Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volum 8 (1984) Pàgines: 213-216

Datos diversos sobre la F. Rallidae (Aves, Gruiformes) en el Delta del Llobregat (Barcelona)

Chacón, G.




Contribution to the study of the F. Rallidae (Aves, Gruiformes) in the Delta del Llobregat (Barcelona).
The present study is on the characteristics of the population of the family Rallidae in the Remolar Lake (Llobregat Delta, Barcelona), and also on the vegetation it prefers. Various methods have been used, mainly census and banding with rings. 7 of the 10 Spanish species are found in the Remolar Lake; 4 nesting with certainty and another species probable. The amount of pairs found of each species is: 50 Gallinula chloropus, 15 Fulica atra, 1 Rallus aquaticus, 1 Porzana pusilla and 1? P. parva. The results show a rise in the demogaphy of G. chlorupus and F. atra, and actute fall in P. pusilla, P. parva and Crex crex. R. aquaticus show great variability. The highest concentration of birds is during the migatory periods, when there are more than 1,000 individuals (winter population: 354).


Chacón, G., 1984. Datos diversos sobre la F. Rallidae (Aves, Gruiformes) en el Delta del Llobregat (Barcelona). Miscel·lània Zoològica, 8: 213-216



