Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volumen 18 (1995) Páginas: 169-196

Perfiles genéticos de poblaciones de gatos domésticos (Felis catus) de la provincia de Girona (Cataluña, NE España) y relaciones genéticas con otras poblaciones europeo-occidentales

Ruiz-García, M., Ruiz, S., Álvarez, D.




Genetic profiles of domestic cat populations (Felis catus) from the province of Girona (Catalonia, NE Spain) and genetic relationships with other Western-European popu1ations
The allele frequencies of nine Mendelian genetic characters have been studied in two feral domestic cat populations in the North of Catalonia (Girona and Roses-L’Estartit). The study of 16 Catalonian and Balearic cat populations showed that these populations are genetically closer
to the Eastern Mediterranean and North-African cat populations (Greece, especially) than to the Western European ones. Nevertheless, the Catalonian cat populations, previously studied, are from Central and Southern Catalonia. We did not know whether Catalonian cat populations
situated more at North of Catalonia and very near to the French frontier show: a “genic pool” of Western European influence, a “genic pool” of Eastern Mediterranean and North-African influence or a hibrid zone between both. A complete multivariate analysis shows that the Nothem Catalonian populations studied have a genic pool very similar to other Catalonian cat populations.

Palabras clave

Genética de poblaciones, Poblaciones de gatos, Análisis multivariantes


Ruiz-García, M., Ruiz, S., Álvarez, D., 1995. Perfiles genéticos de poblaciones de gatos domésticos (Felis catus) de la provincia de Girona (Cataluña, NE España) y relaciones genéticas con otras poblaciones europeo-occidentales. Miscel·lània Zoològica, 18: 169-196



