Miscel·lània Zoològica. Volum 20.2 (1997) Pàgines: 71-84

Redescripción de Astacilla axeli Castelló, 1992 (Isopoda, Valvifera, Arcturidae)

Castelló, J.




Redescription of Astacilla axeli Castelló, 1992 (Isopoda, Valvifera, Arcturidae)
In this paper Astacilla axeli Castelló, 1992 is redescribed. The dorsal sculpture of the holotype (9) is formed by one pair of tubercles on the cephalon, one large tubercle on the first pereonite, one very small tubercle on the second pereonite, one small tubercle but bigger than the previous on the third pereonite, and two small tubercles on the fourth pereonite, first prior to half of the segment and the second finally of the same, both guided toward the following pereonite. The uropodal exopodite has two setae. The species is also compared with other species of this genus previously found in the Mediterranean Sea (A. mediterranea Koehler, 191 l), Strait of Gibraltar (A. bonnieri Stephensen, 191 5) and nearby areas of west shores of the lberian peninsula (A. bocagei Nobre, 1903) and Northern Africa (A. monod Tattersall, 1925 and A. gorgonophila Monod, 1925).

Paraules clau

Isopoda, Valvifera, Arcturidae, Astacilla axeli, Redescripción, Mar Mediterráneo


Castelló, J., 1997. Redescripción de Astacilla axeli Castelló, 1992 (Isopoda, Valvifera, Arcturidae). Miscel·lània Zoològica, 20: 71-84



