Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volum 8 (1984) Pàgines: 133-137
Identificación mediante el aparato genital femenino de las especies del género Dytiscus (Subgen. Macrodytes Thomson) y su distribución en la provincia de León
Regil, J. A., Salgado, J. M.
Identification through the female genitalia of the species of the genus Dytiscus (Subgen. Macrodytes Thomson) and their distribution in León (Spain)
This paper is a report on the Dytiscus L. specimens collected in León along the years 1976-1982. Four species have been coiiected and one more studied from the coiiection of IEE (Instituto Español de Entomología), Madrid. The differences in the female genital apparatus are described and their taxonomical significance is studied. A. Classification Key is included and also some notes on their ecology and distnbution.
Regil, J. A., Salgado, J. M., 1984. Identificación mediante el aparato genital femenino de las especies del género Dytiscus (Subgen. Macrodytes Thomson) y su distribución en la provincia de León. Miscel·lània Zoològica, 8: 133-137-
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