalum | prolixum | Er. | F. Español det. 1935] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2378 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2379, ♀. Labelled as: [Hispania | Manises | J. Vives leg.] [Gonocephalum | prolixum Er. | F. Español det 193] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2379| MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2380, ♀. Labelled as: [Portugos | Granada | VI-59 | Vives leg.] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2380 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2381, ♀. Labelled as: [Cadiz | V-40] [Gonocephalum | prolixum Er. | F. Español det 193] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2381 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2383, —. Labelled as: [Maroc | Casablanca | 5-37 | Kocher] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2383 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2384, ♂. Labelled as: [Besos | Barcelona | XI-40 | Español leg.] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2384 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2385, ♂. Labelled as: [San Roque | (Cadiz) | 26-I-56 | Ramirez leg.] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2385 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2386, ♂. Labelled as: [Benicasin | Castellón | V-56 | Español leg.] [Gonocephalum | prolixum Er. | F. Español det.] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2386 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2387, ♂. Labelled as: [El Grao | Castellón | IV-57 | Español] [Gonocephalum | prolixum Er. | F. Español det. 193] [Paratipo] [Gonocephalum | yelamosi n. sp. | F. Español | A. Viñolas det.] [68-2387 | MZB]
Remarks: Synonymy performed for personal, non-systematic reasons.

Melanocoma vestita boavistae Español & Lindberg, 1963
Original status: Melanocoma vestita boavistae Español & Lindberg, 1963: 23
Present status: Melanocoma vestita boavistae Español, 1963
Original type material citation: «Boavista: XII31897, 36 ej. (Fea, teste Gridelli); Monte Estancha, I.1898, 12 ej. (Fea, teste Gridelli); Sal Rei, 29.I.; Fundo de Figueiras, 30.I., 1 ej.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Republic of Cabo Verde: Boa Vista Island»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-0250, —. Labelled as: [♂] [Ins. Cabo Verde | Boavista Fundo de |Figueiras 30.1.54 | Lindberg] [Melanocoma | boavista m. | Harald Lindberg det.] [DAOT | Un-m -58] [M. vestita ssp. | boavistae | nov. | F. Espaol det.] [Typus] [68-0250 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-0251, —. Labelled as: [♂] [Ins. Cabo Verde | Boavista Fundo de |Figueiras 30.1.54 | Lindberg] [Melanocoma | boavista m. | Harald Lindberg det.] [DAOT | Un-m -58] [M. vestita ssp. | boavistae | nov. | F. Espaol det.] [Paratypus] [68-0251 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-0252, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [Ins. Cabo Verde | Boavista Fundo de |Figueiras 30.1.54 | Lindberg] [Melanocoma | boavista m. | Harald Lindberg det.] [DAOT | Un-m -58] [M. vestita ssp. | boavistae | nov. | F. Espaol det.] [Paratypus] [68-0252 | MZB]

Melanocoma vestita salensis Español & Lindberg, 1963
Original status: Melanocoma vestita salensis Español & Lindberg, 1963: 24
Present status: Melanocoma vestita boavistae salensis Español, 1963
Original type material citation: «Sal: Espargo, 19.I., 1 ej.; Palmeita, 25.I., 9 ej.; Praia do Monte Grande, 25.I., 5 ej.; Monte Grande, 22.I., 75 ej,»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Republic of Cabo Verde: Sal Island»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-3319, —. Labelled as: [Ins. Cabo Verde | Sal Monte Grande | 21, 22.I.54 | Paneliu] [POHT. | VNm 58] [M. vestita ssp. | salensis | nov. | F. Español det.] [Typus] [68-3319 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3320, 2, —. Labelled as: [Ins. Cabo Verde | Sal Monte Grande | 21, 22.I.54 | Paneliu] [POHT. | VNm 58] [M. vestita ssp. | salensis | nov. | F. Español det.] [Melanocoma | det. Lindberg] [Paratypus] [68-3320 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3321, 2, ♂ and ♀. Labelled as: [Ins. Cabo Verde | Sal Monte Grande | 21, 22.I.54 | Paneliu] [2.] [M. vestita ssp. | salensis | nov. | F. Español det.] [Melanocoma | det. Lindberg] [Paratypus] [68-3321 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3322, 2, ♂ and ♀. Labelled as: [Ins. Cabo Verde | Sal Monte Grande | 21, 22.I.54 | Paneliu] [M. vestita ssp. | salensis | nov. | F. Español det.] [Melanocoma | det. Lindberg] [Paratypus] [68-3322 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3323, —. Labelled as: [Ins. Cabo Verde | Sal Monte Grande | 21, 22.I.54 | Paneliu] [M. vestita ssp. | salensis | nov. | F. Español det.] [Melanocoma | det. Lindberg] [Paratypus] [68-3323 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3324, —. Labelled as: [Ins. Cabo Verde | Sal Monte Grande | 21, 22.I.54 | Paneliu] [M. vestita ssp. | salensis | nov. | F. Español det.] [Melanocoma | det. Lindberg] [Paratypus] [68-3324 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3325, 2, —. Labelled as: [Ins. Cabo Verde | Sal Monte Grande | 21, 22.I.54 | Paneliu] [M. vestita ssp. | salensis | nov. | F. Español det.] [Melanocoma | det. Lindberg] [Paratypus] [68-3325 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-3326, —. Labelled as: [Ins. Cabo Verde | Sal Monte Grande | 22.I.54 | Lindberg] [POHT. | VNm 58] [M. vestita ssp. | salensis | nov. | F. Español det.] [Melanocoma | det. Lindberg] [Paratypus] [68-3326 | MZB]

Mesomorphus apterus Kaszab, 1963
Original status: Mesomorphus apterus Kaszab, 1963: 364
Present status: Mesomorphus apterus Kaszab, 1963
Original type material citation: «83 Exemplare aus Dahomey: Koussoukouangou, Atakara, 600-700 m, 15.VI.1950, leg. A. Villiers (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀, 64 Paratypen), id., 16.VI.1950, leg. A. Villiers ( 2 Paratypen); Senegal: Park National du Niokolo-Koba, Badi, 15.VIII-25.IX.1955, leg. Mission I.F.A.N. (14 Paratypen); Tshadrepublik. Umg. Fort Lamy, Dr. H. Franz (1 Paratypen). - Die Typen befinden sich in der Sammlung des Museums I.F.A.N. in Dakaar, Paratypen auch im Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Museum in Budapest, sowie im Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale in Tervuren.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Senegal: Niokolo-Koba National Park»
Holotype depositary: IFAN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0946, —. Labelled as: [Mission IFAN | a Parc National | du Niokolo Koba | BADI (Sénégal) | 15.VIII-25 .IX-1955] [PARATYPE 1962 | Mesomorphus | apterus n. sp | Kaszab] [68-0946| MZBParatype MZB 68-0947, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [In Russian] [IFAN 1950 | Jahomuy 15-VI | A. Villiers] [PARATYPE 1962 | Mesomorphus | apterus n. sp | Kaszab] [68-0947| MZB
Paratype MZB 68-0948, —. Labelled as: [Mission IFAN | a Parc National | du Niokolo Koba | BADI (Sénégal)] [IFAN 1958 | 7-IV-1959] [PARATYPE 1962 | Mesomorphus | apterus n. sp | Kaszab] [68-0948| MZB
Paratype MZB 68-0949, —. Labelled as: [Mission IFAN | a Parc National | du Niokolo Koba | BADI (Sénégal)] [IFAN 1958 | 7-IV-1959] [PARATYPE 1962 | Mesomorphus | apterus n. sp | Kaszab] [68-0949| MZB

Mesomorphus ardoini Kaszab, 1963
Original status: Mesomorphus ardoini Kaszab, 1963: 365
Present status: Mesomorphus ardoini Kaszab, 1963
Original type material citation: «79 Exemplares aus Senegal: Parc National du Niokolo-Koba, Badi 13.VIII.-25.IX.1955, leg. Mission IFAN (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀, 6 Paratypen), id., 7.IV.1958, leg. Mission IFAN (17 Paratypen), id., 18.V.1958, leg. Mission IFAN (1 Paratype), id., Sol-Ovulou, 26.IV.1958, leg. Mission IFAN (5 Paratypen), id., II.1956, leg. Mission IFAN (29 Paratypen), Kouroussa, IX.1913, E. Fleutiaux (2 Paratypen); Dakar-Fann, 24.VII.1951, leg. J. Bechyné (2 Paratypen); Guinée: Dalaba, 17.IX.1954, leg. A. Villiers (1 Paratype), Kindia, IV.1954, leg. A. Villiers (2 Paratypen), Region Kindia, Mt. Gangan, 750 m, 3.V.1951, leg. J. Bechyné (1 Paratype), Ditinu, 1947, leg. leg. Mission IFAN (1 Paratype); Dahomey; Abomey, 14.V.1950, leg. A. Villiers (1 Paratype), Save, VI.1957, leg. Seiler (2 Paratypen); Haute-Volta; Bobo-Dioulasso, XII.1952, leg.? (2 Paratypen); Sudan; Katire, Equatoria, 8.VI.1962, leg. P. Jolivet (4 Paratypen); Erythraea: Satomoua, leg.? (1 Paratype). -Holo-, Allotype und 67 Paratypen befinden sich in der Sammlung des Museums IFAN in Dakar, 8 Paratypen in der Privatsammlung von Herrn P. Ardoin (Arcachon), 1 Paratype im Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Museum in Budapest und 3 Paratypen im Museum G. Frey in Tutzing.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Senegal: Niokolo-Koba National Park; South Sudan: Katire»
Holotype depositary: IFAN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0951, —. Labelled as: [Mission IFAN| au Parc National | du Niokolo Koba | Badi (Sénégal)] [ IFAN 1958 | Sel. ouolou | 25.IV | 8.H-10H] [PARATYPE 1962 | Mesomorphus | ardoini | Kaszab] [68-0951 | MZB
Paratype MZB 68-0952, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [8-VI-1962 | Katire Equatoria | SOUDAN | Leg. P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE 1962 | Mesomorphus | ardoini | Kaszab] [68-0952 | MZB

Mesomorphus colasi Kaszab, 1963
Original status: Mesomorphus colasi Kaszab, 1963: 379
Present status: Mesomorphus colasi Kaszab, 1963
Original type material citation: «20 Exemplare aus Sudan: Sennar, Khartum, 4.X.1962, leg. P. Jolivet (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀ und Paratypen) in der Sammlung des Herrn P. Ardoin (Arcachon), Paratypen auch im Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Museum in Budapest, sowie in der Sammlung des Musée royal de l'Afrique Central in Tervuren.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Sudan: Sennar (Sennar)»
Holotype depositary: PA
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0878, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [4-X-1962 | Sennar | Khartoum - SUDAN | Leg. P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE 1962 | Mesomorphus | colasi | Kaszab] [68-0878 | MZB
Paratype MZB 68-0879, —. Labelled as: [Sudan, Sennar | 4-X-1962| P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE 1963 | Mesomorphus | colasi | Kaszab] [68-0879 | MZB

Mesomorphus dubiosus Kaszab, 1963
Original status: Mesomorphus dubiosus Kaszab, 1963: 371
Present status: Mesomorphus dubiosus Kaszab, 1963
Original type material citation: «29 Exemplare aus Abessinia: Shoa, Nazareth (Adamah), 7.VII.1961, leg. P. Jolivet (15 Paratypen), Hora Galla (1 Paratype); Sudan: Khartum, Sunt Forest, 8.VIII.1962, leg. P. Jolivet (3 Paratypen); Tanganyika: Uha, Leg. Meyhner (1 Paratype); Bururi, Urundi, III.1959 (1 Paratype), id., V.1960, leg. R. P. Giraudin (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀ und 5 Paratypen befinden sich in der Sammlung des Herrn P. Ardoini (Arcachon), Parartypen auch im Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Museum in Budapest, sowie im Musée royal de l’Afrique Central in Tervuren.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Burundi: Bururi; Ethiopia: Oromia (Adama)»
Holotype depositary: PA
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0943, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [Mar 1960 | Bururi - Urundi | Congo Belga | R. P. Giraudin] [PARATYPE 1962 | Mesomorphus | dubiosus | Kaszab] [68-0943 | MZB
Paratype MZB 68-0944, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [Mar 1960 | Bururi - Urundi | Congo Belga | R. P. Giraudin] [PARATYPE 1962 | Mesomorphus | dubiosus | Kaszab] [68-0944 | MZB
Paratype MZB 68-0945, 4. —, Labelled as: [7-VII-1961 | Nazareth (Adamah) | ETHIOPIA Soa | Leg. P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE 1962 | Mesomorphus | dubiosus | Kaszab] [68-0945 | MZB

Mesomorphus globosus Kaszab, 1963
Original status: Mesomorphus globosus Kaszab, 1963: 373
Present status: Mesomorphus globosus Kaszab, 1963
Original type material citation: «5 Exemplare us Abessinien: Maragno (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀, 2 Paratypen) Dire-Daoua, II.1910, leg. O Kovâc (1 Paratype).- Holotype und Allotype, sowie 2 Paratypen befinden sich in der Sammlung des Herrn P. Ardoin (Arcachon), 1 Paratype auch im Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Museum in Budapest.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Ethiopia: Maragno?»
Holotype depositary: PA
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0950, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [Maragno | Abysinia] [PARATYPE 1962 | Mesomorphus | globosus | Kaszab] [68-0950 | MZB]

Mesomorphus hispidus Español, 1956
Original status: Mesomorphus murinus hispidus Español, 1956a: 279
Present status: Mesomorphus hispidus Español, 1956
Original type material citation: «Sahara español: Pozo Mesit en la Saguia el Hamra (Mateu leg.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Saguia el Hamra»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-0855, ♀. Labelled as: [Pozo Mesit | (S.H.) XI-44] [♀] [Typus] [M. murinus | ssp. hispidus | nov. | F. Español det.] [68-0855 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020)(Present status).

Mesomorphus khartumensis Kaszab, 1963
Original status: Mesomorphus khartumensis Kaszab, 1963: 369
Present status: Mesomorphus khartumensis Kaszab, 1963
Original type material citation: «10 Exemplare aus Sudan: Khartum, Sunt Forest, 3.VIII.1962, leg. P. Jolivet (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀ und Paratypen) in der Sammlung des Herrn P. Ardoin (Arcachon), Paratypen auch im Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichn Museum in Budapest, sowie im Musée
Royal de l'Afrique Central in Tervuren.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Sudan: Gercif»
Holotype depositary: PA
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0954, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [1-VII-1962 | Gercif | Khartoum - SUDAN | Leg. P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE 1962 | Mesomorphus | khartumensis | Kaszab] [68-0954 | MZB

Mesomorphus kochi Kaszab, 1963
Original status: Mesomorphus kochi Kaszab, 1963: 370
Present status: Mesomorphus kochi Kaszab, 1963
Original type material citation: «31 Exemplare aus Sudan: Khartum, Sennar, 4.X.1962, leg. P. Jolivet (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀, 28 Paratypen) in der Sammlung des Herrn P. Ardoin (Arcachon). Wad Medani, leg. P. Jolivet (1 Paratypen), Paratypen auch im Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Museum in Budapest, sowie im Musée roya de l'Afrique Central in Tervuren.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Sudan: Sennar (Sennar)»
Holotype depositary: PA
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0940, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [4-X-1962 | Sennar | Khartoum - SUDAN | Leg. P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE 196 | Mesomorphus | kochi | Kaszab] [68-0940 | MZB
Paratype MZB 68-0941, —. Labelled as: [Sudan - Sennar | 4-X1962 | P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE 1963 | Mesomorphus | kochi | Kaszab] [68-0941 | MZB
Paratype MZB 68-0942, —. Labelled as: [Sudan - Sennar | 4-X1962 | P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE 1963 | Mesomorphus | kochi | Kaszab] [68-0942 | MZB

Mesomorphus rotundicollis Kaszab, 1963
Original status: Mesomorphus rotundicollis Kaszab, 1963: 375
Present status: Mesomorphus rotundicollis Kaszab, 1963
Original type material citation: «10 Exemplare aus Sudan: Haut-Nil, Malakai, 14.IX.1962, leg. P. Jolivet (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀ und Paratypen) in der Sammlung des Herrn P. Ardoin (Arcachon), Paratypen auch im Ungarischen Naturwissenschafllichen Museum in Budapest.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «South Sudan: Upper Nile State (Malakai)»
Holotype depositary: PA
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0953, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [14-IX-1962 | Malakai | Haut Nil - Sudan | Leg. P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE 1962 | Mesomorphus | rotundicollis | Kaszab] [68-0953 | MZB

Mesomorphus sudanicus Kaszab, 1963
Original status: Mesomorphus sudanicus Kaszab, 1963: 375
Present status: Mesomorphus sudanicus Kaszab, 1963
Original type material citation: «75 Exemplare aus Sudan: Khartoum, 18.X.1928, leg. A. D. Bedford (Holotype ♂), Ducim, XI.1932, leg. G. Jahia (Allotype ♀), Khartum, Wad Medani, 7.X.1962 l, leg. P. Jolivet (71 Paratypen); Senegal: Bambey, IX.1949, leg. Wane (1 Paratype), Richard - Toll, IX.1948, leg. A. Villiers (1 Paratype). Holo- und Allotype befinden sich in der Sammlung des Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Museums in Budapest, 2 Paratypen im Museum IFAN in Dakar und 71 Paratypen in der Sammlung des Herrn P. Ardoin (Arcachon). Einige Paratypen in der Sammlung des Herrn P. Ardoin (Arcachon). Einige Paratypen in der Sammlung des Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale in Tervuren.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Sudan: Gezira (Wad Medani)»
Holotype depositary: HNHM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0886, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [7-X-1962 | Wad Medani | Khartoum - SUDAN | Leg. P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE 1963 | Mesomorphus | sudanicus | Kaszab] [68-0886 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0887, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [7-X-1962 | Wad Medani | Khartoum - SUDAN | Leg. P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE 1963 | Mesomorphus | sudanicus | Kaszab] [68-0887 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0888, —. Labelled as: [Suda.7.X.1962 | Wad Medani | P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE 1963 | Mesomorphus | sudanicus | Kaszab] [68-0888 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0889, —. Labelled as: [Suda.7.X.1962 | Wad Medani | P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE 1963 | Mesomorphus | sudanicus | Kaszab] [68-0889 | MZB]

Mesomorphus tschadensis Kaszab, 1963
Original status: Mesomorphus tschandensis Kaszab, 1963: 382
Present status: Mesomorphus tschandensis Kaszab, 1963
Original type material citation: «45 Exemplare aus dem Tschadsee-Gebiet: N'Gouri, distr. Kanem, VIII-XI.1958, P. Renaud (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀ und 22 Paratypen); Französisch - Aequatorialisch Afrika: Dagana (1 Paratype); Nigeria: leg. Skulina (1 Paratype); Haute-Volta: Kadoba, Cercle de
Bobo - Dioulasso, 5.V.1933 (2 Paratypen); Mauritania: Bafrëchié, 15.IX.-10.X.1953, leg. A. Villiers (1 Paratype), Agadèz, Aïr Sud, 525 m, VIII.1947, leg. L. Chopaard & A. Villiers (1 Paratype); Sénégal: Dakar, 1950, leg. Mhe Pales (1 Paratype), id., 26.X.1952, leg. A. Villiers (1 Paratype), id.,
30.VII.1952, à la lampe, leg. A. Villiers (1 Paratype); Sudan: Darfur, Djebel Marra, 26.V.1962, leg. P. Jolivet (10 Paratypen).- Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀ und 22 Paratypen befinden sich in der Sammlung des Musée Royal d'Afrique Central in Tervuren, 2 Paratypen im Ungarischen
Naturwissenschaftlichen Museum in Budapest, 7 Paratypen im Museum IFAN in Dakar un 12 Paratypen in der Sammlung des Herrn P. Ardoin (Arcachon).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Sudan: Dafur (Djebel Marra); Burkina Faso: Circle of Bobo-Dioulasso; Chad: Western Logone Prefecture (Gouri)»
Holotype depositary: MRAC
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0955, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [25. V.1962. Sunni | Djebel Marra | Darfur - SUDAN | Leg. P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE 1962 | Mesomorphus | tschadensis | Kaszab] [68-0955 | MZB
Paratype MZB 68-0956, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [5 Mai 1953 | Kadoba. Cercle de | Bobo-Dioulasso |Haute Volta] [PARATYPE 1962 | Mesomorphus | tschadensis | Kaszab] [68-0956 | MZB
Paratype MZB 68-0957, ♀. Labelled as: [COLL. MUS. CONGO |Tchad: N’ Gouri, distr. de | Kanum VIII-1958 | P. Renaud] [PARATYPE 1961 | Mesomorphus | tschadensis ♀ | Kaszab] [68-0957 | MZB

Mesomorphus sudanicus Kaszab, 1963
Original status: Mesomorphus sudanicus Kaszab, 1963: 375
Present status: Mesomorphus sudanicus Kaszab, 1963
Original type material citation: «75 Exemplare aus Sudan: Khartoum, 18.X.1928, leg. A. D. Bedford (Holotype ♂), Ducim, XI.1932, leg. G. Jahia (Allotype ♀), Khartum, Wad Medani, 7.X.1962 l, leg. P. Jolivet (71 Paratypen); Senegal: Bambey, IX.1949, leg. Wane (1 Paratype), Richard - Toll,
IX.1948, leg. A. Villiers (1 Paratype). Holo- und Allotype befinden sich in der Sammlung des Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Museums in Budapest, 2 Paratypen im Museum IFAN in Dakar und 71 Paratypen in der Sammlung des Herrn P. Ardoin (Arcachon). Einige Paratypen in der Sammlung
des Herrn P. Ardoin (Arcachon). Einige Paratypen in der Sammlung des Musée royal de l'Afrique Centrale in Tervuren.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Sudan: Gezira (Wad Medani)»
Holotype depositary: HNHM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0886, ♂. Labelle as: [♂] [7-X-1962 | Wad Medani | Khartoum - SUDAN | Leg. P. Jolivet] [PARATYPE 1963 | Mesomorphus | sudanicus | Kaszab] [68-0886 | MZB]

Opatroides curtulus Fairmaire, 1892
Original status: Opatroides curtulus Fairmaire, 1892: 149
Present status: Opatroide curtulus Fairmaire, 1892
Original type material citation: «Syrie: Akbès»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Syria. Amamus»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-3923, —. Labelled as: [Syrie | Amanus | C.D. 1891] [Cotype] [Opatroides | curtulus | Fairm.] [68-3923 | MZB]

Opatrum (Colpopatrum) asperipenne Reitter, 1897
Original status: Opatrum asperipenne Reitter, 1897: 219
Present status: Opatrum (Colpopatrum) asperipenne Reitter, 1897
Original type material citation: «Nördliche Mongolei: Changai-Geb. (Hans Leder).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Mongolia: Changai»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-2389, —. Labelled as: [Nordl Mongolei | Changai | Leder.] [Cotypus | Opatrum | asperipenne Reitt. | Coll. Reitter] [68-2389 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Opatrum (Colcophorus) baeticum almeriense Español, 1954
Original status: Opatrum (Colcophorus) baeticum almeriense Español, 1954b: 323
Present status: Opatrum (Colcophorus) baeticum almeriense Español, 1954
Original type material citation: «Andalucía, provincia de Almería: Aguadulce, en el litoral, no lejos de Almería (Mateu, Cobos); una numerosa serie de ejemplares.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Almería (Aguadulce)»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1072, 2, —. Labelled as: [P. Almería | IV-1949 | Mateu - Cobos] [O. | (Colcophorus) | baeticum ssp. | almeriense Esp.| F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-1072 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1073, 2, —. Labelled as: [Aguadulce P.V. Almería | 19-III-1949| Mateu - Cobos leg.] [Paratypus] [68-1073 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1150, 2, —. Labelled as: [Aguadulce P.V. Almería | 19-III-1949| Mateu - Cobos leg.] [Paratypus] [68-1150 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1151, 2, —. Labelled as: [Aguadulce P.V. Almería | 19-III-1949| Mateu - Cobos leg.] [Paratypus] [68-1151 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1152, 2, —. Labelled as: [Aguadulce P.V. Almería | 19-III-1949| Mateu - Cobos leg.] [Paratypus] [68-1152 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1153, 4, —. Labelled as: [P. Almería | IV-1949 | Mateu - Cobos] [Paratypus] [68-1153 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1154, 2, —. Labelled as: [Aguadulce P.V. Almería | 19-III-1949| Mateu - Cobos leg.] [Paratypus] [68-1154 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1155, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [P. Almería | IV-1949 | Mateu - Cobos] [Paratypus] [68-1155 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1156, ♂. Labelled as: [P. Almería | IV-1949 | Mateu - Cobos] [Paratypus] [68-1156 | MZB]

Opatrum (Colcophorus) baeticum orientale Español, 1954
Original status: Opatrum (Colcophorus) baeticum orientale Español, 1954b: 322
Present status: Opatrum (Colcophorus) baeticum orientale Español, 1954
Original type material citation: «Andalucía, provincia de Almería: Lucainena de las Torres (Cobos); 4 ejemplares.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Almería (Lucainena de las Torres)»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1065, —. Labelled as: [Lucainena de | las Torres (Al.) | A. Cobos coll.] [O. | (Colcophorus) | baeticum ssp. | orientale Esp.| F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-1065 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1066, —. Labelled as: [Lucainena de | las Torres (Al.) | A. Cobos coll.] [Paratypus] [68-1066 | MZB]

Opatrum (Colcophorus) freudei Español, 1963
Original status: Opatrum (Colcophorus) freudei Español, 1963b: 73
Present status: Opatrum (Colcophorus) freudei Español, 1963
Original type material citation: «Tipo, Argelia, Touggourt, VIII-54, Kastle leg., en la Zoologische Staatssammlung de Munich. Paratipos, 6 ejemplares adelfotípicos, en el referido Museo y en el de Zoología de Barcelona.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Argelia: Touggourt»
Holotype depositary: ZSM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-1067, —. Labelled as: [Algerie, VIII-54 | Dj. Touggourt | Kästle leg.] [O. | (Colcophorus) | freudei | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-1067 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-1068, —. Labelled as: [Algerie, VIII-54 | Dj. Touggourt | Kästle leg.] [O. | (Colcophorus) | freudei | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-1068 | MZB]

Opatrum (Colcophorus) hookeri melandriosum Antoine, 1942
Original status: Opatrum (Colcophorus) hookeri melandriosum Antoine, 1942a: 23
Present status: Opatrum (Colcophorus) hookeri melandriosum Antoine, 1942
Original type material citation: «Grand Atlas central: Jebel Aouldjdid, au dessus du col du Tichka, une dizaine d'exemplaires.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Jebel Aouldjdid»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1059, ♂. Labelled as: [Dj. Aouldjdid | G. At. 2700.VII | Maroc (Antoine)] [Cotype] [melandriosum | Antoine det. m.] [O. | (Colpophorus) | hookeri ssp. | melandriosum | Ant. | F. Español det.] [68-1059 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2423, 2, —. Labelled as: [Dj. Aouldjdid | G. At. 2700.VII | Maroc (Antoine)] [Cotype] [hookeri s. sp. | melandriosum | Antoine det. m.] [O. (Colpoph.) | hookeri ssp. | melandrio- | sum Ant. | F. Español det.] [68-2423 | MZB]

Opatrum (Colcophorus) moralesi Español, 1959
Original status: Opatrum (Colcophorus) moralesi Español, 1959: 247
Present status: Opatrum (Colcophorus) moralesi Español, 1959
Original type material citation: «Yebel Lexhab, V-41 (Morales); varios ejemplares.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Yebel Lexhab»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 78-1684, ♂. Labelled as: [O. | (Colcophorus) | moralesi | n. sp. | F. Español det.]  [Typus] [78-1684 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 78-1685, 5, —. Labelled as: [Mar.| Yebel Lexahab | 16-V-41 | Morales leg.] [O. | (Colcophorus) | moralesi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [78-1685 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 78-1686, 4, —. Labelled as: [Mar.| Yebel Lexahab | 16-V-41 | Morales leg.] [O. | (Colcophorus) | moralesi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [78-1686 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 78-1687, ♂. Labelled as: [O. | (Colcophorus) | moralesi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [Opatrum (Colpophorus) | moralesi Español | H. Labrique vidit 2008] [78-1687 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2424, 7, —. Labelled as: [Mar.| Yebel Lexahab | 21-V-41 | Morales leg.] [O. | (Colcophorus) | moralesi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2424 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2425, 5, —. Labelled as: [Mar.| Yebel Lexahab | 21-V-41 | Morales leg.] [O. | (Colcophorus) | moralesi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2425 | MZB
Sintype MZB 68-2426, 7, —. Labelled as: [Mar.| Yebel Lexahab | 21-V-41 | Morales leg.] [O. | (Colcophorus) | moralesi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2426 | MZB
Sintype MZB 68-2427, 5, —. Labelled as: [Mar.| Yebel Lexahab | 21-V-41 | Morales leg.] [O. | (Colcophorus) | moralesi | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2427 | MZB

Opatrum (Colcophorus) otini otini Antoine, 1942
Original status: Opatrum otini Antoine, 1942a: 25
Present status: Opatrum (Colcophorus) otini otini Antoine, 1942
Original type material citation: «Commun au Jebel Tazeka ! (Otin, Rotrou); aussi sur la gada de Debdou ! 2 ex. et à Berguent (Schramm) 1 ex.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Jbel Tazeka»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1061, —. Labelled as: [Jbel Tazeka | 2000. IV. | Maroc (Antoine)] [Cotype] [otini | m. | Antoine det.] [O. | (Colcophorus) | otini | Ant. | F. Español det.] [68-1061 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1062, 3, —. Labelled as: [Jbel Tazeka | Maroc (Antoine)] [Cotype] [otini | m. | Antoine det.] [68-1062 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1063, 2, —. Labelled as: [Jbel Tazeka | 2000. IV. | Maroc (Antoine)] [Cotype] [otini | m. | Antoine det.] [68-1063 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2439, —. Labelled as: [Jbel Tazeka | Maroc (Antoine)] [Cotype] [O. (Colpophorus) | otini Ant. | F. Español det.] [68-2439 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2440, —. Labelled as: [Jbel Tazeka | 2000 M. At. VII | Maroc (Antoine)] [Cotype] [68-2440 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Opatrum (Colcophorus) otini mediatlantis Antoine, 1942
Original status: Opatrum otini mediatlantis Antoine, 1942a: 27
Present status: Opatrum (Colcophorus) otini mediatlantis Antoine, 1942
Original type material citation: «Azrou, Ifrane, Ito.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Azrou»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1064, —. Labelled as: [Azrou V | Maroc (Antoine)] [CoType] [mediatlantis | m. | Antoine det.] [O. | (Colcophorus) | otini ssp. | mediatlantis | Ant. | F. Español det.] [68-1064 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Opatrum (Colcophorus) rhaticum Antoine, 1942
Original status: Opatrum rhaticum Antoine, 1942a: 24
Present status: Opatrum (Colcophorus) rhaticum Antoine, 1942
Original type material citation: «Je ne connais cet insecte que du Jebel Rhat: flancs de la grande combe, circa 2900 m (VII-1936).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Jebel Rhat»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1060, —. Labelled as: [G. A.: Dj. Rhat | Maroc (Antoine) | 3000. VIII-35] [Cotype] [rhaticum | m. | Antoine det.] [O. | (Colcophorus) | rhaticum | Ant. | F. Español det.] [68-1060 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2421, —. Labelled as: [Dj. Rhat | G. Atl. 3000 m | VIII-36] [Cotype] [O. | (Colcophorus) | rhaticum | Ant. | F. Español det.] [68-2421 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Opatrum (Colcophorus) rotundatum ifrense Español, 1956
Original status: Opatrum (Colcophorus) rotundatum ifrense Español, 1956a: 280
Present status: Opatrum (Colcophorus) rotundatum ifrense Español, 1956
Original type material citation: «Marruecos español: Tizí Ifri (Pardo leg.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Tizí Ifri»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 78-1705, ♂. Labelled as: [Tizi Ifri | 17-VII-52] [O. | (Colpophorus) | rotundatum | ssp. | ifrense | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [78-1705 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 78-1706, ♂. Labelled as: [Tizi Ifri | 17-VII-52] [O. | (Colpophorus) | rotundatum | ssp. | ifrense | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [Opatrum (Colcophorus) | rotundatum ifrense Español. | H. Labrique vidit 2008] [78-1706 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 78-1707, —. Labelled as: [Tizi Ifri | 17-VII-52] [Sr. Pardo | consulta] [Opatrum (Col.) | rotundatum | ssp. | ifrense | Español det.] [Paratypus] [78-1707 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 78-1708, —. Labelled as: [Tizi Ifri | 17-VII-52] [Opatrum (Col.) | rotundatum | ssp. | ifrense | Español det.] [Paratypus] [78-1708 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2441, —. Labelled as: [Tizi Ifri | Vi-VII-52] [O. (Colpoph.) | rotund. ssp. | ifrense | Español det.] [Paratypus] [78-2441 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-2442, 3. —. Labelled as: [Cotype] [Dj. Raht G. A. | Maroc (Antoine) | 3000. VIII -35] [cocuminorum | Antoine det. m.] [78-2442 | MZB]

Opatrum (Colcophorus) simplicior simplicissimum Antoine, 1942
Original status: Opatrum simplicior simplicissimum Antoine, 1942a: 24
Present status: Opatrum (Colcophorus) simplicior simplicissimum Antoine, 1942
Original type material citation: «Titi n'Test: 5 ex.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Taroudant (Tizi n'Test)»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-1074, —. Labelled as: [Tizi n'Test 2000 | (Maroc) Antoine | Vesant N. IV-23] [CoType] [simplicissimun | m. | Antoine det.] [O. | (Colcophorus) | simplicior ssp. | simplicissi- | mum Ant. | F. Español det.] [68-1074 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Opatrum (Colcophorus) venustulum Antoine, 1942
Original status: Opatrum venustulum Antoine, 1942a: 24
Present status: Opatrum (Colcophorus) venustulum Antoine, 1942
Original type material citation: «Localité. — Grand Atlas Goundafa: Tizi n'Tagouramt, 1.700 m. Aussi à Arround dans le massif du Likoumt.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Goundafa (Tizi n'Tagouramt)»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-1797, —. Labelled as: [Tizi n'Tagouramt | G. A. Goundafa | Maroc (Antoine)] [venustulum | Antoine det.] [Cotype] [O. | (Colcophorus) | venustulum | Ant. | F. Español det.] [68-1797 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-1798, —. Labelled as: [Tizi n'Tagouramt | G. A. Goundafa | Maroc (Antoine)] [venustulum | Antoine det.] [Cotype] [68-1798 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2422, —. Labelled as: [Tizi n'Tagouramt | Maroc (Antoine) | G. Atlas Goundafa] [Opatrum | venustulum | Antoine det. m.] [Cotype] [68-2422 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status)

Opatrum (Opatrum) sabulosum pyrenaeum Español, 1963
Original status: Opatrum (Opatrum) sabulosum pyrenaeum Español, 1963e: 480
Present status: Opatrum (Opatrum) sabulosum pyrenaeum Español, 1963
Original type material citation: «Pirineos centrales (provincia de Huesca): Valle de Astós, 1.550 metros, 2 ♂♂: Puerto de Castanesa, 2.000-2.200 metros, 2 ♀♀ IInstituto Esp. Entom. y Museo de Zool. de Barcelona).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Huesca (Valle de Astós and puerto de Castanesa)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 68-1816, —. Labelled as: [Valle de Astós |1.550 m. | Prov. de Huesca] [Exp Inst. de | Entomología | 13-18-VIII-1944] [O. sabulosum | ssp. pyrenae- | um nov. | F. Español det.] [Typus] [68-1816 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-1817, —. Labelled as: [Pto. Castanesa | 2000-2.200 m.] [Exp. Inst. de | Entomología | 13-18-VIII-1944] [Opatrum | riparium Scriba var.] [O. sabulosum | ssp. pyrenae- | um nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-1817 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-1818, —. Labelled as: [Pto. Castanesa | 2000-2.200 m.] [O. sabulosum | ssp. pyrenae- | um nov. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-1818 | MZB]

Penthicus (Discotus) kaszabi (Skopin, 1960)
Original status: Lobodera (Discotus) kaszabi Skopin, 1960: 307
Present status: Penthicus (Discotus) kaszabi (Skopin, 1960)
Original type material citation: «Fundorte: 1 Stück aus Bztys am nördlichen Ufer des Sees Balchasch, 6.VI.1940, leg. N. Skopin: 19 Stücke aus Baltakul im Tal des mittleren Laufes des Syr-Darja, VII, 1958, leg. L. Ermakova.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Kazakhstan: Syrdarya»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-2400, —. Labelled as: [Mittl. Fl. Syr- | Darya | Boltakul | 10-VII-58 | Skopin leg.] [Lobodera | kaszabi sp. n. | Paratyp. 23.04.159 | N. Skopin det.] [Paratypus] [68-2400 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Penthicus (Myladon) kochi kochi (Skopin, 1960)
Original status: Lobodera (Myladon) kochi Skopin, 1960: 308
Present status: Penthicus (Myladon) kochi kochi (Skopin, 1960)
Original type material citation: «Fundort: 23 Stücke aus Uzum-Bulak, 30 km nordöstlich vom Ala-Kul-See (östlich. Kasachstan), 21.VII.1959, leg. A. Penkina.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Kazakhstan: Alakol»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-2399, 2, —. Labelled as: [In Russian] [Lobodera | kochi sp. n. | Paratyp. | 1959 N. Skopin det.] [Paratypus] [68-2399 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Penthicus (Myladon) sequensi Reitter, 1901
Original status: Penthicus (Penthicus) sequensi Reitter, 1901: 79
Present status: Penthicus (Myladon) sequensi Reitter, 1901
Original type material citation: «Im Quellgebiet des Irkut und in der nördlichen Mongolei (Urga) von Hans Leder gesammelt.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Mongolia: Quellgebiet des Irkut»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-3924, —. Labelled as: [Quell.d.Jrbut | Reitter] [Cotypus |Lobotorax | sequensi Reitter | Coll. Reitter] [68-3924 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Penthicus (Penthicus) antoinei (Español, 1945)
Original status: Lobodera (Lobodera) antoinei Español, 1945b: 218
Present status: Penthicus (Penthicus) antoinei (Español, 1945)
Original type material citation: «Tipo, Seguiat El Hamra: Arizar Garfa, 11-V-43. Alotipo, misma procedencia que el tipo. Paratipos, misma procedencia que el tipo y alotipo y además: Seguiat El Hamra: El Aiun, 15-VII-43; 8-IX-43; 10-X-43; El Harmatz, 20-XI-43; Smara, 21-VII-43.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: El Hamra»
Holotype depositary: JM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-2416, 2, ♀. Labelled as: [El Aium | (J. H) 15-VII-43] [Paratipo] [Lobodera | antoinei | n. sp. | F. Español det. [68-2416 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2417, ♂. Labelled as: [El Aium | (J. H) | Mor. Mateu] [Paratipo] [Lobodera | antoinei | n. sp. | F. Español det.] [68-2417 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2418, —. Labelled as: [Smara 21-VII-43 | Mateu leg.] [Lobodera | antoinei] [Paratipo] [68-2418 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2419, ♂. Labelled as: [Arizar Garfa | S.H. 11-V-43 | Morales leg.] [Lobodera | antoinei | Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-2419 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2420, 1♂ and 3♀♀. Labelled as: [El Aium | (S.H) 15-VII-43 | Mateu] [Lobodera | antoinei | Español det.] [Paratipo] [68-2420 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Penthicus (Penthicus) belutschistanica (Kaszab, 1961)
Original status: Lobodera belutschistanica Kaszab, 1961: 119
Present status: Penthicus (Penthicus) belutschistanica (Kaszab, 1961)
Original type material citation: «9 Exemplare aus Belutschistan: Ziarat, 4-IV-1953, leg. F. Schmid /Holo– und Paratypen/. Die Typen befinden sich in der Sammlung des Zoologischen Museums in Barcelona, Paratypen auch im Ungarischen Naturwissenschaitlichen Museum in Budapest.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Pakistan: Belutschistan (Ziarat)»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 68-2394, —. Labelled as: [Belutschistan | Ziarat 4-IV-1953 | F. Schmid] [Holotypus 1960 | Lobodera | belutschistanica | Kaszab] [Lobodera | belutschistanica | Kasz. | Dr. Z. Kaszab det. 1960] [68-2394 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2395, —. Labelled as: [Belutschistan | Ziarat 4-IV-1953 | F. Schmid] [Paratypus 1960 | Lobodera | belutschistanica | Kaszab] [68-2395 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2396, —. Labelled as: [Belutschistan | Ziarat 4-IV-1953 | F. Schmid] [Paratypus 1960 | Lobodera | belutschistanica | Kaszab] [68-2396 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2397, —. Labelled as: [Belutschistan | Ziarat 4-IV-1953 | F. Schmid] [Paratypus 1960 | Lobodera | belutschistanica | Kaszab] [68-2397 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2398, —. Labelled as: [Belutschistan | Ziarat 4-IV-1953 | F. Schmid] [Paratypus 1960 | Lobodera | belutschistanica | Kaszab] [68-2398 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Tidiguinia bolivari Español, 1959
Original status: Tidiguinia bolivari Español, 1959: 252
Present status: Tidiguinia bolivari Español, 1959
Paratipos: 1♂ adelfotípico (col. Instituto Español de Entomología); 1♂, Hauta Kasdir, VI-32 (Ferrer Bravo), ejemplar este último algo distinto de los del Tidiguin por los intervalos de los élitros más convexos.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Hauta Kasdir»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-2096, —. Labelled as: [Hauta Kasdir | Marruecos m. 1.750 | Ferrer 29.6.32] [Tidiguinia | bolivari nov.| gen., nov. sp. | F. Español det.] [Paratypus] [68-2096 | MZB]
Holotype MZB 78-0462, ♂. Labelled as: [Tidiguin | Ketama, Rif | VI-30 Exp. C. Bolivar] [Tidiguinia | bolivari nov.| gen., nov. sp. | F. Español det.] [Holotypus] [78-0462 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-0463, ♀. Labelled as: [Tidiguin | Ketama, Rif | VI-30 Exp. C. Bolivar] [Rifopatrum | litoboroides | Esc. et C. Bol.] [Rifopatrum Esc. Bol.| litoboroides Esc. Bol.] [Alotipo] [Tidiguinia | bolivari nov.| gen., nov. sp. | F. Español det.] [Alotypus] [78-0463 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 78-0464, ♂. Labelled as: [Tidiguin | Ketama, Rif | VI-30 Exp. C. Bolivar] [Alotipo] [Tidiguinia | bolivari nov.| gen., nov. sp. | F. Español det.] [Alotypus] [78-0464 | MZB]

Wolladrus carbonarius sousai (Ardoin, 1960)
Original status: Hadrus carbonarius sousai Ardoin, 1960: 108
Present status: Wolladrus carbonarius sousai (Ardoin, 1960)
Original type material citation: «Hot de Chão, 18 ex., G. Colas.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Portugal: Madeira Archipelago»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-3459, —. Labelled as: [11 Mai 1957 | llheu de Chão | Archipel Madere | Colas et Mateu] [Paratype] [Hadrus | carbonarius Qe. | ssp. sousai | Ardoin | P. Ardoin det. 1960] [68-3459 | MZB]
References: Löbl et al. (2020b) (Present status).

Subtribe Sclerina Lacordaire, 1859

Sclerum carinatum (Baudi di Selve, 1875)
Original status: Scleron carinatum Baudi di Selve, 1875: 700
Present status: Sclerum carinatum (Baudi di Selve, 1875)
Original type material citation: «Persia mer. e settentr. (Doria).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Iran: ?»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-2095, —. Labelled as: [Pers. m. | Doria] [Sammlung | Haag- | Rutenberg] [Paratypus | Scleron | carinatum |Bd. 1875 | Staalssamml. München] [68-2095 | MZB]
References: Löbl et al. (2020b) (Present status).

Sclerum kandahariacum (Kaszab, 1960)
Original status: Scleron kandahariacum Kaszab, 1960: 135
Present status: Sclerum kandahariacum (Kaszab, 1960)
Original type material citation: «329 Exemplaren, Afghanistan: Kandahar, 950 m, 12.I.1953, J. Klapperich; Kandahar-Kuna, 950 m, 18., 24., 28. I., 7., 21., 24.II.1953, J. Klapperich (Holo- und Paratypen).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Afghanistan: Kandahar»
Holotype depositary: MGF
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-2101, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Kandahar -Kuna | 950 m, 7.2.53 | S- Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Scleron | kandahariacum | Dr. Kaszab 57] [68-2101 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2102, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Scham - Schir - Ror | 950 m, Kandahar | 14.1.53 | S- Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Scleron | kandahariacum | Dr. Kaszab 57] [68-2102 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2103, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Kandahar -Kuna | 950 m, 28.1.53 | S- Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Scleron | kandahariacum | Dr. Kaszab 57] [68-2103 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2104, —. Labelled as: [J. Klapperich | Kandahar | 950 m, 12.1.53 | S- Afghanistan] [PARATYPUS | Scleron | kandahariacum | Dr. Kaszab 57] [68-2104 | MZB]
References: Löbl et al. (2020b) (Present status).

Tribe Pedinini Eschscholtz, 1829
Subtribe Leichenina Mulsant, 1854

Leichenum bomansii Ardoin, 1965
Original status: Leichenum bomansii Ardoin, 1965a: 81.
Present status: Leichenum bomansii Ardoin, 1965
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un ex. mâle, Albertville, Tanganika, Katanga, Congo belge, IX-1955 (H. E. Bornons), déposé au Muséum national, Paris. Allotype: un ex. femelle, même origine.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Democratic Republic of Congo: Katanga (Kalemi)»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-0958, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [IX-1955 | ALBERTVILLE | CONGO BELGE | Katanga BOMANS] [paratype | Leichenum| bomansi | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 19] [68-0958 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0959, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [IX-1955 | ALBERTVILLE | CONGO BELGE | Katanga BOMANS] [paratype | Leichenum| bomansi | n. sp. | P. Ardoin 19] [68-0959 | MZB]

Subtribe Pedinina Eschscholtz, 1829

Colpotinus simulator Fairmaire, 1891
Original status: Colpotinus simulator Fairmaire, 1891: xvii
Present status: Colpotinus simulator Fairmaire, 1891
Original type material citation: «— Chang-Yang»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «People's Republic of China: Chang Yang»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-2388, —. Labelled as: [Chang Yang, | near Ichang, | 4-6000 ft., | VII] [Cotypus | Colpotinus | simulator Fairm. | Coll. Reitter] [68-2388 | MZB]

Pedinus (Colpotus) cobosi (Español, 1953)
Original status: Colpotus cobosi Español, 1953b: 139.
Present status: Pedinus (Colpotus) cobosi (Español, 1953)
Original type material citation: «Esta especie, confundida hasta el presente con similaris parece propia de los relieves montañosos que se estienden por las zonas levantina y centrales de nuestra Península. Castellón: Vistabella (Mateu, Español), Sierra de Espadán (Beltrán). Valencia: Valencia (Moroder), Villar del Arzobispo (Báguena), Requena (Báguena), Godelleta (Cervera). Alicante: Alicante (Korb). Teruel: Teruel (Korb, Dieck, Vives), Albarracín (Wagner). Cuenca: Cuenca (Castro).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Catellón (Sierra de Espadán, Vistabella); Valencia (Godelleta, Millares, Requena, Villar del Arzobispo); Teruel (Vifredo)»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1194, ♂. Labelled as: [Vistabella | Castellón | IV-46 Espa- | ñol Mateu] [Colpotus | cobosi n. sp.] [Typus] [68-1194 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1195, 2. Labelled as: [Vistabella | Castellón | IV-46 Espa- | ñol Mateu] [Colpotus | cobosi n. sp.] [Paratypus] [68-1195 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1196, 2. Labelled as: [Vistabella | Castellón | IV-46 Espa- | ñol Mateu] [Colpotus | cobosi n. sp.] [Paratypus] [68-1196 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1197, ♂. Labelled as: [Villar del | Arzobispo | Valencia | Col. Báguena] [Colpotus | cobosi n. sp.] [Paratypus] [68-1197 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1198, ♂. Labelled as: [Sierra de Espadán | F. Beltran] [Colpotus | cobosi n. sp.] [Paratypus] [68-1198 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1199, —. Labelled as: [Teruel |Vifredo | 15-VI-50 | Vives leg.] [Colpotus | cobosi n. sp.] [Paratypus] [68-1199 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1776, —. Labelled as: [Hisp. | Reitter] [Colpotus | similaris | Muls. | Reitter] [73] [ex col | Müller] [Colpotus | cobosi n. sp.] [Paratypus] [68-1776 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1777, 2, — and ♀. Labelled as: [Millares. Valencia mont. | Hispania or. | Leg. Luis Báguena] [Requena | Valencia | Col. Báguena] [♀] [Colpotus | cobosi n. sp.] [Paratypus] [68-1777 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1778, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [Godelleta | 2.4.34 1 Cervera] [Colpotus | cobosi n. sp.] [Paratypus] [68-1778 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1779, —. Labelled as: [Hisp. | Reitter] [Colpotus | similaris | Muls. | Reitter] [ex col | Müller] [Colpotus | cobosi n. sp.] [Paratypus] [68-1779 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Pedinus (Colpotus) magnicollis (Fairmaire, 1892)
Original status: Colpotus magnicollis Fairmaire, 1892: 148.
Present status: Pedinus (Colpotus) magnicollis (Fairmaire, 1892)
Original type material citation: «—»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Syria: Akbès (Amanus)»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-2069, —. Labelled as: [Syrie | Amanus | C. D. 1891] [Cotype] [Coll. Delagrang | Colpotus | magnicollis | n. sp. Frm.] [68-2069 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status)

Pedinus (Colpotus) similaris nevadensis (Español, 1953)
Original status: Colpotus similaris nevadensis Español, 1953b: 138.
Present status: Pedinus (Colpotus) similaris nevadensis (Español, 1953)
Original type material citation: «Todo el material examinado de nevadensis procede del Puerto de la Ragua (Sierra Nevada), en la provincia de Granada, y fué recogido por los señores J. Mateu y A. Cobos a finales de mayo de 1950»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Granada (Puerto de la Ragua)»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1200, —. Labelled as: [Ptº Ragua | Granada | Mat. Cob.] [Paratypus] [C. similaris Muls. | Subsp. nevadensis | nov.] [68-1200 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1201, ♂. Labelled as: [Pto. de la Ragua | Prov. Granada | Mateu-Cobos leg. | 24-28-V-1950] [C. similaris Muls. | Subsp. nevadensis | nov.] [Paratypus] [68-1201 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1202, —. Labelled as: [Pto. de la Ragua | Prov. Granada | Mateu-Cobos leg. | 24-28-V-1950] [C. similaris Muls. | Subsp. nevadensis | nov.] [Paratypus] [68-1202 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1203, —. Labelled as: [Pto. de la Ragua | Prov. Granada | Mateu-Cobos leg. | 24-28-V-1950] [C. similaris Muls. | Subsp. nevadensis | nov.] [Paratypus] [68-1203 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1204, —. Labelled as: [Pto. de la Ragua | Prov. Granada | Mateu-Cobos leg. | 24-28-V-1950] [C. similaris Muls. | Subsp. nevadensis | nov.] [Paratypus] [68-1204 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1205, —. Labelled as: [Ptº Ragua | Granada | Mat. Cob.] [C. similaris Muls. | Subsp. nevadensis | nov.] [Paratypus] [68-1205 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Pedinus (Pedinus) aetolicus Apfelbeck, 1901
Original status: Pedinus aetolicus Apfelbeck, 1901: 464
Present status: Pedinus (Pedinus) aetolicus Apfelbeck, 1901
Original type material citation: «In den Hochgebirgen Aetolies bis in Schneeregion; mit P. oblongus. Korax-Leonis 1899, Oxyá und Veluchi-Apf. 1900.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Greece: Oxyá»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1802, —. Labelled as: [Apfelbeck | Oxyá] [Typus] [5576] [Typ. | 300Wz.] [1] [aetolicus | Typ.: Apf..] [68-1802 | MZB]

Tribe Platynotini Mulsant & Rey, 1853
Subtribe Eurynotina Mulsant & Rey, 1854

Ograbies frigidus Koch, 1954
Original status: Ograbies frigidus Koch, 1954: 23
Present status: Ograbies frigidus Koch, 1954
Original type material citation: «Publication not available»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Republic of South Africa: Grootderm»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-3912, —. Labelled as: [Buffels R. near | Grootmist , C.P. | 21-XI-1948 | Koch & van Son] [Para | Typus | Ograbies | frigidus | 1951 C. Koch] [68-3912 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3913, —. Labelled as: [Grootderm, Rich- | torsveld | 18.XI.1949 Koch] [Para | Typus | Ograbies | frigidus | 1951 C. Koch] [68-3913 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3914, —. Labelled as: [Grootderm, Rich- | torsveld | 18.XI.1949 Koch] [Para | Typus | Ograbies | frigidus | 1951 C. Koch] [68-3914 | MZB]

Ograbies subdentatus Koch, 1954
Original status: Ograbies subdentatus Koch, 1954: 22
Present status: Ograbies subdentatus Koch, 1954
Original type material citation: «Not available»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Republic of South Africa: Graafwater»
Holotype depositary: TM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-3911, —. Labelled as: [Graafwater, C. P. | 10-XI-1948 | Koch & van Son] [Para | Typus | Ograbies | subdentatus | 1951 C. Koch] [68-3911 | MZB]

Subtribe Platynotina Mulsant & Rey, 1853

Ectateus vinolasi Iwan, 2014
Original status: Ectateus vinolasi Iwan, 2014: 598
Present status: Ectateus vinolasi Iwan, 2014
Original type material citation: «Type. Holotype, male (MZB): "Benito / Congo franç.".»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Equatorial Guinea: Mbini»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 73-2551, ♂. Labelled as: [Benito | Congo Franç.] [Holotype | Ectateus vinolasi | D. Iwan (2014)] [73-2551 | MZB]

Tribe Platyscelidini Lacordaire, 1859

Bioramix (Cardiobioramix) chinensis Kaszab, 1940
Original status: Platynoscelis (Cardiobioramix) chinensis Kaszab, 1940: 197
Present status: Bioramix (Cardiobioramix) chinensis (Kaszab, 1940)
Original type material citation: «Untersuchungsmaterial: 7♂♂, 5♀♀ Exemplare (Mus. Dahlem 3♂♂, 2♀♀; Coll. Schuster 4♂♂, 3♀♀).
Verbreitung: China: Szetschuan, Tatsienlu-Kiulung (E. Reitter).
Typus: Coll. A. Schuster, Wien (♂, ♀).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «China: Sichuan (Tatsientu)»
Holotype depositary: AS
Type material:
Type MZB 78-1832, —. Labelled as: [Nitou Tatsienlu | Szechuan China | Em. Reitter] [Cotypus] [Bioramix | chinensis] [Platysnocelis | chinensis | Kasz. | det. dr. Kaszab] [78-1832 | MZB]
References: Egorov (2004) (Present status).

Bioramix (Cardiochianalus) cordicollis Kaszab, 1940
Original status: Platynoscelis (Cardiochianalus) cordicollis Kaszab, 1940: 202
Present status: Bioramix (Cardiochianalus) cordicollis (Kaszab, 1940)
Original type material citation: «Untersuchungsmaterial: 14♂♂, 7♀♀ Exemplare (Mus. Budapest ♂; Mus. Berlin 5♂♂, 5♀♀; Mus. Dahlem 1♂; Coll. Gebien 2♂♂, 1♀; Coll. Schuster 5♂♂, 1♀).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «India: Bashahr»
Holotype depositary: HNHM
Type material:
Type MZB 78-1834, —. Labelled as: [Bashahr | State Poo.] [Coll. | G. Hauser] [Cotypus | Platysnocelis | cordicollis m. | Kaszab] [78-1834 | MZB]
References: Egorov (2004) (Present status).

Tribe Scaurini Billberg, 1820

Scaurus uncinus ferreri Español, 1943
Original status: Scaurus uncinus ferreri Español, 1943a: 131.
Present status: Scaurus uncinus ferreri Español, 1943 (= Scaurus gigas (Waltl, 1835))
Original type material citation: «Typus, Ifni: Sidi Ifni, 5-XI-41. Paratypus, Ifni: Sidi Ifni (F.B.); Sidi Ifni, 5-XI-41.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Morocco: Sidi Ifni»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 68-0631, ♀. Labelled as: [Sidi Ifni | El Mesti | IFNI-5-XI-41 | Morales L. G.] [Typus] [Scaurus | uncinus | ssp. ferreri nov. |F. Español det. 193] [68-0631 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0632, ♀. Labelled as: [Sidi Ifni | El Mesti | IFNI-5-XI-41 | Morales L. G.] [Paratypus] [68-0632 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0633, ♀. Labelled as: [Sidi Ifni | El Mesti | IFNI-5-XI-41 | Morales L. G.] [Paratypus] [68-0633 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0634, ♂. Labelled as: [IFNI | Sidi-Ifni | III-IV-35 | Ferrer Bravo] [Col. | Español] [Paratypus] [68-0634 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0635, ♂. Labelled as: [IFNI | Sidi-Ifni | III-IV-35 | Ferrer Bravo] [Paratypus] [68-0635 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0636, ♂. Labelled as: [IFNI | Sidi-Ifni | III-IV-35 | Ferrer Bravo] [Paratypus] [68-0636 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-0637, ♂. Labelled as: [IFNI | Sidi-Ifni | III-IV-35 | Ferrer Bravo] [Scaurus | uncinus Ol. | espericus Sol. | Sc. uncinus | ssp. ifnicus | Esp. | F. Español det. 193] [col. | Español] [Paratypus] [68-0637 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 75-1821, ♀. Labelled as: [IFNI | Sidi-Ifni | III-IV-35 | Ferrer Bravo] [Paratypus] [75-1821 | MZB]
References: Iwan and Löbl (2020) (Present status).

Tribe Titaenini Fauvel, 1905

Callismilax bavayi Fauvel, 1905
Original status: Callismilax bavayi Fauvel, 1905: 216
Present status: Callismilax bavayi Fauvel, 1905
Original type material citation: «Ile des Pins; Nouméa (Bv.); Dumbea; Yahoué, 11; Tonghoué, 1 (S.).»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «New Caledonia»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-1799, —. Labelled as: [nouv. | caled.] [Callismilax | Bavayi | Fauv. | Clermont det.] [Extypus] [68-1799 | MZB
Sintype MZB 68-1800, —. Labelled as: [N. Caledonia] [Cotype] [Callismilax | Bavayi Fauv. | Cotype] [68-1800 | MZB]
Sintype MZB 68-1801, —. Labelled as: [N. Caledonia] [Cotype] [68-1801 | MZB]

Tribe Tenebrionini Latreille, 1802

Tenebrio (Afrotenebrio) espanoli Ardoin, 1963
Original status: Tenebrio (Afrotenebrio) españoli Ardoin, 1963a: 71
Present status: Tenebrio (Afrotenebrio) espanoli Ardoin, 1963
Original type material citation: «Holotype: un exemplaire femelle, Mongo, Guinée espagnole, V.1956, Musée de Zoologia de Barcelone.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Equatorial Guinea: Mongo»
Holotype depositary: MCNB
Type material:
Holotype MZB 68-3460, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [Guinea Esp. | Mongó | V-46] [Type] [Tenebrio | sg. Afrotenebrio | españoli n. sp. | P. Ardoin det. 1962] [68-3460 | MZB]

Tenebrio (Tenebrio) codinae Reitter, 1912
Original status: Tenebrio (Tenebrio) codinae Reitter, 1912 (= Tenebrio (Tenebrio) obscurus Fabricius, 1792)
Original type material citation: «Sie sind in Setcasas, im Norden der spanischen Provinz Garona (Ostpyrenäen) aufgefunden worden.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Spain: Girona (Setcases)»
Holotype depositary: —
Type material:
Sintype MZB 68-2068, —. Labelled as: [Setcasas | (Gerona) | 1270 m | 25-VIII-911] [Bille m diese | Art.] [I Sk Lechallen] [Cotypus] [Tenebrio | Codinae m | n. sp.] [68-2068 | MZB]
References: Löbl et al. (2020a) (Present status).

Tribe Ulomini Blanchard, 1845

Eutochia schmidi Kaszab, 1965
Original status: Eutochia schmidi Kaszab, 1965: 122
Present status: Eutochia schmidi Kaszab, 1965
Original type material citation: «5 Exemplare aus Süd-Indien: Hasiharpur, 2043 ft, 25.I.1959, leg. F. Schmid (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀ und Paratypen). Allotype ♀ und 2 Paratypen ♀ befinden sich in der Sammlung des Museums in Barcelona, Holotype ♂ und Paratype ♀ im Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Museum in Budapest.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «India: Punjab (Hasiharpur)»
Holotype depositary: HNHM
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-2408, ♀. Labelled as: [S. India | Hasiharpur | 2045 ft. 15-1-59 | Schmid leg.] [Allotypus 1964 ♀ | Eutochia | schmidi | Kaszab] [68-2408 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2409, ♀. Labelled as: [S. India | Hasiharpur | 15-1-59 Schmid leg.] [Paratypus 1964 | Eutochia | schmidi | Kaszab] [68-2409 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-2410, ♀. Labelled as: [S. India | Hasiharpur | 15-1-59 Schmid leg.] [Paratypus 1964 | Eutochia | schmidi | Kaszab] [68-2410 | MZB]

Uloma obscurina Ardoin, 1962
Original status: Uloma obscurina Ardoin, 1962b: 62
Present status: Uloma obscurina Ardoin, 1962
Original type material citation: «Holotype: ♂, N'Kongsamba, Cameroum, XII-1956, J. Cantaloube. Allotype: ♀, même provenance. L'Holo- et l'allotype déposés au Muéum national.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Cameroon: N'Kongsamba»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-3453, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [AVR. 1957 | N'Kongsamba | Cameroum | J. Cantaloube] [Paratype] [Uloma | obscurina | n. sp. | P. Ardoin Det. 1961] [68-3453 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3454, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [AVR. 1957 | N'Kongsamba | Cameroum | J. Cantaloube] [Paratype] [Uloma | obscurina | n. sp. | P. Ardoin Det. 1961] [68-3454 | MZB]

Uloma simplicollis Ardoin, 1962
Original status: Uloma simplicollis Ardoin, 1962b: 60
Present status: Uloma simplicollis Ardoin, 1962
Original type material citation: «Holotype: ♂, Douala, Bois des Singes, Cameroun, novembre 1958, J. Cantaloube. Allotype: ♀, même provenance. L’holo- et l’allotype déposés au Muséum national.»
Localities of type material in MCNB: «Camderoon: Douala»
Holotype depositary: MNHN
Type material:
Paratype MZB 68-3455, ♂. Labelled as: [♂] [NOV. 58 | Bois des Singles | Douala.Cameroum | J. Cantaloube] [Paratype] [Uloma | simplicollis | n. sp. | P. Ardoin Det. 1961] [68-3455 | MZB]
Paratype MZB 68-3456, ♀. Labelled as: [♀] [NOV. 58 | Bois des Singles | Douala.Cameroum | J. Cantaloube] [Paratype] [Uloma | simplicollis | n. sp. | P. Ardoin Det. 1961] [68-3456 | MZB]


Antoine, M., 1931. Étude des espèces appartenant au genre Litoborus Mulsan et Rey (Col. Tenebrionidae). Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc, 10(1930): 175-209.
– 1932. Notes d'entomologie marocaine. Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc, 12: 173-188.
– 1936. Notes d'entomologie marocaine XXIII. Mission entomologique dans le Grand Atlas (Deuxième itinéraire: le massif du Rhat). Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc, 16: 65-76.
– 1937. Notes d'entomologie marocaine. XXVI. Le genre Sabularius Esc. Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc, 17: 174-181.
– 1942a. Notes d'entomologie marocaine. XXXII [sic].– Les Opatrum du Maroc (Col. Teneb.). Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord, 33: 19-30.
– 1942b. Notes d'ntomologie marocaine. XXXIV. Sur quelques Ténébrionides de la région du plateau des Lacs (Gran-Atlas Central). Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc, 22: 41-47.
– 1942c. Notes d'entomologie marocaines. XXXII. Les Litoborinae du Maroc. Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc, 21(1941): 19-52.
– 1949: Notes d'entomologie marocaine XLIV. Matériaux pour l'étude des Helopinae du Maroc (Col. Tenebrionides). Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc, 25-27(1945–1947): 123-162.
– 1953. Notes d’entomologie marocaine. LVI. – Mélanges coléoptérologiques. Revue Française d’Entomologie 20: 202–223.
– 1956. Notes d'entomologie marocaine lxiii. – Sur la systématique des Litoborini et révision des Melambiina marocains (Col. Ténéb.). Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles et Physiques du Maroc, 36: 341-366.
Apfelbeck, V., 1901. Bericht über eine entomologische Forschungsreise nach der Türkei und Griechenland im Jahre 1900. Wissenschaftliche Mittheilungen aus Bosnien und der Herzegovina (Wien), 8: 447-469.
– 1907: Neu Koleopteren, gesammelt während einer im Jahre 1905 mit Subvention der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien durchgeführten Forschungsreise nach Albanien und Montenegro. (i. Serie). Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematish-Naturwissenschaftiche Klasse, 115 (Abt. i): 1663-1674.
Ardoin, P., 1955. Diagnoses sommaires de Ténébrionides malgaches (Col.). Buletin de la Société Entomologique de France, 60(7-8): 129-144.
– 1957. Quatre nouvelle espèces africaines du genre Derosphaerus Thomson (Col. Tenebrionidae), Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 62: 255-261.
– 1959. Contribution à l'étude des Helopinae de France (Col. Tenebrionidae). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 127(1958): 9-49.
– 1960. Missions de MM. G. Colas et J. Mateu a l'archipel de Madère. Les ténébrionides (Col.). Revue Française d'Entomologie, 27: 103-143.
– 1962a. Nouvelles formes africaines de Coléoptères Ténébrionidés appartenant aux collections de l'IFAN. Bulletin de l'Institut Française d';Afrique Noire. Serie A. Sciences naturelles, 24(2): 354-359.
– 1962b. Ténébrionides africains et malgaches nouveaux et notes synonymiques (Col.). Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 67(3-4): 58-79.
– 1963a, Una nouvelle espèce de Ténébrionide de Guinée espagnole. Miscelánea Zoológica, 1(5): 71-72.
– 1963b. Essai de révision des Amarygmini africains (Quatrième partie). Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, 25(sèr. A, nº 3): 710-1116.
– 1964a. Essai de révision des Amarygmini africains (Septième partie). Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, 26(sèr. A, nº 2): 442-506.
– 1964b. Une sous-espèce nouvelle de Tamatasida tuberculosa Fairm. (Col. Tenebrionidae). Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 69(3-4): 81-86.
– 1965a. Contribution à l'étude des Ténébrionides africains [Col.]. Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 70(3-4): 73-85.
– 1965b. Les espèces africaines du genre Pachypterus H. Lucas [Col.Tenebrionidae]. Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 70(5-6): 124-134.
– 1967. Les Gonocephalum de la mission de l'Omo (Col. Tenebrionidae). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 3(1): 207-214.
– 1969. XXXVII.— Coleoptera Tenebrionidae. In: Connaissance de la Faune entomologique de la Cöte-d'Ivoire (J Decelle, 1961-19654). Deuxième partie. Annales del Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale – Serie In-8º – Siciences Zoologiques, 175: 139-285.
– 1971. Contribution a l'étude des espèces africaines et malgaches du gênera Anemia Laporte (Col. Tenebrionidae). Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N. S.), 7(2): 357-422.
– 1972. La faune terrestre de l'îlle de Sainte–Hélène. Coleoptera Tenebrionidae. Annales du Musée Royal de l'Africa Central. In–8. Zoologie, 192: 188–212.
Baudi di Selve, F., 1875. Catalogo dei tenebrioniti della fauna europea e circummediterranea appartenenti alle collezioni del Museo Civico di Genova. Parte seconda. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, 7: 684-703.
Bouchard, P., Bousquet, Y., Aalbu, L. R., Alonso-Zarazaga, M. A., Merkl, O., Davies, A. E., 2021. Review of genus-group names in the family Tenebrionidae (Insecta, Coleoptera). ZooKeys, 1050: 1-633. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.1050.64217
Bouchard, P., Löbl, I., Merkl, O., 2007. Nomenclatural notes on tenebrionid beetles of the Palaearctic region (Insecta: Coleoptera). Annales Zoologici (Warszawa), 57: 385-394.
Canzoneri, S., 1959. Note sugli Xanthomus Muls. (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). Bollettino della Società Entomologica Italiana, 89: 145-148.
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