Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volumen 18 (1995) Páginas: 89-97

Dos nuevos taxones del género Deutonura (Collembola, Neanuridae) de la sierra de Gredos (Sistema Central)

Luciáñez, M. J., Simón, J. C.




Two new taxa included in the genus Deutonura Cassagnau, 1979 are described: Deutonura arbeai n. sp. and D. urbionensis ssp. gurreae n. ssp. from oak and pine forests in sierra de Gredos (Central Spain). A key of the Iberian peninsula species is given. Deutonura arbeai n. sp. is characterized mainly by the presence of free seta in the dorsal tubercle internal and dorsal externa1 on thorax 11 and 111, which are absent in D. deficiens meridionalis. Deutonura urbionensis ssp. gurreae n. ssp., is different of Deutonura urbionensis ssp. urbionensis Deharveng, 1979 in the absence in the new taxa of the tubercle DE on the head and in the number of seta on lateral tubercle of the V abdominal segment.

Palabras clave

Colémbolos, Neanuridae, Deutonura, Sierra de Gredos


Luciáñez, M. J., Simón, J. C., 1995. Dos nuevos taxones del género Deutonura (Collembola, Neanuridae) de la sierra de Gredos (Sistema Central). Miscel·lània Zoològica, 18: 89-97



