Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volum 9 (1985) Pàgines: 91-107

Claves de identificación de las Babosas (Pulmonados desnudos) de Cataluña

Alonso, M. R., Ibáñez, M., Bech, M.




Identification keys for the Slugs of Catalonia (Spain)
The scarcity of identification keys for the majority of Spanish species, is more marked in certain groups such as the Slugs, due to the variability of their external shape that makes their dissection essential for classification. The 23 species of Slugs cited from Catalonia (Testacellidae, Arionidae, Milacidae, Limacidae and Agriolimacidae) have been studied. Their main synonymies and the authors who have employed them are indicated. Identification keys have been elaborated, and other complementary differential characters are given together with the explanatory iconography of al1 relevant aspects to their identification. A complete study on some of the Slugs of Catalonia is necessary, in order to clarify their geographic distribution and also to confirm the existence of Limax albipes, an alpine species that has only once been recorded in Catalonia (Sallent, Llobregat).

Paraules clau

Slugs, Gastropoda, identification keys, Catalonia, Spain


Alonso, M. R., Ibáñez, M., Bech, M., 1985. Claves de identificación de las Babosas (Pulmonados desnudos) de Cataluña. Miscel·lània Zoològica, 9: 91-107



