Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volum 16 (1992) Pàgines: 223-232

Organización social del ciervo en hábitat mediterráneo

Carranza, J., Valencia, J.




Social organization of red deer in Mediterranean habitat
Group size and composition of red deer (Cervus elaphus) in a Mediterranean area was studied throughout one-year cycle. The already known grouping patterns for this species are also found in this habitat, i.e. both sexes form separate groups -familiar or female vs. male groups- during most of the year, with the exception of the rutting period where mixed groups -mainly harems with surrounding males- are common. Mean group size increases from a minimum value in summer (average 2.70 individuals per group) to a maximum in winter-spring seasons (average 5.25). This trend is found for every kind of groups -i.e. female, all-male and mixed groups. The annual dynamic in group size is different to those reported for northem areas of the species’ distribution, in which summer figures are usually the highest ones. In our study area, mean group size was higher when groups were using open lands, and the use of those habitats was higher during winter-spring than in summer. This is explained by means of the extremely low grass production during the hot and dry Mediterranean summer, which is instead higher during winter and spring seasons.

Paraules clau

Tamaño del grupo, Tipo de grupo, Ciervo, Cervus elaphus, Ecosistemas mediterráneos, Uso de hábitat


Carranza, J., Valencia, J., 1992. Organización social del ciervo en hábitat mediterráneo. Miscel·lània Zoològica, 16: 223-232



